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Journal of Arid Land  2021, Vol. 13 Issue (10): 1026-1040    DOI: 10.1007/s40333-021-0082-5
Research article     
Response of ecosystem service value to land use/cover change in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, China
SUN Chen1,2,3, MA Yonggang1,2,*(), GONG Lu1,2,*()
1College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China
2Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology, Urumqi 830046, China
3School of Ecology and Environmental Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China
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Land use/cover change (LUCC) is becoming more and more frequent and extensive as a result of human activities, and is expected to have a major impact on human welfare by altering ecosystem service value (ESV). In this study, we utilized remote sensing images and statistical data to explore the spatial-temporal changes of land use/cover types and ESV in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China from 1975 to 2018. During the study period, LUCC in the study region varied significantly. Except grassland and unused land, all the other land use/cover types (cultivated land, forestland, waterbody, and construction land) increased in areas. From 1975 to 2018, the spatial-temporal variations in ESV were also pronounced. The total ESV decreased by 4.00×108 CNY, which was primarily due to the reductions in the areas of grassland and unused land. Waterbody had a much higher ESV than the other land use/cover types. Ultimately, understanding the impact of LUCC on ESV and the interactions among ESV of different land use/cover types will help improve existing land use policies and provide scientific basis for developing new conservation strategies for ecologically fragile areas.

Key wordsland use/cover types      ecosystem services      human activities      economic development      urbanization      the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains     
Received: 18 March 2021      Published: 10 October 2021
Corresponding Authors: *Corresponding authors: MA Yonggang (E-mail:;GONG Lu (E-mail:
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SUN Chen, MA Yonggang, GONG Lu. Response of ecosystem service value to land use/cover change in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, China. Journal of Arid Land, 2021, 13(10): 1026-1040.

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Ecosystem service type Ecosystem service function ESV equivalent value coefficient (CNY/(hm2•a))
Cultivated land Forestland Grassland Waterbody Construction land Unused land
Supplying services Grain production 1756.90 175.69 527.07 175.69 0.00 17.57
Raw material production 175.69 4567.96 87.85 17.57 0.00 0.00
Regulating services Gas regulation 878.45 6149.18 1405.53 0.00 0.00 0.00
Climatic regulation 1563.65 1405.53 1581.22 808.18 0.00 0.00
Hydrological regulation 1054.15 5622.11 1405.53 17,300.00 -4232.60 52.71
Waste treatment 2881.33 2301.55 2301.55 0.00 -18,548.09 17.57
Supporting services Soil conservation 2565.09 6851.95 3425.97 17.57 0.00 35.14
Biodiversity conservation 1247.41 5727.52 1915.03 4374.70 0.00 597.35
Cultural services Aesthetic landscape 17.57 2248.84 70.28 7624.99 0.00 17.57
Table 1 Ecosystem service value (ESV) equivalent value coefficient for each ecosystem service function to the corresponding land use/cover type in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains
Fig. 1 Distributions of different land use/cover types in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains in 1975 (a), 1990 (b), 2005 (c), and 2018 (d)
Fig. 2 Dynamics of land use/cover change (LUCC) in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains from 1975 to 2018
Period Land use/
cover type
Cultivated land (km2) Forestland (km2) Grassland (km2) Waterbody (km2) Construction land (km2) Unused land (km2) Total (km2)
1975-1990 Cultivated land 13,100.00 204.36 2228.15 41.75 188.98 461.45 16,224.69
Forestland 109.87 5324.26 202.16 6.59 13.18 39.55 5695.61
Grassland 2149.04 503.20 60,300.00 101.08 210.95 1052.55 643,16.82
Waterbody 32.96 6.59 59.33 4698.01 4.39 94.49 4895.77
Construction land 127.45 2.20 32.96 0.00 711.95 8.79 883.35
Unused land 257.09 50.54 1995.23 175.79 61.53 53,900.00 56,440.18
1990-2005 Cultivated land 5985.68 17.58 2032.58 153.82 320.82 219.73 8730.21
Forestland 10.99 4983.67 81.30 2.18 17.58 2.38 5098.10
Grassland 28.57 68.12 65,100.00 90.09 238.73 318.62 65,844.13
Waterbody 0.00 2.19 10.99 4384.39 13.18 10.98 4421.73
Construction land 2.20 2.19 21.97 4.39 1153.63 6.59 1190.97
Unused land 10.99 188.98 628.45 105.47 68.12 54,500.00 55,502.01
2005-2018 Cultivated land 17,300.00 0.00 202.16 13.18 305.44 50.54 17,871.32
Forestland 92.29 5915.36 6.59 4.39 19.78 0.00 6038.41
Grassland 1779.88 13.18 60,500.00 35.16 261.49 35.16 62,624.87
Waterbody 4.39 0.00 21.97 5216.59 3.26 17.58 5263.79
Construction land 17.58 0.00 2.21 8.79 1481.04 0.00 1509.62
Unused land 1070.13 2.20 85.70 32.96 136.24 538.00 1865.23
1975-2018 Cultivated land 36,385.68 221.94 4462.89 208.75 815.24 731.72 42,826.22
Forestland 213.15 16,223.29 290.05 13.16 50.54 41.93 16,832.12
Grassland 3957.49 584.50 1859.00 226.33 711.17 1406.33 8744.82
Waterbody 37.35 8.78 92.29 14,298.99 20.83 123.05 14,581.29
Construction land 147.23 4.39 57.14 13.18 3346.62 15.38 3583.94
Unused land 1388.21 241.72 2709.38 314.22 265.89 1622.00 6541.42
Table 2 Land use transfer matrix for the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains from 1975 to 2018
Fig. 3 Ecosystem service value (ESV) for different land use/cover types in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains in 1975, 1990, 2005, and 2018. Negative value means that the loss caused by depreciation of natural capital and environmental degradation.
