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Responses of runoff to changes in climate and human activities in the Liuhe River Basin, China
LI Mingqian, WANG He, DU Wei, GU Hongbiao, ZHOU Fanchao, CHI Baoming
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (8): 1023-1043.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0023-1
Abstract110)   HTML13)    PDF(pc) (2577KB)(533)       Save

Since the 1950s, numerous soil and water conservation measures have been implemented to control severe soil erosion in the Liuhe River Basin (LRB), China. While these measures have protected the upstream soil and water ecological environment, they have led to a sharp reduction in the downstream flow and the deterioration of the river ecological environment. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the impact of soil and water conservation measures on hydrological processes to assess long-term runoff changes. Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) models and sensitivity analyses based on the Budyko hypothesis, this study quantitatively evaluated the effects of climate change, direct water withdrawal, and soil and water conservation measures on runoff in the LRB during different periods, including different responses to runoff discharge, hydrological regime, and flood processes. The runoff series were divided into a baseline period (1956-1969) and two altered periods, i.e., period 1 (1970-1999) and period 2 (2000-2020). Human activities were the main cause of the decrease in runoff during the altered periods, contributing 86.03% (-29.61 mm), while the contribution of climate change was only 13.70% (-4.70 mm). The impact of climate change manifests as a decrease in flood volume caused by a reduction in precipitation during the flood season. Analysis of two flood cases indicated a 66.00%-84.00% reduction in basin runoff capacity due to soil and water conservation measures in the upstream area. Soil and water conservation measures reduced the peak flow and total flood volume in the upstream runoff area by 77.98% and 55.16%, respectively, even with nearly double the precipitation. The runoff coefficient in the reservoir area without soil and water conservation measures was 4.0 times that in the conservation area. These results contribute to the re-evaluation of soil and water conservation hydrological effects and provide important guidance for water resource planning and water conservation policy formulation in the LRB.

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Impacts of climate change and human activities on vegetation dynamics on the Mongolian Plateau, East Asia from 2000 to 2023
YAN Yujie, CHENG Yiben, XIN Zhiming, ZHOU Junyu, ZHOU Mengyao, WANG Xiaoyu
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (8): 1062-1079.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0082-3
Abstract279)   HTML11)    PDF(pc) (2052KB)(442)       Save

The Mongolian Plateau in East Asia is one of the largest contingent arid and semi-arid areas of the world. Under the impacts of climate change and human activities, desertification is becoming increasingly severe on the Mongolian Plateau. Understanding the vegetation dynamics in this region can better characterize its ecological changes. In this study, based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images, we calculated the kernel normalized difference vegetation index (kNDVI) on the Mongolian Plateau from 2000 to 2023, and analyzed the changes in kNDVI using the Theil-Sen median trend analysis and Mann-Kendall significance test. We further investigated the impact of climate change on kNDVI change using partial correlation analysis and composite correlation analysis, and quantified the effects of climate change and human activities on kNDVI change by residual analysis. The results showed that kNDVI on the Mongolian Plateau was increasing overall, and the vegetation recovery area in the southern region was significantly larger than that in the northern region. About 50.99% of the plateau showed dominant climate-driven effects of temperature, precipitation, and wind speed on kNDVI change. Residual analysis showed that climate change and human activities together contributed to 94.79% of the areas with vegetation improvement. Appropriate human activities promoted the recovery of local vegetation, and climate change inhibited vegetation growth in the northern part of the Mongolian Plateau. This study provides scientific data for understanding the regional ecological environment status and future changes and developing effective ecological protection measures on the Mongolian Plateau.

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Ecological problems and ecological restoration zoning of the Aral Sea
BAO Anming, YU Tao, XU Wenqiang, LEI Jiaqiang, JIAPAER Guli, CHEN Xi, Tojibaev KOMILJON, Shomurodov KHABIBULLO, Xabibullaev B SAGIDULLAEVICH, Idirisov KAMALATDIN
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (3): 315-330.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0055-6
Abstract89)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (1853KB)(418)       Save

The Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world but it has shrunk dramatically as a result of irrational human activities, triggering the "Aral Sea ecological crisis". The ecological problems of the Aral Sea have attracted widespread attention, and the alleviation of the Aral Sea ecological crisis has reached a consensus among the five Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan). In the past decades, many ecological management measures have been implemented for the ecological restoration of the Aral Sea. However, due to the lack of regional planning and zoning, the results are not ideal. In this study, we mapped the ecological zoning of the Aral Sea from the perspective of ecological restoration based on soil type, soil salinity, surface water, groundwater table, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), land cover, and aerosol optical depth (AOD) data. Soil salinization and salt dust are the most prominent ecological problems in the Aral Sea. We divided the Aral Sea into 7 first-level ecological restoration subregions (North Aral Sea catchment area in the downstream of the Syr Darya River (Subregion I); artificial flood overflow area in the downstream of the Aral Sea (Subregion II); physical/chemical remediation area of the salt dust source area in the eastern part of the South Aral Sea (Subregion III); physical/chemical remediation area of severe salinization in the central part of the South Aral Sea (Subregion IV); existing water surface and potential restoration area of the South Aral Sea (Subregion V); Aral Sea vegetation natural recovery area (Subregion VI); and vegetation planting area with slight salinization in the South Aral Sea (Subregion VII)) and 14 second-level ecological restoration subregions according to the ecological zoning principles. Implementable measures are proposed for each ecological restoration subregion. For Subregion I and Subregion II with lower elevations, artificial flooding should be carried out to restore the surface of the Aral Sea. Subregion III and Subregion IV have severe salinization, making it difficult for vegetation to grow. In these subregions, it is recommended to cover and pave the areas with green biomatrix coverings and environmentally sustainable bonding materials. In Subregion V located in the central and western parts of the South Aral Sea, surface water recharge should be increased to ensure that this subregion can maintain normal water levels. In Subregion VI and Subregion VII where natural conditions are suitable for vegetation growth, measures such as afforestation and buffer zones should be implemented to protect vegetation. This study could provide a reference basis for future comprehensive ecological management and restoration of the Aral Sea.

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Response of vegetation variation to climate change and human activities in the Shiyang River Basin of China during 2001-2022
SUN Chao, BAI Xuelian, WANG Xinping, ZHAO Wenzhi, WEI Lemin
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (8): 1044-1061.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0059-2
Abstract61)   HTML15)    PDF(pc) (3006KB)(410)       Save

Understanding the response of vegetation variation to climate change and human activities is critical for addressing future conflicts between humans and the environment, and maintaining ecosystem stability. Here, we aimed to identify the determining factors of vegetation variation and explore the sensitivity of vegetation to temperature (SVT) and the sensitivity of vegetation to precipitation (SVP) in the Shiyang River Basin (SYRB) of China during 2001-2022. The climate data from climatic research unit (CRU), vegetation index data from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), and land use data from Landsat images were used to analyze the spatial-temporal changes in vegetation indices, climate, and land use in the SYRB and its sub-basins (i.e., upstream, midstream, and downstream basins) during 2001-2022. Linear regression analysis and correlation analysis were used to explore the SVT and SVP, revealing the driving factors of vegetation variation. Significant increasing trends (P<0.05) were detected for the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in the SYRB during 2001-2022, with most regions (84%) experiencing significant variation in vegetation, and land use change was determined as the dominant factor of vegetation variation. Non-significant decreasing trends were detected in the SVT and SVP of the SYRB during 2001-2022. There were spatial differences in vegetation variation, SVT, and SVP. Although NDVI and EVI exhibited increasing trends in the upstream, midstream, and downstream basins, the change slope in the downstream basin was lower than those in the upstream and midstream basins, the SVT in the upstream basin was higher than those in the midstream and downstream basins, and the SVP in the downstream basin was lower than those in the upstream and midstream basins. Temperature and precipitation changes controlled vegetation variation in the upstream and midstream basins while human activities (land use change) dominated vegetation variation in the downstream basin. We concluded that there is a spatial heterogeneity in the response of vegetation variation to climate change and human activities across different sub-basins of the SYRB. These findings can enhance our understanding of the relationship among vegetation variation, climate change, and human activities, and provide a reference for addressing future conflicts between humans and the environment in the arid inland river basins.

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Assessment of runoff changes in the sub-basin of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River basin, China based on multiple methods
WANG Xingbo, ZHANG Shuanghu, TIAN Yiman
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (4): 461-482.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0010-6
Abstract108)   HTML12)    PDF(pc) (3663KB)(398)       Save

