Research Article |
Effects of freeze-thaw on soil erosion processes and sediment selectivity under simulated rainfall |
Tian WANG1, Peng LI1, Zongping REN1, Guoce XU1,*( ), Zhanbin LI1,2, Yuanyuan YANG1, Shanshan TANG1, Jingwei YAO1 |
1 State Key Laboratory Base of Eco-Hydraulic Engineering in Arid Area, Xi’an University of Technology Xi’an 710048, China 2 State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dry-land Farming on the Loess Plateau, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, Yangling 712100, China |
Abstract The freeze-thaw (FT) processes affect an area of 46.3% in China. It is essential for soil and water conservation and ecological construction to elucidate the mechanisms of the FT processes and its associated soil erosion processes.In this research, we designed the control simulation experiments to promote the understanding of FT-water combined erosion processes. The results showed that the runoff of freeze-thaw slope (FTS) decreased by 8% compared to the control slope (CS), and the total sediment yield of the FTS was 1.10 times that of the CS. The sediment yield rate from the FTS was significantly greater than that from the CS after 9 min of runoff (P<0.01). Both in FTS and CS treatments, the relationships between cumulative runoff and sediment yield can be fitted well with power functions(R2>0.98, P<0.01). Significant differences in the mean weight diameter (MWD) values of particles wereobserved for washed particles and splashed particles between the CS and the FTStreatmentsin the erosion process (P<0.05). The mean MWD values under CS were smaller than those under FTS for both washed and splashed particles. The ratio of the absolute value of a regression coefficient between the CS and the FTS was 1.15, being roughly correspondent with the ratio of Kbetween the two treatments. Therefore, the parameter a of the power function between cumulative runoff and sediment yield could be an acceptable indicator for expressing the soil erodibility. In conclusion, the FTS exhibited an increase in soil erosion compared to the CS.
Received: 29 March 2016
Published: 20 April 2017
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