Year ESV Land use/cover type
Cultivated land Forestland Grassland Waterbody Construction land Unused land
1975 ESV (×1010 CNY) 1.90 1.99 8.17 3.05 -0.21 0.42
Proportion of the total ESV (%) 12.41 12.98 53.33 19.91 -1.37 2.74
1990 ESV (×1010 CNY) 1.97 2.16 8.22 3.32 -0.29 0.41
Proportion of the total ESV (%) 12.48 13.68 52.06 21.03 -1.84 2.59
2005 ESV (×1010 CNY) 2.19 2.13 8.01 3.47 -0.36 0.44
Proportion of the total ESV (%) 13.79 13.41 50.44 21.85 -2.26 2.77
2018 ESV (×1010 CNY) 2.46 2.09 7.72 3.13 -0.52 0.40
Proportion of the total ESV (%) 16.10 13.68 50.52 20.48 -3.40 2.62
Table 3 ESV for different land use/cover types in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains in 1975, 1990, 2005, and 2018
Time period ESV Land use/cover type
Cultivated land Forestland Grassland Waterbody Construction land Unused land
1975-1990 Change of ESV (×1010 CNY) 0.07 0.17 0.05 0.27 -0.08 -0.01
Mean annual rate of ESV change (%) 0.47 1.13 0.33 1.80 -0.53 -0.07
1990-2005 Change of ESV (×1010 CNY) 0.22 -0.03 -0.21 0.15 -0.07 0.03
Mean annual rate of ESV change (%) 1.47 -0.20 -1.40 1.00 -0.47 0.20
2005-2018 Change of ESV (×1010 CNY) 0.27 -0.04 -0.29 -0.34 -0.16 -0.04
Mean annual rate of ESV change (%) 2.08 -0.31 -2.23 -2.62 -1.23 -0.31
1975-2018 Change of ESV (×1010 CNY) 0.56 0.10 -0.45 0.08 -0.31 -0.02
Mean annual rate of ESV change (%) 1.30 0.23 -1.04 0.19 -3.43 -0.05
Table 4 Dynamics of ESV for different land use/cover types in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains from 1975 to 2018
Fig. 4 ESV for different ecosystem service functions in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains from 1975 to 2018
Fig. 5 Mean anneal rate of ESV change for different ecosystem service functions in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains from 1975 to 2018
Fig. 6 Spatial distributions of areas with different ecological environment risk levels in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains in 1975 (a), 1990 (b), 2005 (c), and 2018 (d). I, lowest ecological environment risk; II, low ecological environment risk; III, moderate ecological environment risk; IV, high ecological environment risk; V, highest ecological environment risk.
Ecological environment risk level 1975 1990 2005 2018
(×104 km2)
Proportion (%) Area
(×104 km2)
Proportion (%) Area
(×104 km2)
Proportion (%) Area
(×104 km2)
Proportion (%)
I 3.82 26.43 3.68 25.11 3.44 22.88 3.20 21.30
II 2.81 19.41 2.88 19.65 2.14 14.20 2.13 14.20
III 2.73 18.88 2.84 19.44 2.94 19.52 3.05 20.33
IV 3.05 21.12 3.14 21.45 3.92 26.04 4.03 26.82
V 2.05 14.16 2.10 14.35 2.61 17.36 2.61 17.35
Table 5 Variations of areas with different ecological environment risk levels in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains in 1975, 1990, 2005, and 2018
Fig. 7 Cross-sensitivity coefficient (CSS) of ESV for cultivated land (a), forestland (b), grassland (c) and waterbody (d) to represent the sensitivity of variations of ESV equivalent value coefficient for different land use/cover types in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains from 1975 to 2018
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