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Journal of Arid Land  2024, Vol. 16 Issue (12): 1701-1713    DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0111-2    
Research article     
Impact of trimming intensity on the growth of mangrove in Iran
Maryam MOSLEHI1,*(), Akram AHMADI2, Tom PYPKER3
1Research Division of Natural Resources, Hormozgan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar Abbas 7915847669, Iran
2Research Division of Natural Resources, Golestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Gorgan 4915677555, Iran
3Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops V2C 0C8, Canada
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Mangrove forests in southern Iran are of high ecological and economic importance. These forests are being threatened because of uncontrolled harvesting to provide fodder for livestock. The objective of this study is to provide recommendations for appropriate harvesting intensities by quantifying the effect of different harvesting intensities on vegetative and vigor characteristics of mangrove trees. This study was conducted using a randomized complete block design comprising four treatments (10.00%, 20.00%, and 30.00% trimming, along with a control) replicated three times. Vegetative characteristics were measured before and after trimming (five-year period) and analyzed using generalized linear model statistical analysis. The growths of the average diameter of canopy, canopy area, canopy volume, canopy height, tree height, and collar diameter in the control treatment were all significantly higher than those in the trimming treatments. In addition, there was a decreasing trend in leaf fresh and dry mass, leaf area index, total area of canopy leaves, and health status of tree in the trimming treatments. For example, the percentage change in fresh and dry leaf mass in the control treatment was positive (29.87% and 38.31%, respectively), whereas the trimming treatments of 10.00%, 20.00% and 30.00% had negative effects (-7.01% and -4.79%, -11.32% and -14.30%, and -15.84% and -17.29%, respectively). In addition, the changes in leaf area index in the control (4.95%) and 30.00% trimming (-24.57%) treatments were the highest and lowest, respectively. The percentage change in soil organic matter in the control, 10.00%, 20.00%, and 30.00% treatments were 22.94%, -9.90%, -16.91%, and -18.68%, respectively. The study demonstrated that gray mangrove trees were highly sensitive to canopy trimming, with even minimal trimming intensities negatively affecting vegetative growth and soil organic matter. Therefore, it is recommended that cutting and trimming of mangrove trees should be prevented even at low intensity to preserve mangrove ecosystem health and resilience against environmental stressors.

Key wordstrimming      mangrove ecosystem      vegetative characteristic      harvest intensity      soil organic matter      Khamir Port     
Received: 10 June 2024      Published: 31 December 2024
Corresponding Authors: *Maryam MOSLEHI (E-mail:
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Maryam MOSLEHI, Akram AHMADI, Tom PYPKER. Impact of trimming intensity on the growth of mangrove in Iran. Journal of Arid Land, 2024, 16(12): 1701-1713.

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Fig. 1 Location of the study area (a) and the distribution range of mangrove forests (b) in Khamir Port, Iran
Fig. 2 Schematic layout of sampling
Grade Score Health indicator
Color of leaf Shape of canopy Density of canopy Number of dry microbranches
Healthy 5 Bright green Symmetrical and healthy Dense <10
Moderate 3 Pale green Relatively symmetrical and average size Semi-dense 10-30
Weak 1 Yellow or brown Asymmetrical, small, or damaged Very sparse >30
Table 1 Rubric for assessing the grade of tree health
Variable Source of variable df Mean square Fisher coefficient
Small diameter of canopy Block 2 0.085 6.23*
Treatment 3 0.363 26.70**
Error 6 0.014
Large diameter of canopy Block 2 0.267 12.40**
Treatment 3 0.293 13.63**
Error 6 0.022
Average diameter of canopy Block 2 0.160 10.57*
Treatment 3 0.320 21.16**
Error 6 0.010
Canopy area Block 2 25.670 28.71**
Treatment 3 42.230 47.24**
Error 6 0.890
Canopy volume Block 2 4415.840 12.73**
Treatment 3 7207.430 20.77**
Error 6 346.880
Canopy height Block 2 0.003 7.06*
Treatment 3 0.017 38.37**
Error 6 0.000
Tree height Block 2 0.004 7.21*
Treatment 3 0.028 57.70**
Error 6 0.000
Collar diameter Block 2 0.020 0.61ns
Treatment 3 2.620 78.86**
Error 6 0.033
Table 2 Analysis of variance for the growth of mangroves across various treatments
Fig. 3 Growth of mangroves across various treatments over a five-year period. (a), growth of small diameter of canopy; (b), growth of large diameter of canopy; (c), growth of average diameter of canopy; (d), growth of canopy area; (e), growth of canopy volume; (f), growth of canopy height; (g), growth of tree height; (i), growth of collar diameter. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments at P<0.05 level; and bar represents standard deviation.
Variable Source of variable df Mean square Fisher coefficient
Leaf fresh mass (LFM) Block 2 22.190 0.64ns
Treatment 3 1316.560 38.27**
Error 6 34.390
Leaf dry mass (LDM) Block 2 20.450 0.58ns
Treatment 3 1993.890 57.02**
Error 6 34.960
Leaf area index (LAI) Block 2 40.250 2.56ns
Treatment 3 570.640 69.70**
Error 6 27.920
Total area of canopy leaves (TAL) Block 2 82.370 3.14ns
Treatment 3 2251.250 64.56**
Error 6 32.290
Health status of tree Block 2 167.990 1.44ns
Treatment 3 530.640 20.43**
Error 6 36.960
Table 3 Analysis of variance for percentage changes in leaf characteristics and health status of tree across various treatments
Fig. 4 Comparison of percentage change in leaf characteristics and health status of tree across various treatments over a five-year period using Duncan's multiple range test. (a), leaf fresh mass (LFM); (b), leaf dry mass (LDM); (c), leaf area index (LAI); (d), total area of canopy leaves (TAL); (e), health status of tree. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments at P<0.05 level; and bar represents standard deviation.
Variable Source of variable df Mean square Fisher coefficient
SOM Block 2 22.960 1.32ns
Treatment 3 11.320 64.72**
Error 6 17.490
Table 4 Analysis of variance of the percentage change in soil organic matter (SOM) across various treatments
Fig. 5 Comparison of percentage change in soil organic matter (SOM) across various treatments over a five-year period using Duncan's multiple range test. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments at P<0.05 level; and bar represents standard deviation.
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