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17 February 2017, Volume 9 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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Research Article
Vegetation composition differentiation and species-environment relationships in the northern part of Isfahan Province, Iran
KARGAR-CHIGANI Hadi, Akbar JAVADI Seyed, ZAHEDI-AMIRI Ghavamodin, Jamaleddin KHAJEDDIN Seyed, JAFARI Mohamad
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 161-175.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0050-2
Abstract ( 823 )   HTML ( 114 )     PDF (433KB) ( 1493 )  

A considerable proportion of Iran’s territory is covered with arid and semi-arid rangelands and mismanagement and overexploitation of those rangelands have resulted in serious ecological degradation. Thus, the need is pressing to examine the present species composition and the relationships with environmental factors for providing the needed scientific references to species conservation and ecological rehabilitation efforts. The aims of this study were to examine the species composition and to delineate the most important factors influencing the distributions of plant species and groups in the northern rangelands of Isfahan Province (Iran) using two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), principal component analysis (PCA), and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Field investigations were conducted in the growing season of 2014 using stratified random method in 22 homogeneous sampling units. In total, 75 plant species belonging to 52 genera and 19 families were identified. The most important families were Asteraceae and Papilionaceae, the most important genera were Astragalus, Cousinia, and Acanthophyllum, and the most important species were Artemisia aucheri and Artemisia sieberi. Plant species were classified into 10 groups using TWINSPAN. DCA was used to estimate the magnitude of changes in species composition along the first two ordination axes to provide gradient length estimations for PCA and CCA ordinations. The first three PCA axes and the first three CCA axes demonstrated similar cumulative percentage of variance, indicating that the environmental factors (selected by PCA) used in CCA ordination were acceptable for explaining the species composition and the distributions. CCA ordination showed that the first axis was closely related to elevation, slope, surface bare soil cover, surface litter cover, gravel proportion, organic matter, total nitrogen, CaCO3 content, and grazing intensity and that the second axis was closely related to sand proportion, silt proportion, clay proportion, and saturation percentage. Among these factors, elevation was the most effective factor to separate the plant groups and grazing was the major cause of rangeland degradation.

Spatial distribution of AgriophyllumsquarrosumMoq.(Chenopodiaceae) in the straw checkerboards at a revegetated land of the Tengger Desert, northern China
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 176-187.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0010-x
Abstract ( 787 )   HTML ( 142 )     PDF (654KB) ( 1521 )  

The present study focuses on straw checkerboards established in the Shapotou Desert Research and Experimental Station at the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert and their effects on the species richness and the abundance of AgriophyllumsquarrosuMoq. Specifically, detailed analyses on the spatial distribution of A. squarrosum and the related soil properties were carried out at a small scale in the straw checkerboards. A. squarrosumis an excellent pioneer plant for revegetation in desert areas. However, the distribution pattern of A. squarrosum and the influencing factors have not been sufficiently delineated. The results showed that the species richness and the abundance of A. squarrosum were decreased exponentially from the border to the center of the straw checkerboards. At the micro-geomorphological scale, the soil texture, soil organic matter (SOM), soil nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), and soil infiltration rate in the topsoil tended to increase from the center to the border within a straw checkerboard, while soil moisture presented an opposite tendency. The soil seed bank of A. squarrosum, soil bulk density, electrical conductivity, sand content, CaCO3 accumulation, and pH showed no significant difference (P>0.05) between the border and the center of the straw checkerboards. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that theabundance of A. squarrosum was mainly determined by the concentrations of SOM, nitrogen, and the infiltration rate,implying that nutrient acclimation was the optimal competitive strategy of A. squarrosum for surviving in a barren natural environment of an arid desert region.

