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Journal of Arid Land  2024, Vol. 16 Issue (9): 1197-1213    DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0026-y

CSTR: 32276.14.JAL.0240026y

Research article     
Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of cultivated land conversion in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, northern China
Xijiri1, ZHOU Ruiping1,*(), BAO Baorong2, Burenjirigala 3
1College of Geographical Science, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot 010022, China
2Dongsheng District Sub-bureau of Ordos Natural Resources Bureau, Ordos 017000, China
3Chifeng University, Chifeng 024000, China
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Protection and optimization of cultivated land resources are of great significance to national food security. Cultivated land conversion in northern China has increased in recent years due to the industrialization and urbanization of society. However, the assessment of cultivated land conversion in this area is insufficient, posing a potential risk to cultivated land resources. This study evaluated the evolution and spatiotemporal patterns of cultivated land conversion in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, and the driving factors to improve rational utilization and to protect cultivated land resources. The spatiotemporal patterns of cultivated land conversion in Inner Mongolia were analyzed using the cultivated land conversion index, kernel density analysis, a standard deviation ellipse model, and a geographic detector. Results showed that from 2000 to 2020, the trends in cultivated land conversion area and rate in Inner Mongolia exhibited fluctuating growth, with the total area of cultivated land conversion reaching 7307.59 km2 at a rate of 6.69%. Spatial distribution of cultivated land conversion was primarily concentrated in the Hetao Plain, Nengjiang Plain, Liaohe Plain, and the Hohhot-Baotou-Ordos urban agglomeration. Moreover, the standard deviational ellipse of cultivated land conversion in Inner Mongolia exhibited a directional southwest-northeast-southwest-northeast distribution, with the northeast-southwest direction identified as the main driving force of spatial change in cultivated land conversion. Meanwhile, cultivated land conversion exhibited an increase-decrease-increase change process, indicating that spatial distribution of cultivated land conversion in Inner Mongolia became gradually apparent within the study period. The geographic detector results further revealed that the main driving factors of cultivated land conversion in Inner Mongolia were the share of secondary and tertiary industries and per-unit area yield of grain, with explanatory rates of 57.00%, 55.00%, and 51.00%, respectively. Additionally, improved agricultural production efficiency and the coordinated development of population urbanization and industry resulted in cultivated land conversion. Collectively, the findings of this study indicated that, from 2000 to 2020, the cultivated land conversion in Inner Mongolia was significant and fluctuated in time, and had strong spatial heterogeneity. The primary drivers of these events included the effects of agriculture, population, and social economy.

Key wordscultivated land conversion      spatiotemporal variation      standard deviation elliptical models      geographic detector      northern China     
Received: 26 March 2024      Published: 30 September 2024
CLC:  32276.14.JAL.0240026y  
Corresponding Authors: *ZHOU Ruiping (E-mail:
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Xijiri, ZHOU Ruiping, BAO Baorong, Burenjirigala . Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of cultivated land conversion in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, northern China. Journal of Arid Land, 2024, 16(9): 1197-1213.

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Fig. 1 Research framework of the study
Fig. 2 Area and rate of cultivated land conversion during different periods in Inner Mongolia
Region League/City 2000-2005 2005-2010 2010-2015 2015-2020 Total
Area (km2)
Hulun Buir 21.39 9.84 30.32 554.50 616.05
Eastern region Hinggan 12.07 1.52 62.04 574.65 650.28
Tongliao 46.45 10.32 44.49 1746.42 1847.68
Xilin Gol 0.00 2.00 16.70 190.17 208.87
Central region Chifeng 25.44 18.70 37.46 788.89 870.49
Ulanqab 67.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 67.82
Hohhot-Baotou-Ordos urban agglomeration Hohhot 68.56 2.10 145.40 517.30 733.36
Baotou 40.07 6.61 86.72 317.11 450.51
Ordos 31.07 7.05 66.02 456.26 560.40
Bayannur 53.98 1.91 30.12 1083.35 1169.36
Western region Wuhai 2.52 0.00 9.76 16.93 29.21
Alagxa 3.60 0.00 3.71 96.25 103.56
Total 372.97 60.05 532.74 6341.83 7307.59
Table 1 Area of cultivated land conversion during different periods
Fig. 3 Spatiotemporal variation of cultivated land conversion index in Inner Mongolia during 2000-2020. (a), 2000-2005; (b), 2005-2010; (c), 2010-2015; (d), 2015-2020. Note that the figures are based on the standard map (蒙 S(2023)037) of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Department of Natural Resources (https://zrzy.nmg., and the standard map has not been modified.
Fig. 4 Kernel density of cultivated land conversion in Inner Mongolia during 2000-2020. (a), 2000-2005; (b), 2005-2010; (c), 2010-2015; (d), 2015-2020.
Fig. 5 Standard deviational ellipses and center of gravity migration trajectories of cultivated land conversion in Inner Mongolia from 2000 to 2020. The center of gravity migration arrows begin from 2005 to 2010 and shift from a northeastern to northwestern direction from 2005 to 2010, a northwestern to northeastern direction from 2010 to 2015, and a northwestern direction from 2015 to 2020.
Period X center Y center X-SD Y-SD Rotation (°) Area (×106 km2)
2000-2005 113°14′E 42°11′N 12,614.22 5199.70 68.89 43.18
2005-2010 116°54′E 43°42′N 13,023.46 5438.18 62.71 58.00
2010-2015 113°45′E 42°22′N 12,673.63 5229.40 64.81 42.76
2015-2020 115°57′E 43°19′N 12,919.34 5374.45 70.67 60.72
Table 2 Changes in elliptical parameters of standard deviation for cultivated land conversion from 2000 to 2020
No. Factor q-value
X1 GDP per capita 0.07
X2 Share of the secondary sector in GDP 0.57
X3 Share of the tertiary sector in GDP 0.55
X4 Per capita income of farmers 0.40
X5 General public budget revenue 0.23
X6 Total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal, husbandry, and fishery 0.43
X7 Arable land area 0.36
X8 Yield of grain per unit area 0.51
X9 Total grain yield 0.15
X10 Level of urbanization 0.21
X11 Population 0.05
Table 3 Factor detector results of cultivated land conversion
Fig. 6 Interactive detection of influencing factors of cultivated land conversion. The explanation of driving factors is shown in Table 3.
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