Quantitative assessment of the impact of climate variability and human activities on runoff plays a pivotal role in water resource management and maintaining ecosystem integrity. This study considered six sub-basins in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River basin, China, to reveal the trend of the runoff evolution and clarify the driving factors of the changes during 1956-2020. Linear regression, Mann-Kendall test, and sliding t-test were used to study the trend of the hydrometeorological elements, while cumulative distance level and ordered clustering methods were applied to identify mutation points. The contributions of climate change and human disturbance to runoff changes were quantitatively assessed using three methods, i.e., the rainfall-runoff relationship method, slope variation method, and variable infiltration capacity (Budyko) hypothesis method. Then, the availability and stability of the three methods were compared. The results showed that the runoff in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River basin exhibited a decreasing trend from 1956 to 2020, with an abrupt change in 1985. For attribution analysis, the runoff series could be divided into two phases, i.e., 1961-1985 (baseline period) and 1986-2020 (changing period); and it was found that the rainfall-runoff relationship method with precipitation as the representative of climate factors had limited usability compared with the other two methods, while the slope variation and Budyko hypothesis methods had highly consistent results. Different factors showed different effects in the sub-basins of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River basin. Moreover, human disturbance was the main factor that contributed to the runoff changes, accounting for 53.0%-82.0%; and the contribution of climate factors to the runoff change was 17.0%-47.0%, making it the secondary factor, in which precipitation was the most representative climate factor. These results provide insights into how climate and anthropogenic changes synergistically influence the runoff of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River basin.

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Threshold friction velocity influenced by soil particle size within the Columbia Plateau, northwestern United States
MENG Ruibing, MENG Zhongju, Brenton SHARRATT, ZHANG Jianguo, CAI Jiale, CHEN Xiaoyan
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (8): 1147-1162.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0081-4
Abstract74)   HTML21)    PDF(pc) (1425KB)(377)       Save

Wind erosion is a geomorphic process in arid and semi-arid areas and has substantial implications for regional climate and desertification. In the Columbia Plateau of northwestern United States, the emissions from fine particles of loessial soils often contribute to the exceedance of inhalable particulate matter (PM) with an aerodynamic diameter of 10 μm or less (PM10) according to the air quality standards. However, little is known about the threshold friction velocity (TFV) for particles of different sizes that comprise these soils. In this study, soil samples of two representative soil types (Warden sandy loam and Ritzville silt loam) collected from the Columbia Plateau were sieved to seven particle size fractions, and an experiment was then conducted to determine the relationship between TFV and particle size fraction. The results revealed that soil particle size significantly affected the initiation of soil movement and TFV; TFV ranged 0.304-0.844 and 0.249-0.739 m/s for different particle size fractions of Ritzville silt loam and Warden sandy loam, respectively. PM10 and total suspended particulates (TSP) emissions from a bed of 63-90 μm soil particles were markedly higher for Warden sandy loam than for Ritzville silt loam. Together with the lower TFV of Warden sandy loam, dust emissions from fine particles (<100 μm in diameter) of Warden sandy loam thus may be a main contributor to dust in the region's atmosphere, since the PM10 emissions from the soil erosion surfaces and its ensuing suspension within the atmosphere constitute an essential process of soil erosion in the Columbia Plateau. Developing and implementing strategic land management practices on sandy loam soils is therefore necessary to control dust emissions in the Columbia Plateau.

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Utilizing sediment grain size characteristics to assess the effectiveness of clay-sand barriers in reducing aeolian erosion in Minqin desert area, China
SONG Dacheng, ZHAO Wenzhi, LI Guangyu, WEI Lemin, WANG Lide, YANG Jingyi, WU Hao, MA Quanlin
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (5): 668-684.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0075-2
Abstract50)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (1375KB)(365)       Save

The clay-sand barriers in Minqin desert area, China, represent a pioneering windbreak and sand fixation project with a venerable history of 60 a. However, studies on evaluating the long-term effectiveness of clay-sand barriers against aeolian erosion, particularly from the perspective of surface sediment grain size, are limited and thus insufficient to ascertain the protective impact of these barriers on regional aeolian activities. This study focused on the surface sediments (topsoil of 0-3 cm depth) of clay-sand barriers in Minqin desert area to explain their erosion resistance from the perspective of surface sediment grain size. In March 2023, six clay-sand barrier sampling plots with clay-sand barriers of different deployment durations (1, 5, 10, 20, 40, and 60 a) were selected as experimental plots, and one control sampling plot was set in an adjacent mobile sandy area without sand barriers. Surface sediment samples were collected from the topsoil of each sampling plot in the study area in April 2023 and sediment grain size characteristics were analyzed. Results indicated a predominance of fine and medium sands in the surface sediments of the study area. The deployment of clay-sand barriers cultivated a fine quality in grain size composition of the regional surface sediments, increasing the average contents of very fine sand, silt, and clay by 30.82%, 417.38%, and 381.52%, respectively. This trend became markedly pronounced a decade after the deployment of clay-sand barriers. The effectiveness of clay-sand barriers in erosion resistance was manifested through reduced wind velocity, the interception of sand flow, and the promotion of fine surface sediment particles. Coarser particles such as medium, coarse, and very coarse sands predominantly accumulated on the external side of the barriers, while finer particles such as fine and very fine sands concentrated in the upwind (northwest) region of the barriers. By contrast, the contents of finest particles such as silt and clay were higher in the downwind (southeast) region of the sampling plots. For the study area, the deployment of clay-sand barriers remains one of the most cost-effective engineering solutions for aeolian erosion control, with sediment grain size parameters serving as quantitative indicators for the assessment of these barriers in combating desertification. The results of this study provide a theoretical foundation for the construction of windbreak and sand fixation systems and the optimization of artificial sand control projects in arid desert areas.

