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Journal of Arid Land  2023, Vol. 15 Issue (8): 989-1005    DOI: 10.1007/s40333-023-0024-5
Research article     
Saxicolous lichen communities in three basins associated with mining activity in northwestern Argentina
Juan M HERNÁNDEZ1,*(), Renato A GARCÍA2, Edith R FILIPPINI3, Cecilia ESTRABOU3, Martha S CAÑAS1, Juan M RODRÍGUEZ3
1Faculty of Technology and Applied Sciences, Regional Centre of Energy and Environment for Sustainable Development, National University of Catamarca, Catamarca 4700, Argentina
2Laboratory of Biodiversity and Environmental Genetics, National University of Avellaneda, Avellaneda 1870, Argentina
3Institute of Biological and Technological Research
4Centre for Ecology and Renewable Natural Resources, Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, National University of Cordoba, Cordoba 5000, Argentina
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Mining activity affects the vegetation and soils of the ecosystems. However, the effects of mining activity on saxicolous lichen communities are less concerned. Thus, the aim of this study was to characterize saxicolous lichen communities in three basins (Vis-Vis River basin, Poteros River basin, and Capillitas River basin) surrounding metalliferous mining projects of different types of operation and at different stages of exploitation. A large-scale mine (Bajo de la Alumbrera) with more than 25 a of open-pit mining located in the Vis-Vis River basin (CRV). A pre-exploitation mine (Agua Rica) located in the Poteros River basin (CRP), and a small-scale mine (Minas Capillitas) with more than 160 a of underground mining located in the Capillitas River basin (CAC). In each basin, species richness, cover, and frequency of lichen communities were measured on 40 rock outcrops. Also, explanatory variables were recorded, i.e., altitude, slope, aspect, vegetation cover, rock, and soil cover around the rocky area sampled. Richness and total cover of lichen communities were analysed using linear models, and species composition was explored using multivariate ordination analysis. Results showed that a total of 118 lichen species were identified. The species richness differed among basins and the lichen composition present in areas close to mining sites responded mainly to basins, altitude, and microsite variables. The lichen cover showed no difference among basins, but it changed under different rock and vegetation cover. It was not possible to quantify the effects of mining activity on species richness and composition. However, the low richness values found in the downstream of Minera Alumbrera could be associated with the negative impact of open-pit mining. Moreover, the effects of large-scale mining activity on lichen communities needs more investigation.

Key wordslichen community      altitude      microsite      metalliferous mining      vegetation     
Received: 08 March 2023      Published: 31 August 2023
Corresponding Authors: * Juan M HERNÁNDEZ (E-mail:
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Juan M HERNÁNDEZ, Renato A GARCÍA, Edith R FILIPPINI, Cecilia ESTRABOU, Martha S CAÑAS, Juan M RODRÍGUEZ. Saxicolous lichen communities in three basins associated with mining activity in northwestern Argentina. Journal of Arid Land, 2023, 15(8): 989-1005.

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Fig. 1 Location of sampling sites in the study area. (a), overall of the study area including the three river basins; (b), Vis-Vis River basin (CRV); (c), Poteros River basin (CRP); (d), Capillitas River basin (CAC).
Fig. 2 Venn diagram showing the number of lichen species shared among the three basins close to metalliferous mines. CRV, Vis-Vis River basin; CRP, Poteros River basin; CAC, Capillitas River basin.
Fig. 3 Richness of saxicolous lichens in the three basins associated with mining activity. CRP, Potreros River basin; CAC, Capillitas River basin; CRV, Vis-Vís River basin. Black boxes show mean values. Black boxes show mean values. Bars are standard deviations.
Index Variable Deviance P value
Richness Basin 64.13 0.0001
Basin>Altitude 9.72 0.0211
F value
Total lichen cover Rock cover 5.39 0.0226
Vegetation cover 4.14 0.0448
Table 1 Best fit models for species richness and total lichen cover
Fig. 4 Cover of saxicolous lichens in the three basins associated with mining activity. CRP, Potreros River basin; CAC, Capillitas River basin; CRV, Vis-Vìs River basin. Black boxes show mean values. Bars are standard deviations.
