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Journal of Arid Land  2024, Vol. 16 Issue (1): 1-13    DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0002-6
Research article     
Parkland trees on smallholder farms ameliorate soil physical-chemical properties in the semi-arid area of Tigray, Ethiopia
Selam LJALEM1, Emiru BIRHANE1,2,3, Kassa TEKA1, Daniel H BERHE4,*()
1Department of Land Resources Management and Environmental Protection, College of Dryland Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mekelle University, Mekelle 231, Ethiopia
2Institute of Climate and Society, Mekelle University, Mekelle 231, Ethiopia
3Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), ?s 1432, Norway
4Department of Natural Resources Management, Adigrat University, Adigrat 50, Ethiopia
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Proposed agroforestry options should begin with the species that farmers are most familiar with, which would be the native multipurpose trees that have evolved under smallholder farms and socioeconomic conditions. The African birch (Anogeissus leiocarpa (DC.) Guill. & Perr.) and pink jacaranda (Stereospermum kunthianum Cham.) trees are the dominant species in the agroforestry parkland system in the drylands of Tigray, Ethiopia. Smallholder farmers highly value these trees for their multifunctional uses including timber, firewood, charcoal, medicine, etc. These trees also could improve soil fertility. However, the amount of soil physical and chemical properties enhanced by the two species must be determined to maintain the sustainable conservation of the species in the parklands and to scale up to similar agro- ecological systems. Hence, we selected twelve isolated trees, six from each species that had similar dendrometric characteristics and were growing in similar environmental conditions. We divided the canopy cover of each tree into three radial distances: mid-canopy, canopy edge, and canopy gap (control). At each distance, we took soil samples from three different depths. We collected 216 soil samples (half disturbed and the other half undisturbed) from each canopy position and soil depth. Bulk density (BD), soil moisture content (SMC), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus (AP), available potassium (AK), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and cation exchange capacity (CEC) were analysed. Results revealed that soil physical and chemical properties significantly improved except for soil texture and EC under both species, CEC under A. leiocarpus, and soil pH under S. kunthianum, all the studied soils were improved under both species canopy as compared with canopy gap. SMC, TN, AP, and AK under canopy of these trees were respectively 24.1%, 11.1%, 55.0%, and 9.3% higher than those soils under control. The two parkland agroforestry species significantly enhanced soil fertility near the canopy of topsoil through improving soil physical and chemical properties. These two species were recommended in the drylands with similar agro-ecological systems.

Key wordsagroforestry      bulk density      carbon stock      dispersed tree      soil texture      tree canopy     
Received: 23 August 2023      Published: 31 January 2024
Corresponding Authors: *Daniel H BERHE (E-mail:
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Selam LJALEM, Emiru BIRHANE, Kassa TEKA, Daniel H BERHE. Parkland trees on smallholder farms ameliorate soil physical-chemical properties in the semi-arid area of Tigray, Ethiopia. Journal of Arid Land, 2024, 16(1): 1-13.

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Radial distance Soil physical property
Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) Texture
Bulk density (g/cm3) Soil moisture content (%)
A. leiocarpus Mid-canopy 33.50±2.1a 18.00±1.3a 48.50±1.6a Clay 1.35±0.006a 21.09±0.81a
Canopy edge 35.83±2.0a 16.83±2.0a 47.33±0.6a Clay 1.37±0.006ab 19.36±1.06ab
Canopy gap 36.83±0.7a 17.00±0.8a 46.00±0.7a Clay 1.38±0.006b 16.99±0.85b
P value 0.409 0.827 0.297 0.013 0.022
S. kunthianum Mid-canopy 15.83±0.6a 19.83±0.7 a 64.33±0.7a Clay 1.23±0.006a 33.75±0.37a
Canopy edge 17.00±1.0a 19.50±0.9 a 63.50±0.8a Clay 1.24±0.005ab 32.83±0.41ab
Canopy gap 16.17±0.5a 21.67±0.6 a 62.17±0.3a Clay 1.25±0.007b 31.76±0.55b
P value 0.547 0.136 0.099 0.013 0.024
Table 1 Effect of Anogeissus leiocarpa and Stereospermum kunthianum on soil physical properties
Tree species Radial distance Soil chemical property
AP (mg/kg) AK
CEC (cmol/kg)
A. leiocarpus Mid-canopy 0.196±0.0060a 8.34±0.26a 64.74±2.449a 5.84±0.05a 0.13±0.008a 37.05±0.58a
Canopy edge 0.193±0.0007b 7.28±0.32b 52.55±1.368b 5.59±0.05b 0.11±0.009a 35.85±0.53a
Canopy gap 0.193±0.0005b 6.13±0.24c 51.16±0.863b 5.57±0.10b 0.10±0.006a 35.21±0.43a
P value 0.004 <0.001 <0.001 0.029 0.096 0.070
S. kunthianum Mid-canopy 0.210±0.0020a 6.51±0.32a 69.77±1.82a 7.25±0.19a 0.15±0.001a 36.01±1.36a
Canopy edge 0.190±0.0030b 5.74±0.28ab 66.47±0.76ab 6.61±0.26a 0.15±0.001a 32.36±1.70a
Canopy gap 0.180±0.0020b 4.20±0.21b 64.03±1.13b 6.38±0.32a 0.15±0.001a 27.40±0.84b
P value <0.001 <0.001 0.024 0.080 0.087 0.002
Table 2 Effects of A. leiocarpus and S. kunthianum on soil chemical properties
Tree species Factor Index Soil fertility parameter
SOC (%) SOCS (t/hm2)
A. leiocarpus Radial distance Mid-canopy 1.35±0.0057a 55.64±0.40a
Canopy edge 1.34±0.0085a 54.96±0.29a
Canopy gap 1.32±0.0050b 53.89±0.36b
P value <0.001 <0.001
Soil depth 0-30 1.37±0.0060a 56.31±0.28a
30-60 1.32±0.0070b 54.56±0.32b
60-90 1.30±0.0085c 53.61±0.27c
P value <0.001 <0.001
Radial distance×soil depth P value 0.584 0.706
S. kunthianum Radial distance Mid-canopy 1.67±0.0090a 61.97±0.27a
Canopy edge 1.66±0.0080a 61.65±0.37a
Canopy gap 1.62±0.0120b 61.17±0.39a
P value <0.001 0.196
Soil depth 0-30 61.97±0.2690a 62.54±0.286a
30-60 61.65±0.3740a 61.56±0.36b
60-90 61.17±0.3910a 60.69±0.28b
P value 0.196 0.001
Radial distance×soil depth P value 0.584 0.706
Table 3 Soil organic carbon (SOC) and SOC stock (SOCS) under A. leiocarpus and S. kunthianum
Fig. 1 Comparison of soil physical and chemical properties between Anogeissus leiocarpa and Stereospermum kunthianum. BD, bulk density; SMC, soil moisture content; TN, total nitrogen; AP, available phosphorus; AK, available potassium; EC, electrical conductivity; CEC, cation exchange capacity; SOM, soil organic matter; C, carbon; N, nitrogen; SOC, soil organic carbon; SOCS, SOC stock. Bars are standard errors.
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