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Journal of Arid Land  2023, Vol. 15 Issue (3): 253-273    DOI: 10.1007/s40333-023-0052-1
Research article     
Driving forces behind the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of land-use and land-cover change: A case study of the Weihe River Basin, China
WU Jingyan, LUO Jungang(), ZHANG Han, YU Mengjie
State Key Laboratory of Eco-hydraulics in Northwest Arid Region, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048, China
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The impact of socioeconomic development on land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) in river basins varies spatially and temporally. Exploring the spatiotemporal evolutionary trends and drivers of LUCC under regional disparities is the basis for the sustainable development and management of basins. In this study, the Weihe River Basin (WRB) in China was selected as a typical basin, and the WRB was divided into the upstream of the Weihe River Basin (UWRB), the midstream of the Weihe River Basin (MWRB), the downstream of the Weihe River Basin (DWRB), the Jinghe River Basin (JRB), and the Luohe River Basin (LRB). Based on land-use data (cultivated land, forestland, grassland, built-up land, bare land, and water body) from 1985 to 2020, we analyzed the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of LUCC in the WRB using a land-use transfer matrix and a dynamic change model. The driving forces of LUCC in the WRB in different periods were detected using the GeoDetector, and the selected influencing factors included meteorological factors (precipitation and temperature), natural factors (elevation, slope, soil, and distance to rivers), social factors (distance to national highway, distance to railway, distance to provincial highway, and distance to expressway), and human activity factors (population density and gross domestic product (GDP)). The results indicated that the types and intensities of LUCC conversions showed considerable disparities across different sub-basins, where complex conversions among cultivated land, forestland, and grassland occurred in the LRB, JRB, and UWRB, with higher dynamic change before 2000. The conversion of other land-use types to built-up land was concentrated in the UWRB, MWRB, and DWRB, with substantial increases after 2000. Additionally, the driving effects of the influencing factors on LUCC in each sub-basin also exhibited distinct diversity, with the LRB and JRB being influenced by the meteorological and social factors, and the UWRB, MWRB, and DWRB being driven by human activity factors. Moreover, the interaction of these influencing factors indicated an enhanced effect on LUCC. This study confirmed the spatiotemporal heterogeneity effects of socioeconomic status on LUCC in the WRB under regional differences, contributing to the sustainable development of the whole basin by managing sub-basins according to local conditions.

Key wordsland-use and land-cover change (LUCC)      spatial heterogeneity      land-use conversion      dynamic change model      GeoDetector      human activities      Weihe River Basin     
Received: 27 May 2022      Published: 31 March 2023
Corresponding Authors: * LUO Jungang (E-mail:
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WU Jingyan, LUO Jungang, ZHANG Han, YU Mengjie. Driving forces behind the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of land-use and land-cover change: A case study of the Weihe River Basin, China. Journal of Arid Land, 2023, 15(3): 253-273.

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Fig. 1 Geographical location of the Weihe River Basin (WRB) in the Yellow River Basin (a) and overview of the WRB and its sub-basins (b). UWRB, the upstream of the Weihe River Basin; MWRB, the midstream of the Weihe River Basin; DWRB, the downstream of the Weihe River Basin; JRB, Jinghe River Basin; LRB, Luohe River Basin.
Category Parameter Type Scale/resolution Period Data source
Land use LUCC Raster 30 m×30 m 1985-2020 (interval of 5 a) Big Earth Data Science Engineering Program (
Meteorological factors Precipitation Numeric Annual 1980-2019 National Meteorological Science Data Center (
Temperature Numeric Annual 1980-2019
Elevation (DEM) Raster 30 m×30 m 2009 Geospatial Data Cloud (
Slope Raster 30 m×30 m 2009
Soil Raster 1000 m×1000 m 2010 Resource and Environment Science and Data Center (
Distance to rivers Vector 1:250,000 2015
Distance to national highway Vector 1:250,000 2015 National Cryosphere Desert Data Center (
Distance to railway Vector 1:250,000 2015