Fig. 5 Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) using the relative frequency of lichen species. Grey arrows show the correlation of each axis with altitude and soil cover. CRP, Potreros River basin; CAC, Capillitas River basin; CRV, Vis-Vìs River basin; A.alto, A. altoandina; A.chry, Acarsopora chrysops (Tuck.) H.Magn; A.lore, Acarospora lorentzii (Müll. Arg.) Hue; A.xant, Acarospora xanthopahana (Nyl.) Jatta; B.spur, Buellia spuria (Schaer.) Anzi; B.sulf, Buellia sulphurea Malme;, Caloplca aff. altoandina (Malme) Zahlbr.; C.ama3, C.amer 3; C.atro, Caloplaca atroflava (Turner) Mong.; C.conc, Candelaria concolor (Dicks.) Arnold; C.nubi, Culbersonia nubile (Moberg) Essl.; C.ochr, Caloplaca ochraceofulva (Müll. Arg.) Jatta; C.side, Caloplaca aff. sideritis (Tuck.) Zahlbr.; C.sono, C. sonorae; C.vite, C. vitellina; F.hays, Flavoparmelia haysomii (C.W. Dodge) Hale; Fla.sp, Flavoplaca sp; L.argo, Lecanora argopholis (Ach.) Ach.; L.carp, Lecidella carpathica K?rb.; L.disp, Lecanora dispersa (Pers.) R?hl.; L.gran, L. granulosula; L.mura, Lecanora muralis (Schreb.) Rabenh.; Lep.sp, Lepraria sp.; N.pulc, Nephroma pulchella (Borrer) Nyl.; P.aipo, Physcia aipolia (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Fürnr.; P.badi, Protoparmelia badia (Hoffm.) Hafellner; P.breu, Pyrenula aff. breutelii (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot; P.cand, Placomaronea candelarioides R?s?nen; P.dist, Psiloparmelia distinta (Nyl.) Hale; P.micr, Punctelia microsticta (Müll. Arg.) Krog; P.peer, Punctelia perreticulata (R?s?nen) G. Wilh. & Ladd; P.ponc, Physcia poncinsii Hue; P.punc, Punctelia punctilla (Hale) Krog; P.reti, Parmotrema reticulatum (Taylor) M. Choisy; P.sema, Punctelia semansiana (W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb.) Krog; P.stic, Punctelia stictica (Delise ex Duby) Krog; R.cela, Ramalina celastri (Spreng.) Krog & Swinsc.; R.conf, Rinodina confragosa (Ach.) K?rb.; R.disp, Rhizocarpon disporumn (N?geli ex Hepp) Müll. Arg.; R.inca, Ramalina incana Kashiw.; R.long, Rinodina longisperma Matzer & H. Mayrhofer; T.nodu, Teloschistes nodulifer (Nyl.) Hillmann; T.sedi, Toninia sedifolia (Scop.) Timdal; U.calv, Umbilicaria calvescens Nyl.; U.duri, Usnea durietzii Motyka; U.ploy, Umbilicaria polyphylla (L.) Baumg; X.cord, Xanthoparmelia cordillerana (Gyeln.) Hale; X.fari, Xanthoparmelia farinosa (Vain.) T.H. Nash, Elix & J. Johnst.; X.hass, Xanthomendoza hasseana (R?s?nen) S?chting, K?rnefelt & S.Y. Kondr.; X.loxo, Xanthoparmelia loxodes (Nyl.) O. Blanco, A. Crespo, Elix, D. Hawksw. & Lumbsch; X.micr, Xanthoparmelia microspora (Müll. Arg.) Hale; X.punc, Xanthoparmelia punctulata (Gyeln.) Hale; X.sant, Xanthoparmelia santessonii T.H. Nash & Elix.