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Effects of desert plant communities on soil enzyme activities and soil organic carbon in the proluvial fan in the eastern foothills of the Helan Mountain in Ningxia, China
SHEN Aihong, SHI Yun, MI Wenbao, YUE Shaoli, SHE Jie, ZHANG Fenghong, GUO Rui, HE Hongyuan, WU Tao, LI Hongxia, ZHAO Na
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (5): 725-737.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0076-1
Abstract54)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (1225KB)(364)       Save

It is of great significance to study the effects of desert plants on soil enzyme activities and soil organic carbon (SOC) for maintaining the stability of the desert ecosystem. In this study, we studied the responses of soil enzyme activities and SOC fractions (particulate organic carbon (POC) and mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC)) to five typical desert plant communities (Convolvulus tragacanthoides, Ephedra rhytidosperma, Stipa breviflora, Stipa tianschanica var. gobica, and Salsola laricifolia communities) in the proluvial fan in the eastern foothills of the Helan Mountain in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China. We recorded the plant community information mainly including the plant coverage and herb and shrub species, and obtained the aboveground biomass and plant species diversity through sample surveys in late July 2023. Soil samples were also collected at depths of 0-10 cm (topsoil) and 10-20 cm (subsoil) to determine the soil physicochemical properties and enzyme activities. The results showed that the plant coverage and aboveground biomass of S. laricifolia community were significantly higher than those of C. tragacanthoides, S. breviflora, and S. tianschanica var. gobica communities (P<0.05). Soil enzyme activities varied among different plant communities. In the topsoil, the enzyme activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and β-1,4-glucosidas (βG) were significantly higher in E. rhytidosperma and S. tianschanica var. gobica communities than in other plant communities (P<0.05). The topsoil had higher POC and MAOC contents than the subsoil. Specifically, the content of POC in the topsoil was 18.17%-42.73% higher than that in the subsoil. The structural equation model (SEM) indicated that plant species diversity, soil pH, and soil water content (SWC) were the main factors influencing POC and MAOC. The soil pH inhibited the formation of POC and promoted the formation of MAOC. Conversely, SWC stimulated POC production and hindered MAOC formation. Our study aimed to gain insight into the effects of desert plant communities on soil enzyme activities and SOC fractions, as well as the drivers of SOC fractions in the proluvial fan in the eastern foothills of the Helan Mountain and other desert ecosystems.

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Environmental dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus release from river sediments of arid areas
SU Wenhao, WU Chengcheng, Sun Xuanxuan, LEI Rongrong, LEI Li, WANG Ling, ZHU Xinping
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (5): 685-698.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0099-7
Abstract51)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (823KB)(360)       Save

Human activities lead to the accumulation of a large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments in rivers. Simultaneously, nitrogen and phosphorus can be affected by environment and re-enter the upper water body, causing secondary pollution of the river water. In this study, laboratory simulation experiments were conducted initially to investigate the release of nitrogen and phosphorus from river sediments in Urumqi City and the surrounding areas in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China and determine the factors that influence their release. The results of this study showed significant short-term differences in nitrogen and phosphorus release characteristics from sediments at different sampling points. The proposed secondary kinetics model (i.e., pseudo-second-order kinetics model) better fitted the release process of sediment nitrogen and phosphorus. The release of nitrogen and phosphorus from sediments is a complex process driven by multiple factors, therefore, we tested the influence of three factors (pH, temperature, and disturbance intensity) on the release of nitrogen and phosphorus from sediments in this study. The most amount of nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N) was released under neutral conditions, while the most significant release of ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N) occurred under acidic and alkaline conditions. The release of nitrite nitrogen (NO2--N) was less affected by pH. The dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) released significantly in the alkaline water environment, while the release of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) was more significant in acidic water. The release amount of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) increased with an increase in pH. The sediments released nitrogen and phosphorus at higher temperatures, particularly NH4+-N, NO3--N, and SRP. The highest amount of DOP was released at 15.0°C. An increase in disturbance intensity exacerbated the release of nitrogen and phosphorus from sediments. NH4+-N, DTP, and SRP levels increased linearly with the intensity of disturbance, while NO3--N and NO2--N were more stable. This study provides valuable information for protecting and restoring the water environment in arid areas and has significant practical reference value.

