Research article |
Combined effects of polymer SH and ryegrass on the water-holding characteristics of loess |
YING Chunye1, LI Chenglong2, LI Lanxing3,*( ), ZHOU Chang4 |
1School of Geological Engineering, Qinghai University, Xining 810016, China 2Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute of Shengli Oilfield, SINOPEC, Dongying 257000, China 3Army Engineering University of PLA, Xuzhou 221000, China 4School of Resources and Geosciences, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China |
Abstract The Chinese Loess Plateau has long been plagued by severe soil erosion and water scarcity. In this study, we proposed a technique involving the combined use of polymer SH and ryegrass and evaluated its effectiveness in modifying the water-holding characteristics of loess on the Chinese Loess Plateau (Chinese loess). We analysed the volumetric water content and water potential of untreated loess, treated loess with single polymer SH, treated loess with single ryegrass, and treated loess with both polymer SH and ryegrass using the loess samples collected from the Chinese Loess Plateau in July 2023. Moreover, fractal theory was used to analyse the fractal characteristics of the soil structure, and wet disintegration tests were conducted to assess the structural stability of both untreated and treated loess samples. The results showed that the loess samples treated with both polymer SH and ryegrass presented much higher volumetric water content and water potential than the untreated loess samples and those treated only with ryegrass or polymer SH. Moreover, the planting density of ryegrass affected the combined technique, since a relatively low planting density (20 g/m2) was conducive to enhancing the water-holding capacity of Chinese loess. The fractal dimension was directly correlated with both volumetric water content and water potential of Chinese loess. Specifically, since loess treated with both polymer SH and ryegrass was more saturated with moisture, its water potential increased, thus improving its water-holding capacity and fractal dimension. The combined technique better resisted disintegration than ryegrass alone but had slightly less resistance than polymer SH alone. This study provides insight into soil reinforcement and soil water management using polymetric materials and vegetation on the Chinese Loess Plateau.
Received: 29 July 2024
Published: 31 December 2024
Corresponding Authors:
*LI Lanxing (E-mail:
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