LI, Yonghong-Simplified CV

LI, Frank Yonghong

Current Affiliation: School of Ecology and Environment, Inner Mongolia University, China



Professor of Ecology & Director of Grassland Ecology Laboratory, Inner Mongolia University, China

Senior Scientist, Land & Environment Group, Institute for Pastoral Agriculture, New Zealand

Scientist, Sustainable Productive Environment Group, Institute for Plant & Food Research, New Zealand

Research Professor, Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Botany, CAS, China


Ph.D., Ecology, University of Montpellier, France (1992)

MSc.,  Botany/Ecology, Institute of Botany, CAS, China (1986)

BSc., Plant Ecology, Inner Mongolia University, China (1983)

Five Key Research Projects

PI: Development and demonstration of  the techniques for sequestering carbon and reducing GHG emissions in steppe ecosystems (RMB 3,700,000; Funded by Ministry of Sciences and Technology of China)

PI: Carbon sequestration potential of and land use impacts on phytolith-occluded carbon production in Inner Mongolia steppes (RMB 620,000, Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China)

PI: Spatio-temporal patterns and processes of the ecosystems on the Mongolian Plateau (RMB 2,000,000; Funded by Department of Science and Technology of Inner Mongolia, China)

PI: Restoration of degraded rangelands and development of sustainable rangeland  management systems in Inner Mongolia  (RMB 1,000,000; Funded by Department of Science and Technology of Inner Mongolia, China)

PI: A range of projects on climate change impacts on pasture and pastoral farm ecosystems and mitigation and adaptation strategies and practices (before 2014; Funded by Ministry of Innovation and Ministry of Primary Industry of New Zealand) 

Five Key Publications

Li, F.Y., Newton, P.C.D., Lieffering, M. (2014) Testing simulations of intra- and inter-annual variation of the plant production response to elevated CO2 from a 11-year FACE experiment on grazed pasture. Global Change Biology 20: 228-239

Li, F.Y., Betteridge, K., Cichota, R., Hoogendoorn, C.J., Jolly, B.H. (2012) Effects of nitrogen load variation in animal urination events on nitrogen leaching from grazed pasture. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 159: 81-89

Li, F.Y., Snow, V.O., Holzworth, D.R. (2011) Modelling the seasonal and geographical pattern of pasture production in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 54: 331-352

Li, Y., Wang, W., Liu, Z., Jiang, S. (2008) Grazing gradient versus restoration succession of Leymus chinensis grassland in Inner Mongolia. Restoration Ecology 16: 572-583

Baoyin, T., Li, F.Y., Minggagud, H., Bao, Q., Zhong, Y. (2015) Mowing succession of species composition is determined by plant growth forms, not photosynthetic pathways in Leymus chinensis grassland of Inner Mongolia. Landscape Ecology 30: 1795-1803

Updated on September 15, 2016