Effects of vegetation types on soil water dynamics during vegetation restoration in the Mu Us Sandy Land, northwestern China
Xiaona Yu, Yongmei Huang, Engui Li, Xiaoyan Li, Weihua Guo
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 188-199.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0054-y
Abstract ( 933 )   HTML ( 3 )     PDF (458KB) ( 1608 )  

The arid and semi-arid northwestern China has been undergoing ecological degradation and the efforts to reverse the ecological degradation have been undertaken for many years. Some shifting dunes have been fixed and the vegetation has been partially recovered in certain areas and the Mu Us Sandy Land in the Ordos Plateau is an example of the success. The present study attempts to reveal the relationships between the vegetation restoration and ecohydrology in the Mu Us Sandy Land. We continuously measured soil water content at 10-min intervals under three vegetation types (i.e., shifting dune, shrub-dominated community, and herb-dominated community) in the Mu Us Sandy Land from April 2012 to October 2013. The results show the infiltration coefficient increased with increased rainfall amount and eventually reached a stable value. Infiltration coefficients were 0.91, 0.64, and 0.74 in the shifting dune, in the shrub-dominated community, and in the herb-dominated community, respectively. Cumulative infiltration and soil texture are two vital factors affecting the depths of rainfall penetration. Only rainfall events larger than 35.0 mm could recharge soil water at the 60-80 cm layer in the herb-dominated community. Our results imply that the expected forward succession of restored vegetation may be destined to deterioration after reaching the climax simply because of following two facts: (1) soil water is mainly retained at shallower layer and (2) plant fine roots mainly distribute in deeper layer in the herb-dominated community.

Effects of different plantation types on soil properties after vegetation restoration in an alpine sandy land on the Tibetan Plateau, China
Qingxue LI, Zhiqing JIA, Tao LIU, Lili FENG, Lingxianzi HE
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 200-209.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0006-6
Abstract ( 755 )   HTML ( 3 )     PDF (257KB) ( 1808 )  

Large areas of Artemisia ordosicaKrasch., Caragana korshinskiiKom.,and Caragana intermediaKuang and H.C. Fu plantations were established on moving sand dunes in the Gonghe Basin(northeastern Tibetan Plateau) for vegetation restoration. Elevating our understanding of the changes in soil characteristics after the establishment of different plantation types can be useful in the context of combating desertification. To assess the effects of these plantation types on the restoration of sandy land, we measured soil physical-chemical properties at four depths (0-5, 5-10, 10-20, and 20-50 cm) in each of the three plantation types and also in non-vegetated moving sand dunes (as control sites). Generally, the establishment of A. ordosica, C. korshinskii and C. intermedia plantations on sand dunes has greatly ameliorated soil quality in the Gonghe Basin. Specifically, relative to the moving sand dunes, shrub plantation has increased the silt and clay contents, total porosity and water holding capacity, soil organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium contents. The calculated soil quality index suggested that in the Gonghe Basin, C. intermedia is the best choice for soil amelioration. In all the three plantation types, soil amelioration mainly occurred in the shallow depths.

Livestock induces strong spatial heterogeneity of soil CO2, N2O and CH4 emissions within a semi-arid sylvo-pastoral landscape in West Africa
HASSOUMA Mohamed, SER?A Dominique, GUéRIN Frédéric, BLANFORT Vincent, LECOMTE Philippe, TOURé Ibra, ICKOWICZ Alexandre, J MANLAY Rapha?l, BERNOUX Martial, VAYSSIèRES Jonathan
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 210-221.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0001-y
Abstract ( 949 )   HTML ( 4 )     PDF (305KB) ( 1825 )  

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the surface soils and surface water receiving animal excreta may be important components of the GHG balance of terrestrial ecosystems, but the associated processes are poorly documented in tropical environments, especially in tropical arid and semi-arid areas. A typical sylvo-pastoral landscape in the semi-arid zone of Senegal, West Africa, was investigated in this study. The study area (706 km2 of managed pastoral land) was a circular zone with a radius of 15 km centered on a borehole used to water livestock. The landscape supports a stocking rate ranging from 0.11 to 0.39 tropical livestock units per hectare depending on the seasonal movements of the livestock. Six landscape units were investigated (land in the vicinity of the borehole, natural ponds, natural rangelands, forest plantations, settlements, and enclosed plots). Carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) fluxes were measured with static chambers set up at 13 sites covering the six landscape units, and the 13 sites are assumed to be representative of the spatial heterogeneity of the emissions. A total of 216 fluxes were measured during the one-year study period (May 2014 to April 2015). At the landscape level, soils and surface water emitted an average 19.8 t C-CO2eq/(hm2?a) (CO2: 82%, N2O: 15%, and CH4: 3%), but detailed results revealed notable spatial heterogeneity of GHG emissions. CO2 fluxes ranged from 1148.2 (±91.6) mg/(m2?d) in rangelands to 97,980.2 (±14,861.7) mg/(m2?d) in surface water in the vicinity of the borehole. N2O fluxes ranged from 0.6 (±0.1) mg/(m2?d) in forest plantations to 22.6 (±10.8) mg/(m2?d) in the vicinity of the borehole. CH4 fluxes ranged from -3.2 (±0.3) mg/(m2?d) in forest plantations to 8788.5 (±2295.9) mg/(m2?d) from surface water in the vicinity of the borehole. This study identified GHG emission “hot spots” in the landscape. Emissions from the surface soils were significantly higher in the landscape units most frequently used by the animals, i.e., in the vicinity of the borehole and settlements; and emissions measured from surface water in the vicinity of the borehole and from natural ponds were on average about 10 times higher than soil emissions.

