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Temperature and precipitation trends in Minqin Desert during the period of 1961-2007
ShuJuan ZHU, ZhaoFeng CHANG
1 Gansu Minqin National Field Observation & Research Station on Ecosystem of Desertified Rangeland, Minqin 733300, China; 2 Key Laboratory of Desertification Combating of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 733070, China; 3 Gansu Desert Control Research Institute, Lanzhou 733070, China
Temperature and precipitation trends in Minqin Desert during the period of 1961-2007
ShuJuan ZHU, ZhaoFeng CHANG
1 Gansu Minqin National Field Observation & Research Station on Ecosystem of Desertified Rangeland, Minqin 733300, China; 2 Key Laboratory of Desertification Combating of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 733070, China; 3 Gansu Desert Control Research Institute, Lanzhou 733070, China
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摘要 This paper analyzed the data of temperature and precipitation in Minqin, typical desert area in northwest China, during the period of 1961-2007 by linear regression. The result indicated that the increasing rate of the mean annual temperature in Minqin was higher than that of the average of China; and the temperature in February increased by 3.01oC averagely in the past 47 years. The climate in Minqin displayed an evident warming trend. However, there was no evidently increasing trend of precipitation in the past 47 years, and drought occurred during the whole growing season.
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ShuJuan ZHU
ZhaoFeng CHANG
关键词:  Xinjiang of China  ungulate  species and distribution  status    
Abstract: This paper analyzed the data of temperature and precipitation in Minqin, typical desert area in northwest China, during the period of 1961-2007 by linear regression. The result indicated that the increasing rate of the mean annual temperature in Minqin was higher than that of the average of China; and the temperature in February increased by 3.01oC averagely in the past 47 years. The climate in Minqin displayed an evident warming trend. However, there was no evidently increasing trend of precipitation in the past 47 years, and drought occurred during the whole growing season.
Key words:  Xinjiang of China    ungulate    species and distribution    status
收稿日期:  2011-01-25      修回日期:  2011-03-16           出版日期:  2011-09-07      发布日期:  2011-09-07      期的出版日期:  2011-09-07
基金资助: The 10th Five-year-plan” National Key Initiative Project (2002BA517A-09)
通讯作者:  ZhaoFeng CHANG    E-mail:
ShuJuan ZHU, ZhaoFeng CHANG. Temperature and precipitation trends in Minqin Desert during the period of 1961-2007[J]. 干旱区科学, 10.3724/SP.J.1227.2011.00214.
ShuJuan ZHU, ZhaoFeng CHANG. Temperature and precipitation trends in Minqin Desert during the period of 1961-2007. Journal of Arid Land, 2011, 3(3): 214-219.
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