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Journal of Arid Land  2024, Vol. 16 Issue (1): 46-70    DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0090-3
Research article     
Spatiotemporal changes of gross primary productivity and its response to drought in the Mongolian Plateau under climate change
ZHAO Xuqin1,2, LUO Min1,2,*(), MENG Fanhao1,2, SA Chula1,2, BAO Shanhu1,2, BAO Yuhai1,2
1College of Geographical Science, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot 010022, China
2Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, Hohhot 010022, China
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Gross primary productivity (GPP) of vegetation is an important constituent of the terrestrial carbon sinks and is significantly influenced by drought. Understanding the impact of droughts on different types of vegetation GPP provides insight into the spatiotemporal variation of terrestrial carbon sinks, aiding efforts to mitigate the detrimental effects of climate change. In this study, we utilized the precipitation and temperature data from the Climatic Research Unit, the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI), the standardized precipitation index (SPI), and the simulated vegetation GPP using the eddy covariance-light use efficiency (EC-LUE) model to analyze the spatiotemporal change of GPP and its response to different drought indices in the Mongolian Plateau during 1982-2018. The main findings indicated that vegetation GPP decreased in 50.53% of the plateau, mainly in its northern and northeastern parts, while it increased in the remaining 49.47% area. Specifically, meadow steppe (78.92%) and deciduous forest (79.46%) witnessed a significant decrease in vegetation GPP, while alpine steppe (75.08%), cropland (76.27%), and sandy vegetation (87.88%) recovered well. Warming aridification areas accounted for 71.39% of the affected areas, while 28.53% of the areas underwent severe aridification, mainly located in the south and central regions. Notably, the warming aridification areas of desert steppe (92.68%) and sandy vegetation (90.24%) were significant. Climate warming was found to amplify the sensitivity of coniferous forest, deciduous forest, meadow steppe, and alpine steppe GPP to drought. Additionally, the drought sensitivity of vegetation GPP in the Mongolian Plateau gradually decreased as altitude increased. The cumulative effect of drought on vegetation GPP persisted for 3.00-8.00 months. The findings of this study will improve the understanding of how drought influences vegetation in arid and semi-arid areas.

Key wordsgross primary productivity (GPP)      climate change      warming aridification areas      drought sensitivity      cumulative effect duration (CED)      Mongolian Plateau     
Received: 25 July 2023      Published: 31 January 2024
Corresponding Authors: *LUO Min (E-mail:
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ZHAO Xuqin, LUO Min, MENG Fanhao, SA Chula, BAO Shanhu, BAO Yuhai. Spatiotemporal changes of gross primary productivity and its response to drought in the Mongolian Plateau under climate change. Journal of Arid Land, 2024, 16(1): 46-70.

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Fig. 1 Digital elevation model (DEM; a) and vegetation type (b) of the Mongolian Plateau
Fig. 2 Trends in gross primary productivity (GPP) changes and their persistence in the Mongolian Plateau. (a), spatial distribution of GPP changing rate; (b), classification of the significance of GPP changing trends; (c), GPP changing trends in different vegetation types; (d), spatial distribution of Hurst index; (e), persistence of GPP changing trends; (f), persistence of GPP changing trends in different vegetation types. NV, non-vegetation area; SI, significant increase; SDe, significant decrease; NSI, no significant increase; NSDe, no significant decrease; NCI, non-continuous increase; NCD, non-continuous decrease; CSI, continued significant increase; CSD, continued significant decrease; CNSI, continued non-significant increase; CNSD, continued non-significant decrease; CF, coniferous forest; MS, meadow steppe; SH, shrub; TS, typical steppe; DF, deciduous forest; AS, alpine steppe; CR, cropland; DS, desert steppe; SV, sandy vegetation.
Fig. 3 Variation trends of drought indices in the Mongolian Plateau. (a), spatial distribution of Sen's slope of the standardized precipitation index (SPI); (b), classification of changing trends of SPI; (c), SPI changes in different vegetation types; (d), spatial distribution of Sen's slope of the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI); (e), classification of changing trends of SPEI; (f), SPEI changes in different vegetation types. SH, significant humidification; SDr, significant dryness; NSH, non-significant humidification; NSDr, non-significant dryness.
Fig. 4 Spatial distribution of warming aridification areas in the Mongolian Plateau (a) and the percentage of warming aridification areas in different vegetation types (b)
Fig. 5 Spatial distribution and classification of correlation coefficients between GPP and SPI (a and b), GPP and SPEI (d and e), and GPP and temperature (g and h), and the percentage of the classification of correlation coefficients in different vegetation types (c, f, and i). SPC, significantly positive correlation; SNC, significantly negative correlation; NSP, non-significantly positive correlation; NSN, non-significantly negative correlation.
