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Journal of Arid Land
Research Articles     
Effect of crude oil pollution on organic carbon and humus content in grey-brown soils in Mangyshlak, Pre-Caspian Sea Region
Saimbulek Dosbergenov
U.U. Uspanov’s Kazakh Scientific-Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Almaty 050060, Kazakhstan
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Abstract  The organic carbon and humus content in oil polluted brown and grey-brown soils in Mangyshlak, Pre-Caspian Sea Region, was analyzed from 2000 to 2008. The results indicated that bitumen substances from crude oil pollution deteriorated the soil property, however, the organic carbon content increased significantly. The products of oil pollution changed the composition of carbonaceous substances which formed soil humus, and changed the ratios of the humus components. Residual insoluble carbon increased with the rise of oil organic carbon. The mobility of humus components was significantly increased because of the high oxidation-reduction process in the topsoil, and the humus content and microorganism activity increased. The organic carbon content increased significantly, while it decreased with the distance away from the oil well. The rearrangement of physical, physical-chemical and chemical properties of the polluted soils was significant.

Key wordsoasis stability      regional scale      geographical location      “cold-island effect”      the northern slope areas of the Tianshan Mountains     
Received: 06 November 2009      Published: 07 June 2010
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Saimbulek Dosbergenov. Effect of crude oil pollution on organic carbon and humus content in grey-brown soils in Mangyshlak, Pre-Caspian Sea Region. Journal of Arid Land, 2010, 2(2): 133-136.

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