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Land use and cover change and influencing factor analysis in the Shiyang River Basin, China
ZHAO Yaxuan, CAO Bo, SHA Linwei, CHENG Jinquan, ZHAO Xuanru, GUAN Weijin, PAN Baotian
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (2): 246-265.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0071-6
Abstract81)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (2242KB)(351)       Save

Land use and cover change (LUCC) is the most direct manifestation of the interaction between anthropological activities and the natural environment on Earth's surface, with significant impacts on the environment and social economy. Rapid economic development and climate change have resulted in significant changes in land use and cover. The Shiyang River Basin, located in the eastern part of the Hexi Corridor in China, has undergone significant climate change and LUCC over the past few decades. In this study, we used the random forest classification to obtain the land use and cover datasets of the Shiyang River Basin in 1991, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020 based on Landsat images. We validated the land use and cover data in 2015 from the random forest classification results (this study), the high-resolution dataset of annual global land cover from 2000 to 2015 (AGLC-2000-2015), the global 30 m land cover classification with a fine classification system (GLC_FCS30), and the first Landsat-derived annual China Land Cover Dataset (CLCD) against ground-truth classification results to evaluate the accuracy of the classification results in this study. Furthermore, we explored and compared the spatiotemporal patterns of LUCC in the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the Shiyang River Basin over the past 30 years, and employed the random forest importance ranking method to analyze the influencing factors of LUCC based on natural (evapotranspiration, precipitation, temperature, and surface soil moisture) and anthropogenic (nighttime light, gross domestic product (GDP), and population) factors. The results indicated that the random forest classification results for land use and cover in the Shiyang River Basin in 2015 outperformed the AGLC-2000-2015, GLC_FCS30, and CLCD datasets in both overall and partial validations. Moreover, the classification results in this study exhibited a high level of agreement with the ground truth features. From 1991 to 2020, the area of bare land exhibited a decreasing trend, with changes primarily occurring in the middle and lower reaches of the basin. The area of grassland initially decreased and then increased, with changes occurring mainly in the upper and middle reaches of the basin. In contrast, the area of cropland initially increased and then decreased, with changes occurring in the middle and lower reaches. The LUCC was influenced by both natural and anthropogenic factors. Climatic factors and population contributed significantly to LUCC, and the importance values of evapotranspiration, precipitation, temperature, and population were 22.12%, 32.41%, 21.89%, and 19.65%, respectively. Moreover, policy interventions also played an important role. Land use and cover in the Shiyang River Basin exhibited fluctuating changes over the past 30 years, with the ecological environment improving in the last 10 years. This suggests that governance efforts in the study area have had some effects, and the government can continue to move in this direction in the future. The findings can provide crucial insights for related research and regional sustainable development in the Shiyang River Basin and other similar arid and semi-arid areas.

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Effects of temperature and precipitation on drought trends in Xinjiang, China
YANG Jianhua, LI Yaqian, ZHOU Lei, ZHANG Zhenqing, ZHOU Hongkui, WU Jianjun
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (8): 1098-1117.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0105-0
Abstract114)   HTML16)    PDF(pc) (3116KB)(348)       Save

The characteristics of drought in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang), China have changed due to changes in the spatiotemporal patterns of temperature and precipitation, however, the effects of temperature and precipitation—the two most important factors influencing drought—have not yet been thoroughly explored in this region. In this study, we first calculated the standard precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) in Xinjiang from 1980 to 2020 based on the monthly precipitation and monthly average temperature. Then the spatiotemporal characteristics of temperature, precipitation, and drought in Xinjiang from 1980 to 2020 were analyzed using the Theil-Sen median trend analysis method and Mann-Kendall test. A series of SPEI-based scenario-setting experiments by combining the observed and detrended climatic factors were utilized to quantify the effects of individual climatic factor (i.e., temperature and precipitation). The results revealed that both temperature and precipitation had experienced increasing trends at most meteorological stations in Xinjiang from 1980 to 2020, especially the spring temperature and winter precipitation. Due to the influence of temperature, trends of intensifying drought have been observed at spring, summer, autumn, and annual scales. In addition, the drought trends in southern Xinjiang were more notable than those in northern Xinjiang. From 1980 to 2020, temperature trends exacerbated drought trends, but precipitation trends alleviated drought trends in Xinjiang. Most meteorological stations in Xinjiang exhibited temperature-dominated drought trend except in winter; in winter, most stations exhibited precipitation-dominated wetting trend. The findings of this study highlight the importance of the impact of temperature on drought in Xinjiang and deepen the understanding of the factors influencing drought.