Species Basin IV GF P
Xanthoparmelia punctulata (Gyeln.) Hale CAC 25.0 F 0.05
Protoparmelia badia (Hoffm.) Hafellner 12.5 C 0.01
Ramalina incana Kashiw. 9.7 Fr 0.05
Xanthoparmelia cordillerana (Gyeln.) Hale 24.6 F 0.00
Lecidella aff granulosula (Nyl.) Knoph & Leuckert 29.4 C 0.00
Punctelia perreticulata (Räsänen) G. Wilh. & Ladd 21.2 F 0.01
Umbilicaria haplocarpa Nyl. 59.7 FU 0.00
Psiloparmelia distincta (Nyl.) Hale 21.9 F 0.00
Xanthoparmelia microspora (Müll. Arg.) Hale 24.0 F 0.00
Xanthomendoza hasseana (Räsänen) Søchting, Kärnefelt & S.Y. Kondr. 17.1 F 0.00
Caloplaca aff sonorae Wetmore 67.5 C 0.00
Teloschistes nodulifer (Nyl.) Hillmann 27.9 Fr 0.00
Caloplaca aff. altoandina (Malme) Zahlbr. 52.5 C 0.00
Candelariella vitellina (Hoffm.) Müll. Arg. 33.3 C 0.00
Lecidella carpathica Körb. 28.1 C 0.00
Xanthoparmelia loxodes (Nyl.) O. Blanco, A. Crespo, Elix, D. Hawksw. & Lumbsch 17.5 F 0.00
Rinodina confragosa (Ach.) Körb. 15.4 C 0.01
Buellia sulphurea Malme 17.6 C 0.03
Caloplaca atroflava (Turner) Mong. CRP 30.9 C 0.00
Buellia spuria (Schaer.) Anzi 51.9 C 0.00
Lecanora argopholis (Ach.) Ach. 39.6 C 0.00
Punctelia borrerina (Nyl.) Krog 17.3 F 0.00
Ramalina celastri (Spreng.) Krog & Swinscow 20.0 Fr 0.00
Usnea durietzii Motyka 21.9 Fr 0.00
Umbilicaria calvescens Nyl. 20.0 FU 0.00
Normandina pulchrella (Borrer) Nyl. 10.0 E 0.03
Physcia aipolia (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Fürnr. 12.5 F 0.01
Rhizocarpon disporum (Nägeli ex Hepp) Müll. Arg. 12.2 C 0.03
Acarospora lorentzii (Müll. Arg.) Hue CRV 17.8 C 0.02
Caloplaca ochraceofulva (Müll. Arg.) Jatta 27.9 C 0.00
Lecanora muralis (Schreb.) Rabenh. 12.0 P 0.03
Punctelia punctilla (Hale) Krog 24.6 F 0.00
Rinodina longisperma Matzer & H. Mayrhofer 29.2 C 0.00
Caloplaca aff americana (Malme) Zahlbr. 29.3 C 0.00
Table 2 Indicator Species Analysis (ISA) according to basins and applied to presence-absence lichen data
Taxon Basin Family Growth form
Acarospora aff. altoandina H. Magn. + Acarosporaceae C
Acarospora aff. obnubila H. Magn. + Acarosporaceae C
Acarospora boliviana H. Magn. + Acarosporaceae C
Acarospora lorentzii (Müll. Arg.) Hue + + + Acarosporaceae C
Acarosporoide negro + Acarosporaceae C
Acarospora xanthophana (Nyl.) Jatta + + Acarosporaceae C
Acarospora chrysops (Tuck.) H. Magn. + + Acarosporaceae C
Buellia aff. umbrina Malme + Caliciaceae C
Buellia spuria (Schaer.) Anzi + + + Caliciaceae C
Buellia sulphurea Malme + + Caliciaceae C
Caloplaca aff. americana (Malme) Zahlbr. + + Teloschistaceae C
Caloplaca aff. sideritis (Tuck.) Zahlbr. + Teloschistaceae C
Caloplaca aff. sonorae Wetmore + Teloschistaceae C
Caloplaca aff. subsquamosa (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr. + Teloschistaceae C
Caloplaca amarillo + Teloschistaceae C
Caloplaca atroflava (Turner) Mong. + + Teloschistaceae C
