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Journal of Arid Land  2024, Vol. 16 Issue (9): 1163-1182    DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0106-z

CSTR: 32276.14.JAL.0240106z

Research article     
A new monitoring index for ecological vulnerability and its application in the Yellow River Basin, China from 2000 to 2022
GUO Bing1, XU Mei1, ZHANG Rui2,*(), LUO Wei3
1School of Civil Engineering and Geomatics, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255000, China
2Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing of Gansu Province, Heihe Remote Sensing Experimental Research Station, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
3North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Langfang 065000, China
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The ecological environment of the Yellow River Basin has become more fragile under the combined action of natural and manmade activities. However, the change mechanisms of ecological vulnerability in different sub-regions and periods vary, and the reasons for this variability are yet to be explained. Thus, in this study, we proposed a new remote sensing ecological vulnerability index by considering moisture, heat, greenness, dryness, land degradation, and social economy indicators and then analyzed and disclosed the spatial and temporal change patterns of ecological vulnerability of the Yellow River Basin, China from 2000 to 2022 and its driving mechanisms. The results showed that the newly proposed remote sensing ecological vulnerability index had a high accuracy, at 86.36%, which indicated a higher applicability in the Yellow River Basin. From 2000 to 2022, the average remote sensing ecological vulnerability index of the Yellow River Basin was 1.03, denoting moderate vulnerability level. The intensive vulnerability area was the most widely distributed, which was mostly located in the northern part of Shaanxi Province and the eastern part of Shanxi Province. From 2000 to 2022, the ecological vulnerability in the Yellow showed an overall stable trend, while that of the central and eastern regions showed an obvious trend of improvement. The gravity center of ecological vulnerability migrated southwest, indicating that the aggravation of ecological vulnerability in the southwestern regions was more severe than in the northeastern regions of the basin. The dominant single factor of changes in ecological vulnerability shifted from normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to temperature from 2000 to 2022, and the interaction factors shifted from temperature∩NDVI to temperature∩precipitation, which indicated that the global climate change exerted a more significant impact on regional ecosystems. The above results could provide decision support for the ecological protection and restoration of the Yellow River Basin.

Key wordsecological vulnerability      spatio-temporal pattern      gravity center migration trajectory      interaction factors      geodetector      green index      q-value     
Received: 14 April 2024      Published: 30 September 2024
CLC:  32276.14.JAL.0240106z  
Corresponding Authors: *ZHANG Rui (
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GUO Bing, XU Mei, ZHANG Rui, LUO Wei. A new monitoring index for ecological vulnerability and its application in the Yellow River Basin, China from 2000 to 2022. Journal of Arid Land, 2024, 16(9): 1163-1182.

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Fig. 1 Location and elevation of the Yellow River Basin, China. DEM, digital elevation model.
Data type Period Data source Resolution (m)
MODIS product data 2000-2022 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, 500
DEM 2000-2022 General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO,
Soil type 2000-2022 Environmental and Scientific Data Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ( 500
Temperature 2000-2022 China Meteorological Data Service Center
Precipitation 2000-2022 China Meteorological Data Service Center
Vegetation coverage 2000-2022 NASA ( 250
Land use type 2000-2022 NASA ( 250
GDP density 2000-2022 Figshare ( 500
Population density 2000-2022 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) archive (https://landsc
Nighttime light data 2000-2022 Harvard Dataverse (
Table 1 Data sources of this study
Fig. 2 Flowchart of this study. MODIS, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer; DMSP/OLI, Defense Meteorological Satellite Program/Operational Linescan System; NPP/VIIRS, National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System Preparatory Project/Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite; PCA, principal component analysis.
Vulnerability level Number of samples
Slight Mild Moderate Intensive Severe Sum
Slight vulnerability 47 2 0 0 0 49
Mild vulnerability 3 39 2 1 0 45
Moderate vulnerability 2 4 54 3 2 65
Intensive vulnerability 0 1 3 57 5 66
Severe vulnerability 0 0 0 2 49 51
Sum 52 46 59 63 56 276
Table 2 Error matrix of remote sensing ecological vulnerability index in the Yellow River Basin in 2022
Fig. 3 Spatial distribution of average remote sensing ecological vulnerability index in the Yellow River Basin from 2000 to 2022
Fig. 4 Change rate of ecological vulnerability in the Yellow River Basin from 2000 to 2022
Fig. 5 Migration trajectory of the gravity center of ecological vulnerability in the Yellow River Basin from 2000 to 2022
Fig. 6 Gravity center distribution of ecological vulnerability in the Yellow River Basin from 2000 to 2022
Fig. 7 Eco-geographical division of the Yellow River Basin
Year Area Single factor q-value Interaction factors q-value
2000 Yellow River Basin NDVI 0.784 Temperature∩NDVI 0.884
Region Ⅰ NDVI 0.707 Temperature∩NDVI 0.856
Region Ⅱ Temperature 0.561 Temperature∩NDVI 0.711
Region Ⅲ NDVI 0.754 Temperature∩NDVI 0.856
2010 Yellow River Basin NDVI 0.688 Temperature∩NDVI 0.817
Region Ⅰ NDVI 0.614 Temperature∩NDVI 0.714
Region Ⅱ NDVI 0.588 Temperature∩NDVI 0.617
Region Ⅲ NDVI 0.658 Temperature∩NDVI 0.762
2022 Yellow River Basin Temperature 0.677 Temperature∩precipitation 0.749
Region Ⅰ Temperature 0.609 Temperature∩NDVI 0.568
Region Ⅱ Temperature 0.602 Temperature∩precipitation 0.613
Region Ⅲ Temperature 0.597 Temperature∩precipitation 0.650
Table 3 q-value of dominant single factor and interaction factors of ecological vulnerability in different regions of the Yellow River Basin in 2000, 2010, and 2022
Fig. 8 q-values of dominant interaction factors in different regions of the Yellow River Basin in 2000 (a, b, c, and d), 2010 (e, f, g, and h), and 2022 (i, j, k, and l). X1, DEM; X2, slope; X3, soil type; X4, temperature; X5, precipitation; X6, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI); X7, land use type; X8, gross domestic product (GDP) density; X9, population density.
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