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Journal of Arid Land  2017, Vol. 9 Issue (2): 244-255    DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0002-x
Research Article     
A method to estimate aquifer artificial recharge from a hill dam in Tunisia
IBN ALI Zouheira1,*(), TRIKI Ibtissem1, LAJILI-GHEZAL Lamia2, ZAIRI Moncef1
1Water, Energy and Environment Laboratory (LR3E), National School of Engineering of Sfax (ENIS), University of Sfax, Sfax3038, Tunisia
2Higher School of Agriculture,Mograne, Mograne1121, Tunisia
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In arid and semi-arid areas, artificial recharge is a key technology in groundwater resources management, and a reliable estimate of artificial recharge is necessaryto its sustainable development. Several methods are available to estimate the artificial recharge; however, most of them require field data or model parameters, thus limitingtheir applications. To overcome this limitation, we presented an analytical method to estimate the artificial recharge through monitoring the water release by piezometer and analysing the controlling factors of the artificial recharge from a hill dam in Tunisia. A total of 97 measurements of water flow in the streambed recorded from4 gauging stations were analysed. Results indicated that the average infiltration velocity ranged from 0.043 to 0.127m/d and the infiltration index varied from 7.6 to 11.8 L/(s?km). Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis shows that the infiltration index, the stream gradient, the thickness of unsaturated zone, the number of infiltration pond, the stream geometry, and the water flow rate were found to be the main factors in determining the infiltration. The high correlation coefficients (0.908for the number of infiltration pondand 0.999 for the stream geometry) mean that the number of infiltration pondand the stream geometry are the most influential factors. Time variations of groundwater level were used to analyze the recharge effects on the piezometry of aquifer. The analysis showed that during the artificial recharge, the water table increased at a rate of5 mm/d and that the increase was limited to the area surrounding the recharge site. Based on the results of the study, building infiltration ponds along streambed and improving the potential of rainwater harvesting over the study area are recommended.

Key wordsarid zone      water shortage      dam water release      infiltration index      piezometry     
Received: 18 February 2016      Published: 20 April 2017
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IBN ALI Zouheira, TRIKI Ibtissem, LAJILI-GHEZAL Lamia, ZAIRI Moncef. A method to estimate aquifer artificial recharge from a hill dam in Tunisia. Journal of Arid Land, 2017, 9(2): 244-255.

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