2018, Vol. 10(4): 588-600    DOI: 10.1007/s40333-018-0093-z
Effects of grazing on net primary productivity, evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in the grasslands of Xinjiang, China
Xiaotao HUANG1,2, Geping LUO1,*(), Feipeng YE3, Qifei HAN4
1State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China
2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3College of Resource and Environment Sciences, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China
4Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China
Received 2017-06-23  Revised 2017-08-25
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