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Landscape ecological risk assessment and its driving factors in the Weihe River basin, China
CHANG Sen, WEI Yaqi, DAI Zhenzhong, XU Wen, WANG Xing, DUAN Jiajia, ZOU Liang, ZHAO Guorong, REN Xiaoying, FENG Yongzhong
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (5): 603-614.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0013-3
Abstract114)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (1295KB)(321)       Save

Weihe River basin is of great significance to analyze the changes of land use pattern and landscape ecological risk and to improve the ecological basis of regional development. Based on land use data of the Weihe River basin in 2000, 2010, and 2020, with the support of Aeronautical Reconnaissance Coverage Geographic Information System (ArcGIS), GeoDa, and other technologies, this study analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics and driving factors of land use pattern and landscape ecological risk. Results showed that land use structure of the Weihe River basin has changed significantly, with the decrease of cropland and the increase of forest land and construction land. In the past 20 a, cropland has decreased by 7347.70 km2, and cropland was mainly converted into forest land, grassland, and construction land. The fragmentation and dispersion of ecological landscape pattern in the Weihe River basin were improved, and land use pattern became more concentrated. Meanwhile, landscape ecological risk of the Weihe River basin has been improved. Severe landscape ecological risk area decreased by 19,177.87 km2, high landscape ecological risk area decreased by 3904.35 km2, and moderate and low landscape ecological risk areas continued to increase. It is worth noting that landscape ecological risks in the upper reaches of the Weihe River basin are still relatively serious, especially in the contiguous areas of high ecological risk, such as Tianshui, Pingliang, Dingxi areas and some areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Landscape ecological risk showed obvious spatial dependence, and high ecological risk area was concentrated. Among the driving factors, population density, precipitation, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and their interactions are the most important factors affecting the landscape ecological risk of the Weihe River basin. The findings significantly contribute to our understanding of the ecological dynamics in the Weihe River basin, providing crucial insights for sustainable management in the region.

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Effects of nitrogen deposition on the carbon budget and water stress in Central Asia under climate change
HAN Qifei, XU Wei, LI Chaofan
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (8): 1118-1129.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0022-2
Abstract53)   HTML13)    PDF(pc) (2377KB)(316)       Save

Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (N) plays a significant role in shaping the structure and functioning of various terrestrial ecosystems worldwide. However, the magnitude of N deposition on grassland ecosystems in Central Asia still remains highly uncertain. In this study, a multi-data approach was adopted to analyze the distribution and amplitude of N deposition effects in Central Asia from 1979 to 2014 using a process-based denitrification decomposition (DNDC) model. Results showed that total vegetation carbon (C) in Central Asia was 0.35 (±0.09) Pg C/a and the averaged water stress index (WSI) was 0.20 (±0.02) for the whole area. Increasing N deposition led to an increase in the vegetation C of 65.56 (±83.03) Tg C and slightly decreased water stress in Central Asia. Findings of this study will expand both our understanding and predictive capacity of C characteristics under future increases in N deposition, and also serve as a valuable reference for decision-making regarding water resources management and climate change mitigation in arid and semi-arid areas globally.

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Spatiotemporal variation of land surface temperature and its driving factors in Xinjiang, China
ZHANG Mingyu, CAO Yu, ZHANG Zhengyong, ZHANG Xueying, LIU Lin, CHEN Hongjin, GAO Yu, YU Fengchen, LIU Xinyi
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (3): 373-395.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0072-5
Abstract104)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (2393KB)(309)       Save