Distance to provincial highway Vector 1:250,000 2015
Distance to expressway Vector 1:250,000 2015
Human activity factors Population density Raster 1000 m×1000 m 1985-2015 (interval of 5 a) Resource and Environment Science and Data Center (
Gross domestic product (GDP) Raster 1000 m×1000 m 1985-2015 (interval of 5 a)
Table 1 Details of the datasets of land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) and its influencing factors
Condition Interaction
q(x1x2)<Min(q(x1), q(x2)) Weaken, nonlinear
Min(q(x1), q(x2))<q(x1x2)<Max(q(x1), q(x2)) Weaken
q(x1x2)>Max(q(x1), q(x2)) Enhance
q(x1x2)=q(x1)+q(x2) Independent
q(x1x2)>q(x1)+q(x2) Enhance, nonlinear
Table 2 Description about the types of interaction detection
Fig. 2 Spatial distribution and area proportions of land-use types in the WRB in 1985 (a), 1990 (b), 1995 (c), 2000 (d), 2005 (e), 2010 (f), 2015 (g), and 2020 (h)
Fig. 3 Area proportions of cultivated land (a), forestland (b), grassland (c), built-up land (d), bare land (e), and water body (f) in different sub-basins in the WRB from 1985 to 2020 at an interval of 5 a
Fig. 4 Structure chart of the transfers of different land-use types in the WRB in 1985-1990 (a), 1990-1995 (b), 1995-2000 (c), 2000-2005 (d), 2005-2010 (e), 2010-2015 (f), 2015-2020 (g), and 1985-2020 (h)
Period Bare land Built-up land Cultivated land Forestland Grassland Water body Total
1985-1990 Bare land 195.75 0.26 217.75 0.01 697.08 0.00 1110.85
Built-up land 0.00 1662.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1662.52
Cultivated land 123.60 239.19 52,719.58 1658.10 7723.83 12.26 62,476.57
Forestland 0.05 0.72 1057.96 33,275.83 1366.82 8.49 35,709.87
Grassland 174.28 7.21 8313.03 1208.17 23,868.92 0.21 33,571.82
Water body 0.00 0.05 40.90 0.99 0.07 31.52 73.52
Total 493.67 1909.94 62,349.22 36,143.11 33,656.72 52.48 134,605.14
Period Bare land Built-up land Cultivated land Forestland Grassland Water body Total
1990-1995 Bare land 222.72 0.22 80.13 0.00 190.44 0.16 493.67
Built-up land 0.00 1909.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1909.94
Cultivated land 130.40 141.41 55,346.24 780.44 5858.73 91.99 62,349.22
Forestland 0.00 0.03 1362.27 33,410.33 1367.65 2.83 36,143.11
Grassland 561.60 10.52 6211.72 808.50 26,063.58 0.80 33,656.72
Water body 0.00 0.07 6.14 0.73 1.15 44.40 52.48
Total 914.72 2062.18 63,006.50 35,000.01 33,481.56 140.17 134,605.14
Period Bare land Built-up land Cultivated land Forestland Grassland Water body Total
1995-2000 Bare land 321.44 0.65 217.20 3.69 371.01 0.74 914.72
Built-up land 0.00 2062.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2062.18
Cultivated land 429.78 356.81 50,557.45 3187.17 8430.70 44.59 63,006.50
Forestland 1.84 0.16 1448.02 31,426.82 2121.59 1.58 35,000.01
Grassland 843.62 18.22 9856.08 2349.17 20,405.21 9.27 33,481.56
Water body 4.38 0.80 76.55 3.09 8.42 46.93 140.17
Total 1601.06 2438.83 62,155.29 36,969.94 31,336.93 103.11 134,605.14
Period Bare land Built-up land Cultivated land Forestland Grassland Water body Total
2000-2005 Bare land 764.48 3.56 330.92 6.68 495.06 0.36 1601.06
Built-up land 0.00 2438.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2438.83
Cultivated land 40.82 543.03 60,262.11 305.95 991.16 12.23 62,155.29
Forestland 0.02 2.97 28.63 36,920.91 17.18 0.23 36,969.94
Grassland 35.69 27.33 780.64 214.70 30,277.49 1.07 31,336.93
Water body 0.10 0.03 2.00 0.16 0.25 100.57 103.11
Total 841.11 3015.74 61,404.30 37,448.40 31,781.14 114.46 134,605.14
Period Bare land Built-up land Cultivated land Forestland Grassland Water body Total
2005-2010 Bare land 720.35 3.50 56.27 1.02 59.91 0.07 841.11
Built-up land 0.00 3015.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3015.74
Cultivated land 31.09 284.17 60,336.69 195.52 542.35 14.47 61,404.30
Forestland 0.03 1.05 15.18 37,424.47 7.10 0.58 37,448.40
Grassland 80.09 19.26 511.56 218.02 30,951.17 1.03 31,781.14
Water body 0.24 0.05 4.49 0.19 0.50 108.99 114.46
Total 831.80 3323.76 60,924.19 37,839.24 31,561.02 125.14 134,605.14
Period Bare land Built-up land Cultivated land Forestland Grassland Water body Total
2010-2015 Bare land 546.55 3.90 116.26 0.54 164.41 0.13 831.80
Built-up land 0.00 3323.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3323.76
Cultivated land 20.10 353.17 59,947.23 119.64 466.57 17.47 60,924.19
Forestland 0.13 1.32 23.55 37,802.43 11.45 0.37 37,839.24
Grassland 21.10 19.96 473.44 146.40 30,898.60 1.52 31,561.02
Water body 0.28 0.02 3.28 0.21 0.35 120.99 125.14
Total 588.16 3702.14 60,563.76 38,069.22 31,541.38 140.48 134,605.14