Influences of drip and flood irrigation on soil carbon dioxide emission and soil carbon sequestration of maize cropland in the North China Plain
Shufang GUO, Yuchun QI, Qin PENG, Yunshe DONG, Yunlong HE, Zhongqing YAN, Liqin WANG
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 222-233.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0011-9
Abstract ( 787 )   HTML ( 3 )     PDF (289KB) ( 1843 )  

The need is pressing to investigate soil CO2(carbon dioxide)emissions and soil organic carbon dynamics under water-saving irrigation practices in agricultural systems for exploring the potentials of soil carbon sequestration. A field experiment was conducted to compare the influences of drip irrigation (DI) and flood irrigation (FI) on soil organic carbon dynamics and the spatial and temporal variations in CO2 emissions during the summer maize growing season in the North China Plain using the static closed chamber method. The mean CO2 efflux over the growing season was larger under DIthan that under FI. The cumulative CO2 emissions at the field scalewere 1959.10 and 1759.12 g/m2 under DI and FI, respectively. The cumulative CO2 emission onplant rows (OR) was larger than that between plant rows (BR) under FI, and the cumulative CO2 emission on the irrigationpipes (OP) was larger than that between irrigationpipes (BP) under DI. The cumulative CO2 emissions of OP, BP and bare area (BA) under DI were larger than those of OR, BR and BA under FI, respectively. Additionally, DI promoted root respiration more effectively than FI did. The average proportion of root respiration contributing to the soil CO2 emissions of OP under DI was larger than that of OR under FI. A general conclusion drawn from this study is that soil CO2 emission was significantly influenced by the soil water content, soil temperature and air temperature under both DI and FI. Larger concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and total organic carbon (TOC) were observed under FI than those under DI. The observed high concentrations (DOC, MBC, and TOC) under FI might be resulted from the irrigation-associated soil saturation that in turn inhibited microbial activity and lowered decomposition rate of soil organic matter. However, DI increased the soil organic matter quality (the ratio of MBC to TOC) at the depth of 10-20 cm compared with FI. Our results suggest that the transformation from conventional FI to integrated DI can increase the CO2 emissions and DI needs to be combined with other management practices to reduce the CO2 emissions from summer maize fields in the North China Plain.

Effects of freeze-thaw on soil erosion processes and sediment selectivity under simulated rainfall
Tian WANG, Peng LI, Zongping REN, Guoce XU, Zhanbin LI, Yuanyuan YANG, Shanshan TANG, Jingwei YAO
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 234-243.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0009-3
Abstract ( 1046 )   HTML ( 1 )     PDF (363KB) ( 2024 )  