Land surface temperature (LST) directly affects the energy balance of terrestrial surface systems and impacts regional resources, ecosystem evolution, and ecosystem structures. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is located at the arid Northwest China and is extremely sensitive to climate change. There is an urgent need to understand the distribution patterns of LST in this area and quantitatively measure the nature and intensity of the impacts of the major driving factors from a spatial perspective, as well as elucidate the formation mechanisms. In this study, we used the MOD11C3 LST product developed on the basis of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to conduct regression analysis and determine the spatiotemporal variation and differentiation pattern of LST in Xinjiang from 2000 to 2020. We analyzed the driving mechanisms of spatial heterogeneity of LST in Xinjiang and the six geomorphic zones (the Altay Mountains, Junggar Basin, Tianshan Mountains, Tarim Basin, Turpan-Hami (Tuha) Basin, and Pakakuna Mountain Group) using geographical detector (Geodetector) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) models. The warming rate of LST in Xinjiang during the study period was 0.24°C/10a, and the spatial distribution pattern of LST had obvious topographic imprints, with 87.20% of the warming zone located in the Gobi desert and areas with frequent human activities, and the cooling zone mainly located in the mountainous areas. The seasonal LST in Xinjiang was at a cooling rate of 0.09°C/10a in autumn, and showed a warming trend in other seasons. Digital elevation model (DEM), latitude, wind speed, precipitation, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and sunshine duration in the single-factor and interactive detections were the key factors driving the LST changes. The direction and intensity of each major driving factor on the spatial variations of LST in the study area were heterogeneous. The negative feedback effect of DEM on the spatial differentiation of LST was the strongest. Lower latitudes, lower vegetation coverage, lower levels of precipitation, and longer sunshine duration increased LST. Unused land was the main heat source landscape, water body was the most important heat sink landscape, grassland and forest land were the land use and land cover (LULC) types with the most prominent heat sink effect, and there were significant differences in different geomorphic zones due to the influences of their vegetation types, climatic conditions, soil types, and human activities. The findings will help to facilitate sustainable climate change management, analyze local climate and environmental patterns, and improve land management strategies in Xinjiang and other arid areas.

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Afforestation with an age-sequence of Mongolian pine plantation promotes soil microbial residue accumulation in the Horqin Sandy Land, China
GUO Jingwen, SONG Xueshu, WANG Xiao, DU Zhangliu, LU Sen
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (4): 567-579.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0011-5
Abstract82)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (621KB)(308)       Save

Land use change affects the balance of organic carbon (C) reserves and the global C cycle. Microbial residues are essential constituents of stable soil organic C (SOC). However, it remains unclear how microbial residue changes over time following afforestation. In this study, 16-, 23-, 52-, and 62-year-old Mongolian pine stands and 16-year-old cropland were studied in the Horqin Sandy Land, China. We analyzed changes in SOC, amino sugar content, and microbial parameters to assess how microbial communities influence soil C transformation and preservation. The results showed that SOC storage increased with stand age in the early stage of afforestation but remained unchanged at about 1.27−1.29 kg/m2 after 52 a. Moreover, there were consistent increases in amino sugars and microbial residues with increasing stand age. As stand age increased from 16 to 62 a, soil pH decreased from 6.84 to 5.71, and the concentration of total amino sugars increased from 178.53 to 509.99 mg/kg. A significant negative correlation between soil pH and the concentration of specific and total amino sugars was observed, indicating that the effects of soil acidification promote amino sugar stabilization during afforestation. In contrast to the Mongolian pine plantation of the same age, the cropland accumulated more SOC and microbial residues because of fertilizer application. Across Mongolian pine plantation with different ages, there was no significant change in calculated contribution of bacterial or fungal residues to SOC, suggesting that fungi were consistently the dominant contributors to SOC with increasing time. Our results indicate that afforestation in the Horqin Sandy Land promotes efficient microbial growth and residue accumulation in SOC stocks and has a consistent positive impact on SOC persistence.

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Reasonable grazing may balance the conflict between grassland utilization and soil conservation in the semi-arid hilly areas, China
SUN Hui, ZHAO Yunge, GAO Liqian, XU Mingxiang
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (8): 1130-1146.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0025-z
Abstract63)   HTML17)    PDF(pc) (1269KB)(307)       Save

Soil erosion caused by unsustainable grazing is a major driver of grassland ecosystem degradation in many semi-arid hilly areas in China. Thus, grazing exclusion is considered as an effective method for solving this issue in such areas. However, some ecological and economic problems, such as slow grassland rejuvenation and limited economic conditions, have become obstacles for the sustainable utilization of grassland ecosystem. Accordingly, we hypothesized that the conflict between grassland use and soil conservation may be balanced by a reasonable grazing intensity. In this study, a two-year grazing fence experiment with five grazing intensity gradients was conducted in a typical grassland of the Loess Plateau in China to evaluate the responses of vegetation characteristics and soil and water losses to grazing intensity. The five grazing intensity gradients were 2.2, 3.0, 4.2, 6.7, and 16.7 goats/hm2, which were represented by G1-G5, respectively, and no grazing was used as control. The results showed that a reasonable grazing intensity was conducive to the sustainable utilization of grassland resources. Vegetation biomass under G1-G4 grazing intensity significantly increased by 51.9%, 42.1%, 36.9%, and 36.7%, respectively, compared with control. In addition, vegetation coverage increased by 19.6% under G1 grazing intensity. Species diversity showed a single peak trend with increasing grazing intensity. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index under G1-G4 grazing intensities significantly increased by 22.8%, 22.5%, 13.3%, and 8.3%, respectively, compared with control. Furthermore, grazing increased the risk of soil erosion. Compared with control, runoff yields under G1-G5 grazing intensities increased by 1.4, 2.6, 2.8, 4.3, and 3.9 times, respectively, and sediment yields under G1-G5 grazing intensities were 3.0, 13.0, 20.8, 34.3, and 37.7 times greater, respectively, than those under control. This result was mainly attributed to a visible decrease in litter biomass after grazing, which decreased by 50.5%, 72.6%, 79.0%, 80.0%, and 76.9%, respectively, under G1-G5 grazing intensities. By weighing the grassland productivity and soil conservation function, we found that both two aims were achieved at a low grazing intensity of less than 3.5 goats/hm2. Therefore, it is recommended that grassland should be moderately utilized with grazing intensity below 3.5 goats/hm2 in semi-arid hilly areas to achieve the dual goals of ecological and economic benefits. The results provide a scientific basis for grassland utilization and health management in semi-arid hilly areas from the perspective of determining reasonable grazing intensity to maintain both grassland production and soil conservation functions.

