Research article |
Numerical simulation on the influence of plant root morphology on shear strength in the sandy soil, Northwest China |
ZHANG Lingkai1,2, SUN Jin1,2,*( ), SHI Chong1,2,3 |
1College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China 2Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Water Conservancy Engineering Safety and Water Disaster Prevention and Control, Urumqi 830052, China 3Geotechnical Research Institute, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China |
Abstract Serious riverbank erosion, caused by scouring and soil siltation on the bank slope in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, Northwest China urgently requires a solution. Plant roots play an important role in enhancing soil shear strength on the slopes to maintain slope soils, but the extent of enhancement of soil shear strength by different root distribution patterns is unclear. The study used a combination of indoor experiments and numerical simulation to investigate the effects of varying plant root morphologies on the shear strength of the sandy soil in the Tarim River. The results showed that: (1) by counting the root morphology of dominant vegetation on the bank slope, we summarized the root morphology of dominant vegetation along the coast as vertical, horizontal, and claw type; (2) the shear strength of root-soil composites (RSCs) was significantly higher than that of remolded soil, and the presence of root system made the strain-softening of soil body significantly weakened so that RSCs had better mechanical properties; and (3) compared with the lateral roots, the average particle contact degree of vertical root system was higher, and the transition zone of shear strength was more prominent. Hence, vegetation with vertical root system had the best effect on soil protection and slope fixation. The results of this study have important guiding significance for prevention and control of soil erosion in the Tarim River basin, the restoration of riparian ecosystems, and the planning of water conservancy projects.
Received: 08 April 2024
Published: 31 October 2024
Corresponding Authors:
* SUN Jin (E-mail:
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