Caloplaca ochraceofulva (Müll. Arg.) Jatta + + + Teloschistaceae C
Caloplca aff. altoandina (Malme) Zahlbr. + Teloschistaceae C
Candelaria concolor (Dicks.) Arnold + + Lecanoraceae F
Candelaria fibrosa (Fr.) Müll. Arg. + Lecanoraceae F
Candelariella vitellina (Hoffm.) Müll. Arg. + + Candelariaceae C
Cladonia pyxidata (L.) Hoffm. + Cladoniaceae F
Crustoso amarillo 1 + - C
Crustoso amarillo 2 + - C
Crustoso amarillo 3 + - C
Crustoso blanco 1 + - C
Crustoso blanco 2 + - C
Crustoso blanco 3 + - C
Crustoso blanco con peritecios + - C
Crustoso gris verdoso + - C
Crustoso negro + - C
Crustoso sp. 1 + - C
Crustoso verde + + - C
Culbersonia nubila (Moberg) Essl. + + Physciaceae F
Diploschistes euganeus (A. Massal.) J. Steiner + Thelotremataceae C
Diploschistes bisporus (Bagl.) J. Steiner + Thelotremataceae C
Diploschistes scruposus (Schreb.) Norman + Thelotremataceae C
Diplotomma hedinii (H. Magn.) P. Clerc & Cl. Roux&nbsp + Caliciaceae C
Escuamuloso marrón + - E
Flavoparmelia haysomii (C.W. Dodge) Hale + + + Parmeliaceae F
Flavoparmelia papilosaun (Lynge ex Gyeln.) Hale + Parmeliaceae F
Flavoparmelia soredians (Nyl.) Hale + Parmeliaceae F
Flavoplaca austrocitrina (Vondrák, Říha, Arup & Søchting) Arup, Søchting & Frödén + Teloschistaceae C
Flavoplaca sp. + Teloschistaceae C
Heterodermia albicans (Pers.) Swinscow & Krog + Physciaceae F
Heterodermia diademata (Taylor) D.D. Awasthi + Physciaceae F
Heterodermia lutescens (Kurok.) Follmann + Physciaceae SFr
Heterodermia obscurata (Nyl.) Trevis. + Physciaceae F
Hyperphyscia syncolla (Tuck. ex Nyl.) Kalb + Physciaceae F
Lecanora argopholis (Ach.) Ach. + + Lecanoraceae C
Lecanora dispersa (Pers.) Röhl. + Lecanoraceae C
Lecidella aff. granulosula (Nyl.) Knoph & Leuckert + + + Lecanoraceae C
Lecidella carpathica Körb. + + Lecanoraceae C
Leprarioide sp. + Stereocaulaceae C
Leptogium austroamericanum (Malme) C.W. Dodge + Collemataceae F
Leptogium hypotrachynum Müll. Arg. + Collemataceae F
Leptogium phyllocarpum (Pers.) Mont. + Collemataceae F
Microfolioso marrón + - F
Normandinaephroma pulchella (Borrer) Nyl. + Nephromataceae E
Paraparmelia sp. + Parmeliaceae F
Parmotrema consors (Nyl.) Krog & Swinscow + Parmeliaceae F
Parmotrema muelleri (Vain.) O. Blanco, A. Crespo, Divakar, Elix & Lumbsch + Parmeliaceae F
Parmotrema reticulatum (Taylor) M. Choisy + + Parmeliaceae F
Phaeophyscia hirsuta (Mereschk.) Essl. + Physciaceae F
Physcia aipolia (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Fürnr. + Physciaceae F
Physcia poncinsii Hue + + Physciaceae F
Physcia tribacia (Ach.) Nyl. + Physciaceae F
Placidium ruiz-lealii (Räsänen) Breussruiz-lealli + Verrucariaceae E
Placomaronea candelarioides Räsänen + + + Lecanoraceae FU
Protoparmelia badia (Hoffm.) Hafellner + Parmeliaceae C
Psiloparmelia distincta (Nyl.) Hale + + Parmeliaceae F