The freeze-thaw (FT) processes affect an area of 46.3% in China. It is essential for soil and water conservation and ecological construction to elucidate the mechanisms of the FT processes and its associated soil erosion processes.In this research, we designed the control simulation experiments to promote the understanding of FT-water combined erosion processes. The results showed that the runoff of freeze-thaw slope (FTS) decreased by 8% compared to the control slope (CS), and the total sediment yield of the FTS was 1.10 times that of the CS. The sediment yield rate from the FTS was significantly greater than that from the CS after 9 min of runoff (P<0.01). Both in FTS and CS treatments, the relationships between cumulative runoff and sediment yield can be fitted well with power functions(R2>0.98, P<0.01). Significant differences in the mean weight diameter (MWD) values of particles wereobserved for washed particles and splashed particles between the CS and the FTStreatmentsin the erosion process (P<0.05). The mean MWD values under CS were smaller than those under FTS for both washed and splashed particles. The ratio of the absolute value of a regression coefficient between the CS and the FTS was 1.15, being roughly correspondent with the ratio of Kbetween the two treatments. Therefore, the parameter a of the power function between cumulative runoff and sediment yield could be an acceptable indicator for expressing the soil erodibility. In conclusion, the FTS exhibited an increase in soil erosion compared to the CS.

A method to estimate aquifer artificial recharge from a hill dam in Tunisia
IBN ALI Zouheira, TRIKI Ibtissem, LAJILI-GHEZAL Lamia, ZAIRI Moncef
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 244-255.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0002-x
Abstract ( 778 )   HTML ( 1 )     PDF (527KB) ( 1343 )  

In arid and semi-arid areas, artificial recharge is a key technology in groundwater resources management, and a reliable estimate of artificial recharge is necessaryto its sustainable development. Several methods are available to estimate the artificial recharge; however, most of them require field data or model parameters, thus limitingtheir applications. To overcome this limitation, we presented an analytical method to estimate the artificial recharge through monitoring the water release by piezometer and analysing the controlling factors of the artificial recharge from a hill dam in Tunisia. A total of 97 measurements of water flow in the streambed recorded from4 gauging stations were analysed. Results indicated that the average infiltration velocity ranged from 0.043 to 0.127m/d and the infiltration index varied from 7.6 to 11.8 L/(s?km). Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis shows that the infiltration index, the stream gradient, the thickness of unsaturated zone, the number of infiltration pond, the stream geometry, and the water flow rate were found to be the main factors in determining the infiltration. The high correlation coefficients (0.908for the number of infiltration pondand 0.999 for the stream geometry) mean that the number of infiltration pondand the stream geometry are the most influential factors. Time variations of groundwater level were used to analyze the recharge effects on the piezometry of aquifer. The analysis showed that during the artificial recharge, the water table increased at a rate of5 mm/d and that the increase was limited to the area surrounding the recharge site. Based on the results of the study, building infiltration ponds along streambed and improving the potential of rainwater harvesting over the study area are recommended.

Drought monitoring and reliability evaluation of the latest TMPA precipitation data in the Weihe River Basin, Northwest China
Shanhu JIANG, Liliang REN, Meng ZHOU, Bin YONG, Yu ZHANG, Mingwei MA
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 256-269.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0007-5
Abstract ( 722 )   HTML ( 2 )     PDF (570KB) ( 1447 )  

Thehigh resolution satellite precipitation productsbear great potential for large-scale drought monitoring, especially for those regions with sparsely or even without gauge coverage. This study focuses on utilizing the latest Version-7 TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA 3B42V7) data for drought condition monitoring in the Weihe River Basin (0.135×106 km2). The accuracy of the monthly TMPA 3B42V7 satellite precipitation data was firstly evaluated against the ground rain gauge observations. The statistical characteristics between a short period data series (1998-2013) and a long period data series (1961-2013) werethencompared. The TMPA 3B42V7-based SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index) sequences were finally validated and analyzed at various temporal scales for assessing the drought conditions. The results indicate that the monthly TMPA 3B42V7 precipitation is in a high agreement with the rain gauge observations and can accurately capture the temporal and spatial characteristics of rainfall within the Weihe River Basin. The short period data can present the characteristics of long period record, and it is thus acceptable to use the short period data series to estimate the cumulative probability function in the SPI calculation. The TMPA 3B42V7-based SPI matches well with that based on the rain gauge observations at multiple time scales (i.e., 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-month) and can give anacceptable temporal distribution of drought conditions. It suggests that the TMPA 3B42V7 precipitation data can be used for monitoring the occurrence of drought in the Weihe River Basin.

