Research article |
Improving irrigation management in wheat farms through the combined use of the AquaCrop and WinSRFR models |
Arash TAFTEH*( ), Mohammad R EMDAD, Azadeh SEDAGHAT |
Department of Irrigation and Soil Physics, Soil and Water Research Institute, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj 31587-77871, Iran |
Abstract Water is essential for agricultural production; however, climate change has exacerbated drought and water stress in arid and semi-arid areas such as Iran. Despite these challenges, irrigation water efficiency remains low, and current water management schemes are inadequate. Consequently, Iranian crops suffer from low water productivity, highlighting the urgent need for enhanced productivity and improved water management strategies. In this study, we investigated irrigation management conditions in the Hamidiyeh farm, Khuzestan Province, Iran and used the calibrated AquaCrop and WinSRFR (a surface irrigation simulation model) models to reflect these conditions. Subsequently, we examined different management scenarios using each model and evaluated the results from the second year. The findings demonstrated that combining simulation of the AquaCrop and WinSRFR models was highly effective and could be employed for irrigation management in the field. The AquaCrop model accurately simulated wheat yield in the first year, being 2.6 t/hm2, which closely aligned with the measured yield of 3.0 t/hm2. Additionally, using the WinSRFR model to adjust the length of existing borders from 200 to 180 m resulted in a 45.0% increase in efficiency during the second year. To enhance water use efficiency in the field, we recommended adopting borders with a length of 180 m, a width of 10 m, and a flow rate of 15 to 18 L/s. The AquaCrop and WinSRFR models accurately predicted border irrigation conditions, achieving the highest water use efficiency at a flow rate of 18 L/s. Combining these models increased farmers' average water consumption efficiency from 0.30 to 0.99 kg/m³ in the second year. Therefore, the results obtained from the AquaCrop and WinSRFR models are within a reasonable range and consistent with international recommendations. This adjustment is projected to improve the water use efficiency in the field by approximately 45.0% when utilizing the border irrigation method. Therefore, integrating these two models can provide comprehensive management solutions for regional farmers.
Received: 30 June 2024
Published: 28 February 2025
Corresponding Authors:
*Arash TAFTEH (E-mail:
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