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Journal of Arid Land  2024, Vol. 16 Issue (5): 668-684    DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0075-2
Research article     
Utilizing sediment grain size characteristics to assess the effectiveness of clay-sand barriers in reducing aeolian erosion in Minqin desert area, China
SONG Dacheng1,2, ZHAO Wenzhi1,3,*(), LI Guangyu2, WEI Lemin3, WANG Lide1,2, YANG Jingyi1, WU Hao2, MA Quanlin1
1College of Forestry, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China
2Gansu Hexi Corridor Forest Ecosystem National Research Station, Gansu Desert Control Research Institute, Lanzhou 730070, China
3Linze Inland River Basin Research Station, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
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The clay-sand barriers in Minqin desert area, China, represent a pioneering windbreak and sand fixation project with a venerable history of 60 a. However, studies on evaluating the long-term effectiveness of clay-sand barriers against aeolian erosion, particularly from the perspective of surface sediment grain size, are limited and thus insufficient to ascertain the protective impact of these barriers on regional aeolian activities. This study focused on the surface sediments (topsoil of 0-3 cm depth) of clay-sand barriers in Minqin desert area to explain their erosion resistance from the perspective of surface sediment grain size. In March 2023, six clay-sand barrier sampling plots with clay-sand barriers of different deployment durations (1, 5, 10, 20, 40, and 60 a) were selected as experimental plots, and one control sampling plot was set in an adjacent mobile sandy area without sand barriers. Surface sediment samples were collected from the topsoil of each sampling plot in the study area in April 2023 and sediment grain size characteristics were analyzed. Results indicated a predominance of fine and medium sands in the surface sediments of the study area. The deployment of clay-sand barriers cultivated a fine quality in grain size composition of the regional surface sediments, increasing the average contents of very fine sand, silt, and clay by 30.82%, 417.38%, and 381.52%, respectively. This trend became markedly pronounced a decade after the deployment of clay-sand barriers. The effectiveness of clay-sand barriers in erosion resistance was manifested through reduced wind velocity, the interception of sand flow, and the promotion of fine surface sediment particles. Coarser particles such as medium, coarse, and very coarse sands predominantly accumulated on the external side of the barriers, while finer particles such as fine and very fine sands concentrated in the upwind (northwest) region of the barriers. By contrast, the contents of finest particles such as silt and clay were higher in the downwind (southeast) region of the sampling plots. For the study area, the deployment of clay-sand barriers remains one of the most cost-effective engineering solutions for aeolian erosion control, with sediment grain size parameters serving as quantitative indicators for the assessment of these barriers in combating desertification. The results of this study provide a theoretical foundation for the construction of windbreak and sand fixation systems and the optimization of artificial sand control projects in arid desert areas.

Key wordsclay-sand barriers      sediment grain size      grain size distribution      aeolian erosion      windbreak and sand fixation      Minqin desert area     
Received: 15 January 2024      Published: 31 May 2024
Corresponding Authors: *ZHAO Wenzhi (E-mail:
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SONG Dacheng, ZHAO Wenzhi, LI Guangyu, WEI Lemin, WANG Lide, YANG Jingyi, WU Hao, MA Quanlin. Utilizing sediment grain size characteristics to assess the effectiveness of clay-sand barriers in reducing aeolian erosion in Minqin desert area, China. Journal of Arid Land, 2024, 16(5): 668-684.

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Fig. 1 Wind direction rose of the study area from 2018 to 2022. N, north; NE, northeast; E, east; SE, southeast; S, south; SW, southwest; W, west; NW, northwest. Data were from the Gansu Minqin National Studies Station for Desert Steppe Ecosystem, and all data were monitored at wind speeds greater than 0.5 m/s.
Deployment duration (a) Latitude (N) Longitude (E) Altitude (m) Sand barrier specification
0 38°36′39″ 102°57′24″ 1324 Mobile sand without sand barrier