Period Bare land Built-up land Cultivated land Forestland Grassland Water body Total
2015-2020 Bare land 503.83 7.02 45.48 0.26 31.46 0.10 588.16
Built-up land 0.00 3702.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3702.14
Cultivated land 26.07 1025.93 58,830.17 177.73 487.87 15.99 60,563.76
Forestland 0.26 8.12 58.83 37,973.94 26.73 1.35 38,069.22
Grassland 42.12 51.44 735.70 151.70 30,557.59 2.84 31,541.38
Water body 1.69 1.59 3.34 0.17 0.37 133.32 140.48
Total 573.97 4796.25 59,673.51 38,303.79 31,104.03 153.60 134,605.14
Period Bare land Built-up land Cultivated land Forestland Grassland Water body Total
1985-2020 Bare land 141.64 2.45 477.52 9.95 467.65 11.63 1110.85
Built-up land 0.00 1662.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1662.52
Cultivated land 177.51 3014.65 45,972.82 4013.84 9212.04 85.70 62,476.57
Forestland 2.09 21.35 1546.09 31,390.12 2739.03 11.19 35,709.87
Grassland 249.99 89.12 11,650.04 2889.12 18,684.02 9.54 33,571.82
Water body 2.73 6.16 27.04 0.75 1.28 35.55 73.52
Total 573.97 4796.25 59,673.51 38,303.79 31,104.03 153.60 134,605.14
Table S1 Transfer matrix of land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) in different periods (unit: km2)
Fig. 5 Spatial distribution of other land-use types converted to cultivated land (a1-a8) and forestland (b1-b8) in the WRB in 1985-1990 (a1 and b1), 1990-1995 (a2 and b2), 1995-2000 (a3 and b3), 2000-20005 (a4 and b4), 2005-2010 (a5 and b5), 2010-2015 (a6 and b6), 2015-2020 (a7 and b7), and 1985-2020 (a8 and b8)
Fig. 6 Spatial distribution of other land-use types converted to grassland (a1-a8) and built-up land (b1-b8) in the WRB in 1985-1990 (a1 and b1), 1990-1995 (a2 and b2), 1995-2000 (a3 and b3), 2000-20005 (a4 and b4), 2005-2010 (a5 and b5), 2010-2015 (a6 and b6), 2015-2020 (a7 and b7), and 1985-2020 (a8 and b8)
Fig. 7 Single land-use dynamic index (including relative land-use dynamic index and absolute land-use dynamic index) values of land-use types in the WRB in 1985-1990 (a), 1990-1995 (b), 1995-2000 (c), 2000-2005 (d), 2005-2010 (e), 2010-2015 (f), 2015-2020 (g), and 1985-2020 (h). Note that values of relative or absolute land-use dynamic index less than zero represent decrease in the area of land-use type, and values of relative or absolute land-use dynamic index greater than zero represent increase in the area of land-use type.
1985-1990 1990-1995 1995-2000 2000-2005 2005-2010 2010-2015 2015-2020
Comprehensive land-use dynamic index (%) 0.20 0.40 0.90 0.40 0.20 0.18 0.39
Table 3 Comprehensive land-use dynamic index in the Weihe River Basin (WRB) in 1985-2020 at an inverval of 5 a
Fig. 8 Variations of q values for different influencing factors of LUCC in the WRB and its sub-basins from 1985 to 2020. (a), LRB; (b), JRB; (c), UWRB; (d), MWRB; (e), DWRB; (f), WRB. q, the value of driving forces of the influencing factor; Tem, temperature; Pre, precipitation; DEM, elevation; DISTri, distance to rivers; DISTnh, distance to national highway; DISTph, distance to provincial highway; DISTex, distance to expressway; DISTra, distance to railway; Pop, population density; GDP, gross domestic product.
Fig. 9 Average q value of each influencing factor of LUCC in the WRB and its sub-basins. (a), LRB; (b), JRB; (c), UWRB; (d), MWRB; (e), DWRB; (f), WRB. q, the value of driving forces of the influencing factor; Tem, temperature; Pre, precipitation; DEM, elevation; DISTri, distance to rivers; DISTnh, distance to national highway; DISTph, distance to provincial highway; DISTex, distance to expressway; DISTra, distance to railway; Pop, population density; GDP, gross domestic product.
Fig. 10 Heat map of the 5-a average interaction of influencing factors of LUCC in the WRB and its sub-basins from 1985 to 2020. (a), LRB; (b), JRB; (c), UWRB; (d), MWRB; (e), DWRB; (f), WRB. Tem, temperature; Pre, precipitation; DEM, elevation; DISTri, distance to rivers; DISTnh, distance to national highway; DISTph, distance to provincial highway; DISTex, distance to expressway; DISTra, distance to railway; Pop, population density; GDP, gross domestic product.
Fig. 11 Proportion of the average q value of each influencing factor of LUCC in each sub-basin of the WRB. q, the value of driving forces of the influencing factor; Tem, temperature; Pre, precipitation; DEM, elevation; DISTri, distance to rivers; DISTnh, distance to national highway; DISTph, distance to provincial highway; DISTex, distance to expressway; DISTra, distance to railway; Pop, population density; GDP, gross domestic product.
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