Evolution of crescent-shaped sand dune under the influence of injected sand flux: scaling law and wind tunnel experiment
Yang ZHANG, Yuan WANG, Xiaosi ZHOU, Bin YANG
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 270-277.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0005-7
Abstract ( 801 )   HTML ( 1 )     PDF (365KB) ( 1271 )  

This paper studies the evolution of crescent-shaped dune under the influence of injected flux. A scaling law and a wind tunnel experiment are carried out for comparison. The experiment incorporates a novel image processing algorithm to recover the evolutionary process. The theoretical and experimental results agree well in the middle stage of dune evolution, but deviate from each other in the initial and final stages, suggesting that the crescent-shaped dune evolution is intrinsically scale-variant and that the crescent shape breaks down under unsaturated condition.

Bacterial diversity in the sediment of Crescent Moon Spring, Kumtag Desert, Northwest China
Wei ZHANG, Gaosen ZHANG, Xiukun WU, Guangxiu LIU, Zhibao DONG, Jianjun QU, Yun WANG, Tuo CHEN
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 278-286.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0052-0
Abstract ( 677 )   HTML ( 2 )     PDF (283KB) ( 1624 )  

Desert lake, a unique oasis in desert ecosystems, harbours different bacterial communities. Thus, it is considered as a hub of bacterial diversity. In this study, bacterial diversity in the sediment of Crescent Moon Spring, Kumtag Desert, Northwest China was analyzed using high-throughput amplicon pyrosequencing analysis. The sequences of the most abundant OUTs (Operational Taxonomic Units) in the sediment of Crescent Moon Spring were compared with the sequences of those most abundant OUTs of various origins from NCBI GenBank database to detect the origins of bacteria in the sediment of Crescent Moon Spring. Also, bacterial compositions between sediment of Crescent Moon Spring and other desert and lake ecosystems (including desert lakes) worldwide were compared using cluster analysis to determine the possible factors affecting bacterial compositions. In total, 11,855 sequences were obtained and 30 phyla were identified. At the phylum level, the dominant phylum was Proteobacteria with α-Proteobacteria being the first dominant class and the second dominant phylum was Planctomycetes. Our finding that α-Proteobacteria being the first dominant class of Proteobacteria and Planctomycetes being the second dominant phyla are somewhat contradictory with reports from other desert lake sediments. This difference could be resulted from water hydration and conductivity, as well as oligotrophic conditions of Crescent Moon Spring. At the genus level, Rhodobacter, Caldilinea, Planctomyces, and Porphyrobacter were the dominant genera in the sediment of Crescent Moon Spring. Comparisons on sequences of the most abundant OUTs (including OTU3615, OTU6535, and OTU6646) between sediment of Crescent Moon Spring and various origins from NCBI GenBank database indicate that the origins of bacteria in the sediment of Crescent Moon Spring are likely from the underground water. Furthermore, cluster analysis on comparisons of bacteria compositions between sediment of Crescent Moon Spring and other desert and lake ecosystems (including desert lakes) worldwide shows that at regional scales, bacterial compositions may be mainly affected by geographical patterns, precipitation amounts, and pH values. Collectively, our results provide new knowledge on the bacterial diversity in desert lake ecosystems.

Organochlorine pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water and sediment ofthe Bosten Lake, Northwest China
Beibei SHEN, Jinglu WU, Zhonghua ZHAO
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 287-298.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0008-4
Abstract ( 838 )   HTML ( 2 )     PDF (496KB) ( 1514 )  

We evaluated organic pollution in Bosten Lake, Xinjiang, China, by measuring the concentrationsand distributionsof organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Water and sediment samples were collected from 19 sites (B1-B19) in the lakefor analysis. Our analytical results show that the concentrations of total OCPs in water rangesfrom 30.3 to 91.6 ng/L and the concentrations of PAHsrangesfrom undetectable (ND) to 368.7 ng/L. The concentrations of total OCPs in surface (i.e., lake bottom) sediment rangesfrom 6.9 to 16.7ng/g and the concentrations of PAHs rangesfrom 25.2 to 491.0 ng/g. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) account for large proportions of the OCPs. Low α- to γ-HCH ratios in both water and sediment samples indicate possible contributions from both industrial products and lindane. DDTs in water are probably from historical input, whereas DDTs in sediments are from bothhistorical and recent inputs. Moreover, DDT products in both water and sediments were from multiple sources in the northwestern part of the lake (B11, B12, B13, and B14). Fugacity ratios for DDT isomers (p,p′-DDEand p,p′-DDT) at these sites were generally higher than equilibrium values. These results suggest that the input from the Kaidu River and diffusion of DDTs from the sediment to the water are responsible for DDT pollution in the water. Lower-molecular-weight PAHs, which originate primarily from wood and coal combustion and petroleum sources, represent the major fraction of the PAHs in both water and sediment samples. Our findings indicate that OCPs and PAHs in BostenLake can be attributed primarily to human activities. A risk assessment of OCPs and PAHs in water and sediment from BostenLake, however, suggests that concentrations are not yet high enough to cause adverse biological effects on the aquatic ecosystem.