Fig. 6 Spatial distribution and classification of multiple correlation coefficients of GPP with SPI and temperature (a and b), and GPP with SPEI and temperature (d and e), and the percentage of the classification of multiple correlation coefficients in different vegetation types (c and f). SC, significant correlation; IC, insignificant correlation.
Fig. 7 Sensitivity of GPP to drought indices and temperature and spatial distribution of main control factors. (a), spatial distribution of the sensitivity of GPP to SPI; (b), spatial distribution of the sensitivity of GPP to temperature with SPI and temperature as influencing variables; (c), spatial distribution of main control factors to GPP with SPI and temperature as influencing variables; (d), the percentage of main control factors to GPP in different vegetation types with SPI and temperature as influencing variables; (e), spatial distribution of the sensitivity of GPP to SPEI; (f), spatial distribution of the sensitivity of GPP to temperature with SPEI and temperature as influencing variables; (g), spatial distribution of main control factors to GPP with SPEI and temperature as influencing variables; (h), the percentage of main control factors to GPP in different vegetation types with SPEI and temperature as influencing variables.
Fig. 8 Effects of temperature rise on the sensitivity of GPP to drought in different vegetation types. (a), SPI; (b), SPEI.
Fig. 9 Spatial distribution of cumulative effect duration of drought obtained using SPI (a) and SPEI (c), and variation of cumulative effect duration of drought obtained using SPI (a) and SPEI (c) for different vegetation types. The boxes represent the range from the lower quantile (Q25) to the upper quantile (Q75). The cross symbols and horizontal lines inside the boxes represent the means and medians, respectively. The upper and lower whiskers indicate the maximum and minimum values, respectively.
Fig. S1 Altitude dependence of gross primary productivity (GPP) on drought sensitivity and drought accumulation. SPI, standardized precipitation index; SPEI, standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index. The boxes represent the range from the lower quantile (Q25) to the upper quantile (Q75). The cross symbols and horizontal lines inside the boxes represent the means and medians, respectively. The upper and lower whiskers indicate the maximum and minimum values, respectively.
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[5] ZHANG Zhen, XU Yangyang, LIU Shiyin, DING Jing, ZHAO Jinbiao. Seasonal variations in glacier velocity in the High Mountain Asia region during 2015-2020[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2023, 15(6): 637-648.
[6] GAO Xiang, WEN Ruiyang, Kevin LO, LI Jie, YAN An. Heterogeneity and non-linearity of ecosystem responses to climate change in the Qilian Mountains National Park, China[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2023, 15(5): 508-522.
[7] Reza DEIHIMFARD, Sajjad RAHIMI-MOGHADDAM, Farshid JAVANSHIR, Alireza PAZOKI. Quantifying major sources of uncertainty in projecting the impact of climate change on wheat grain yield in dryland environments[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2023, 15(5): 545-561.
[8] Sakine KOOHI, Hadi RAMEZANI ETEDALI. Future meteorological drought conditions in southwestern Iran based on the NEX-GDDP climate dataset[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2023, 15(4): 377-392.
[9] Mehri SHAMS GHAHFAROKHI, Sogol MORADIAN. Investigating the causes of Lake Urmia shrinkage: climate change or anthropogenic factors?[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2023, 15(4): 424-438.
[10] ZHANG Yixin, LI Peng, XU Guoce, MIN Zhiqiang, LI Qingshun, LI Zhanbin, WANG Bin, CHEN Yiting. Temporal and spatial variation characteristics of extreme precipitation on the Loess Plateau of China facing the precipitation process[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2023, 15(4): 439-459.
[11] Adnan ABBAS, Asher S BHATTI, Safi ULLAH, Waheed ULLAH, Muhammad WASEEM, ZHAO Chengyi, DOU Xin, Gohar ALI. Projection of precipitation extremes over South Asia from CMIP6 GCMs[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2023, 15(3): 274-296.
[12] ZHAO Lili, LI Lusheng, LI Yanbin, ZHONG Huayu, ZHANG Fang, ZHU Junzhen, DING Yibo. Monitoring vegetation drought in the nine major river basins of China based on a new developed Vegetation Drought Condition Index[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2023, 15(12): 1421-1438.
[13] CAO Yijie, MA Yonggang, BAO Anming, CHANG Cun, LIU Tie. Evaluation of the water conservation function in the Ili River Delta of Central Asia based on the InVEST model[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2023, 15(12): 1455-1473.
[14] YAN Xue, LI Lanhai. Spatiotemporal characteristics and influencing factors of ecosystem services in Central Asia[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2023, 15(1): 1-19.
[15] LIU Yifeng, GUO Bing, LU Miao, ZANG Wenqian, YU Tao, CHEN Donghua. Quantitative distinction of the relative actions of climate change and human activities on vegetation evolution in the Yellow River Basin of China during 1981-2019[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2023, 15(1): 91-108.