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An experimental study on the influences of wind erosion on water erosion |
Huimin YANG1,2,3,4, Yuan GAO2,3, Degen LIN2,3, Xueyong ZOU1,5,6, Jing’ai WANG1,2,3, Peijun SHI1,5,6,*( ) |
1 State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 2 Key Laboratory of Regional Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 3 School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 4 College of Life Science & Technology, Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology, Qinhuangdao 066000, China 5 Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster of Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 6 Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China |
Abstract In semi-arid regions, complex erosion resulted from a combination of wind and water actions has led to a massive soil loss and a comprehensive understanding of its mechanism is the first step toward prevention of the erosion. However, the mutual influences between wind erosion and water erosion have not been fully understood. This research used a wind tunnel and two rainfall simulators and simulated two rounds of alternations between wind erosion and water erosion (i.e., 1st wind erosion-1st water erosion and 2nd wind erosion-2nd water erosion) on three slopes (5°, 10°, and 15°) with six wind speeds (0, 9, 11, 13, 15, and 20 m/s) and five rainfall intensities (0, 30, 45, 60, and 75 mm/h). The objective was to analyze the influences of wind erosion on succeeding water erosion. Results showed that the effects of wind erosion on water erosion were not the same in the two rounds of tests. In the 1st round of tests, wind erosion first restrained and then intensified water erosion mostly because the blocking effect of wind-sculpted micro-topography on surface flow was weakened with the increase in slope. In the 2nd round of tests, wind erosion intensified water erosion on beds with no rills at gentle slopes and low rainfall intensities or with large-size rills at steep slopes and high rainfall intensities. Wind erosion restrained water erosion on beds with small rills at moderate slopes and moderate rainfall intensities. The effects were mainly related to the fine grain layer, rills and slope of the original bed in the 2nd round of tests. The findings can deepen our understanding of complex erosion resulted from a combination of wind and water actions and provide scientific references to regional soil and water conservation.
Received: 28 April 2016
Published: 10 August 2017
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