Review Article
Mechanisms of bush encroachment and its inter-connection with rangeland degradation in semi-arid African ecosystems: a review
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 299-312.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-016-0023-x
Abstract ( 1266 )   HTML ( 2 )     PDF (159KB) ( 2575 )  

Many studies show that semi-arid rangelands throughout the world have been rapidly converted from a grassland state to a bush encroachment state during the past 50 years. Bush encroachment includes the spread of local woody species and/or incursion of woody species introduced from other ecosystems into semi-arid savannas and grassland ecosystems. Rangeland degradation due to bush encroachment causes several challenges, affecting the production of livestock and pastoral people livelihoods in most parts of Africa. Scientists have long been attempting to develop schematic and mathematical theories to explain the observed phenomenon of bush encroachment, and several theories were proposed and developed. The well-regarded theories include: (1) Walter’s two-layer model, (2) Moir’s one-layer model, (3) state-and-transition theory, (4) equilibrium theory, (5) disequilibrium theory, and (6) non-equilibrium theory. Within those theories, the most frequently-indicated driving factors that explain bush encroachment include over-grazing, availability of soil nutrient and moisture, elevated CO2 levels, frequency and intensity of fire, spread of seeds of woody species by livestock and wild animals. It should be stressed that couplings and interactions among diverse driving factors are more often at work in determining the condition of bush encroachment. To summarize, the effort in managing semi-arid ecosystems needs critical knowledge to understand the cause-effect relationships of underlying factors through integrated approach. Therefore, future research on encroachment of woody plants should be multi-discipline oriented and multi-partnership involved.

News Item
A new bird record in China: Moustached Warbler (Acrocephalus melanopogon) and its song characteristics
Kangping XU, Xin NI, Ming MA, Xinbin CAI, Jun GOU, Dahuan SUN, Xuanlong LIN, Peng DING
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 313-317.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0053-z
Abstract ( 793 )   HTML ( 2 )     PDF (230KB) ( 1488 )  

Moustached Warbler (Acrocephalus melanopogon), belonging to the genus of Acrocephalus and the family of Acrocephalidae, breeds widely but locally in the warm temperate regions from Northwest Africa and eastern Iberian Peninsula to eastern Kazakhstan. However, this species has never been scientifically recorded in China. On 22 April 2016, a Moustached Warbler was observed in Ulanbuy wetland (43°36′N, 87°43′E; 1114 m a.s.l.), Urumqi, Xinjiang of China. This was the first photography-confirmed record of Moustached Warbler in China. As Moustached Warbler is a songbird, the songs were then recorded on 18 May 2016 using a Sony PCM D-100 recorder and the song characteristics were analyzed using Avisoft-SASLab software. The result showed that the mean maximum frequency of song strophes was 6.64 (±0.47) kHz and the mean minimum frequency of song strophes was 1.72 (±0.14) kHz. This study could considered as a supplement of the checklist of birds in China.

Erratum to: Distribution of isotopes and chemicals in precipitation in Shule River Basin, northwestern China: an implication for water cycle and groundwater recharge
Wei ZHAO, Jinzhu MA, Chunjie GU, Shi QI, Gaofeng ZHU, Jiahua HE
Journal of Arid Land. 2017, 9 (2): 318-318.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-016-0091-y
Abstract ( 922 )   HTML ( 1 )     PDF (42KB) ( 1274 )