Punctelia borrerina (Nyl.) Krog + + Parmeliaceae F
Punctelia perreticulata (Räsänen) G. Wilh. & Ladd + + + Parmeliaceae F
Punctelia punctilla (Hale) Krog + + + Parmeliaceae F
Punctelia semansiana (W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb.) Krog + + Parmeliaceae F
Punctelia stictica (Delise ex Duby) Krog + + + Parmeliaceae F
Pyrenula aff. breutelii (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot + + Pyrenulaceae C
Ramalina celastri (Spreng.) Krog & Swinsc. + Ramalinaceae Fr
Ramalina incana Kashiw. + + Ramalinaceae Fr
Rhizocarpon disporumn (Nägeli ex Hepp) Müll. Arg. + + Rhizocarpaceae C
Rinodina confragosa (Ach.) Körb. + + Physciaceae C
Rinodina longisperma Matzer & H. Mayrhofer + + + Physciaceae C
Rinodina oxydata (A. Massal.) A. Massal. + + + Physciaceae C
Rinodina peloleuca (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. + Physciaceae C
Rinodina sp. + Physciaceae C
Staurothele areolata (Ach.) Lettau + + Verrucariaceae C
Teloschistes chrysophthalmus (L.) Th. Fr. + Teloschistaceae Fr
Teloschistes nodulifer (Nyl.) Hillmann + Teloschistaceae Fr
Toninia sedifolia (Scop.) Timdal + Ramalinaceae E
Toninia aff submexicana B. de Lesd. + Ramalinaceae E
Trimmatothelopsis smaragdula (Wahlenb. ex Ach.) Cl. Roux & Nav.-Ros. + Acarosporaceae C
Umbilicaria calvescens Nyl. + Umbilicariaceae FU
Umbilicaria haplocarpa Nyl. + + Umbilicariaceae FU
Umbilicaria polyphylla (L.) Baumg. + + Umbilicariaceae FU
Usnea amblyoclada (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr. + Parmeliaceae Fr
Usnea cirrosa Motyka + Parmeliaceae Fr
Usnea dasaea Stirt. + Parmeliaceae Fr
Usnea durietzii Motyka + + Parmeliaceae Fr
Usnea sp. + Parmeliaceae Fr
Verrucarioide sp. + Verrucariaceae C
Xanthomendoza hasseana (Räsänen) Søchting, Kärnefelt & S.Y. Kondr. + + Parmeliaceae F
Xanthoparmelia cordillerana (Gyeln.) Hale + + Parmeliaceae F
Xanthoparmelia farinosa (Vain.) T.H. Nash, Elix & J. Johnst. + + + Parmeliaceae F
Xanthoparmelia ferraroiana T.H. Nash, Elix & J. Johnst. + + Parmeliaceae F
Xanthoparmelia fumarprotocetrarica (Elix & J. Johnst.) Elix + Parmeliaceae F
Xanthoparmelia loxodes (Nyl.) O. Blanco, A. Crespo, Elix, D. Hawksw. & Lumbsch + Parmeliaceae F
Xanthoparmelia mahuiana T.H. Nash & Elix + Parmeliaceae F
Xanthoparmelia microspora (Müll. Arg.) Hale + + Parmeliaceae F
Xanthoparmelia mougeotii (Schaer. ex D. Dietr.) Hale + Parmeliaceae F
Xanthoparmelia punctulata (Gyeln.) Hale + + + Parmeliaceae F
Xanthoparmelia santessonii T.H. Nash & Elix + + Parmeliaceae F
Xanthoparmelia subulcerosa T.H. Nash & Elix + Parmeliaceae F
Xanthoparmelia ulcerosa (Zahlbr.) Hale + Parmeliaceae F
Xanthoparmelia villamilianus T.H. Nash & J. Johnst. + Parmeliaceae F
Table S1 List of lichen taxa identified by basin, taxonomic family, and growth form
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