Curriculum vitae

COHEN, Yehezkel-Simplified CV

COHEN, Yehezkel

Present Affiliation: Professor Emeritus, Agriculture Research Organization, the Volcani Center, Israel



Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, the Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel

Associate Professor, ARO and the Hebrew University, Israel

Research Fellow, Department of Field crops, the Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel


Ph.D. , Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University, Isreal

Fived Key Research Projects

PI: Crop water requirement Using direct measurements combined with climatic models

PI: Using the new Sap flow method for Irrigation scheduling of cultivated crops

PI: Deficit irrigation and crop production in trees

PI: Climate modification in greenhouse and screen-house (amount? Funding agency?)

PI: Sustainability of forests in semiarid regions

Five Key Publications

Cohen, y., Fuchs, M. and Green, G.C (1981). Improvement of the heat pulse method for determination of sap flow in trees. Plant Cell Environment 4: 391-397

Cohen, Y., Stanhill, G and Fuchs, M.F. (1983). An experimental comparison of evaporative cooling in naturally ventilated glasshouse due to wetting the outer roof and inner crop soil surfaces. Agricultual Meteorology 28: 239-251

Cohen, Y. Fuchs, M. and Cohen, S. (1983). Resistance to water uptake in mature citrus tree. Journal of Experimental Botany 34: 451-460

Cohen, Y. Huck, M.G. Hesketh, J.D. Frederick, R. (1990). Sap flow in the stem water stressed soybean and maize. Irrigation Sciences 11: 45-50

Cohen Y. (1991). Determination of orchard water requirement by a combined trunk sap flow and meteorological approach. Irrigation Sciences 12: 93-98

Updated on September 15, 2016