1 38°35′59″ 102°57′28″ 1321 Belt clay-sand barrier
5 38°37′34″ 102°55′40″ 1318 Belt clay-sand barrier
10 38°36′35″ 102°57′22″ 1320 Belt clay-sand barrier
20 38°36′10″ 102°57′45″ 1322 Belt clay-sand barrier
40 38°36′01″ 102°57′53″ 1317 Belt clay-sand barrier
60 38°34′49″ 102°58′30″ 1330 Belt clay-sand barrier
Table 1 Detailed information of the sampling plots
Fig. 2 Photographs showing the control sampling plot (a), clay-sand barrier sampling plots (b and c), and three sampling points within an clay-sand barrier sampling plot (d)
Mz (Φ) σ SK KG
Range Definition Range Definition Range Definition Range Definition
>8 Clay <0.35 Extremely good -1.00- -0.30 Very negative skewed <0.67 Very platykurtic
4-8 Silt 0.35-0.50 Good -0.30- -0.10 Negative skewed 0.67-0.90 Platykurtic
3-4 Very fine sand 0.50-0.71 Better -0.10-0.10 Near symmetrical 0.90-1.11 Mesokurtic
2-3 Fine sand 0.71-1.00 Medium 0.10-0.30 Positive skewed 1.11-1.56 Leptokurtic
1-2 Medium sand 1.00-2.00 Worse 0.30-1.00 Very positive skewed 1.56-3.00 Very leptokurtic
0-1 Coarse sand 2.00-4.00 Bad >3.00 Extremely leptokurtic
<0 Very coarse sand >4.00 Worst
Table 2 Grading standards of selected grain size parameters
Sampling plot Sediment grain size distribution (%)
Deployment duration (a) Position Clay
(<0.002 mm)
0.050 mm)
Very fine sand
0.100 mm)
Fine sand
0.250 mm)
Medium sand
0.500 mm)
Coarse sand
1.000 mm)
Very coarse sand
(>1.000 mm)
0 / 0.51±0.05 2.44±0.07 10.17±0.21 50.28±0.07 29.33±0.22 7.28±0.10 0.00±0.00
1 Upwind 0.18±0.00Eb 2.51±0.02Ec 7.57±0.10Eb 53.78±0.51Aa 31.27±0.44ABa 4.69±0.22Da 0.00±0.00Aa
Middle 4.29±0.02Ba 19.92±0.54Bb 8.77±0.54Da 44.10±1.55Ab 21.05±0.66Ec 1.81±1.87Da 0.06±0.11Ba
Downwind 4.35±0.41Ba 21.66±1.07Ca 6.91±0.35Db 38.36±2.48Ac 24.74±0.55Cb 3.91±1.79CDa 0.07±0.12Ba
5 Upwind 1.28±0.04Ca 4.57±0.13Da 20.23±0.49Ba 45.77±0.97Ba 18.61±0.69Dc 9.00±0.79Cc 0.54±0.18Ab
Middle 1.04±0.02Cb 4.36±0.06Ea 14.01±0.32Bb 35.72±0.76Cb 24.05±0.12Db 17.87±0.60Bb 2.95±0.65Aa
Downwind 0.89±0.11Dc 3.55±0.26Eb 10.25±0.66Cc 26.31±1.54Ec 27.94±0.24Ba 27.54±1.66Aa 3.52±0.68Aa
10 Upwind 2.03±0.05Bb 8.84±0.04Bb 17.93±0.26Ca 45.36±0.38Ba 22.68±0.32Cb 3.16±0.47Db 0.00±0.00Aa
Middle 0.98±0.03CDc 6.11±0.11Cc 10.63±0.32Cb 39.63±0.67Bb 35.72±0.56Ca 6.92±0.57Ca 0.00±0.00Ba
Downwind 3.33±0.02Ca 15.16±0.34Da 18.62±0.89Ba 35.43±1.84Bc 20.83±0.40Dc 6.35±2.19Ca 0.28±0.49Ba
20 Upwind 0.96±0.06Da 5.89±0.32Ca 10.35±0.67Da 34.91±1.84Dc 31.61±0.34Ac 15.87±2.29Aa 0.40±0.44Aa
Middle 0.97±0.03CDa 5.00±0.16DEb 7.05±0.27Eb 42.76±0.38Aa 37.37±0.54Bb 6.85±0.30Cc 0.00±0.00Ba
Downwind 0.70±0.02DEb 3.53±0.08Ec 6.72±0.12Db 38.56±0.79Ab 39.10±0.40Aa 11.39±0.65Bb 0.00±0.00Ba
40 Upwind 0.17±0.01Ec 3.68±0.11Dc 10.35±0.26Da 43.29±0.88Ca 30.39±0.05Bb 11.97±1.05Bb 0.16±0.17Aa
Middle 0.88±0.08Db 5.48±0.25CDb 4.82±0.11Fc 27.14±0.65Dc 39.88±0.36Aa 21.58±1.02Aa 0.22±0.13Ba
Downwind 7.03±0.19Aa 25.45±0.68Ba 9.67±0.17Cb 31.78±0.25Cb 21.09±0.88Dc 4.97±0.48CDc 0.00±0.00Ba
60 Upwind 4.45±0.26Ab 27.56±1.52Ab 24.14±1.33Ab 27.22±0.67Eb 11.52±0.89Ea 4.28±1.93Da 0.82±1.43Aa
Middle 5.81±0.18Aa 36.63±1.08Aa 28.29±1.02Aa 21.09±0.72Ec 4.73±0.62Fc 2.68±1.69Da 0.77±1.33Ba
Downwind 4.54±0.13Bb 27.33±0.95Ab 23.07±0.78Ab 33.86±0.95BCa 8.01±0.50Eb 2.35±1.30Da 0.85±1.48Ba
Table 3 Surface sediment grain size distribution at different positions of each clay-sand barrier sampling plot
Fig. 3 Variations in mean grain size (a-c), sorting (d-f), skewness (g-i), and kurtosis (j-l) of surface sediments in the upwind (northwest), middle, and downwind (southeast) regions of different clay-sand barrier sampling plots. Note that the values for the control sampling plot in the mobile sandy area without clay-sand barrier (deployment duration of 0 a) have no differences in positions.
Fig. 4 Relationship between the sorting and mean grain size (a), the skewness and mean grain size (b), and the kurtosis and mean grain size (c) of surface sediments in different sampling plots. The dashed lines in the diagram represents the category lines for each grain size parameter.
Fig. 5 Grain size frequency distribution curves (a, c, e, and g) and cumulative grain size frequency distribution curves (b, d, f, and h) of surface sediments at all positions and in the upwind (northwest), middle, and downwind (southeast) regions of different sampling plots. D-value means the difference between values in each clay-sand barrier sampling plot and mobile sand area.
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