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Improving the accuracy of precipitation estimates in a typical inland arid area of China using a dynamic Bayesian model averaging approach
XU Wenjie, DING Jianli, BAO Qingling, WANG Jinjie, XU Kun
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (3): 331-354.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0054-7
Abstract90)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (2277KB)(305)       Save

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is a typical inland arid area in China with a sparse and uneven distribution of meteorological stations, limited access to precipitation data, and significant water scarcity. Evaluating and integrating precipitation datasets from different sources to accurately characterize precipitation patterns has become a challenge to provide more accurate and alternative precipitation information for the region, which can even improve the performance of hydrological modelling. This study evaluated the applicability of widely used five satellite-based precipitation products (Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station (CHIRPS), China Meteorological Forcing Dataset (CMFD), Climate Prediction Center morphing method (CMORPH), Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CDR), and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA)) and a reanalysis precipitation dataset (ECMWF Reanalysis v5-Land Dataset (ERA5-Land)) in Xinjiang using ground-based observational precipitation data from a limited number of meteorological stations. Based on this assessment, we proposed a framework that integrated different precipitation datasets with varying spatial resolutions using a dynamic Bayesian model averaging (DBMA) approach, the expectation-maximization method, and the ordinary Kriging interpolation method. The daily precipitation data merged using the DBMA approach exhibited distinct spatiotemporal variability, with an outstanding performance, as indicated by low root mean square error (RMSE=1.40 mm/d) and high Person's correlation coefficient (CC=0.67). Compared with the traditional simple model averaging (SMA) and individual product data, although the DBMA-fused precipitation data were slightly lower than the best precipitation product (CMFD), the overall performance of DBMA was more robust. The error analysis between DBMA-fused precipitation dataset and the more advanced Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement Final (IMERG-F) precipitation product, as well as hydrological simulations in the Ebinur Lake Basin, further demonstrated the superior performance of DBMA-fused precipitation dataset in the entire Xinjiang region. The proposed framework for solving the fusion problem of multi-source precipitation data with different spatial resolutions is feasible for application in inland arid areas, and aids in obtaining more accurate regional hydrological information and improving regional water resources management capabilities and meteorological research in these regions.

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Assessment of plant diversity of endemic species of the Saharo-Arabian region in Egypt
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (7): 1000-1021.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0102-3
Abstract71)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (815KB)(296)       Save

Savanna, semi-deserts, and hot deserts characterize the Saharo-Arabian region, which includes Morocco, Mauretania, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, southern Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern India. Its neighboring regions, the Sudano-Zambezian region belonging to the Paleotropical Kingdom and the Mediterranean and Irano-Turanian regions included in the Holarctic Kingdom, share a large portion of their flora with the Saharo-Arabian region. Despite the widespread acknowledgment of the region's global importance for plant diversity, an up to date list of the Saharo-Arabian endemics is still unavailable. The available data are frequently insufficient or out of date at both the whole global and the national scales. Therefore, the present study aims at screening and verifying the Saharo-Arabian endemic plants and determining the phytogeographical distribution of these taxa in the Egyptian flora. Hence, a preliminary list of 429 Saharo-Arabian endemic plants in Egypt was compiled from the available literature. Indeed, by excluding the species that were recorded in any countries or regions outside the Saharo-Arabian region based on different literature, database reviews, and websites, the present study has reduced this number to 126 taxa belonging to 87 genera and 37 families. Regarding the national geographic distribution, South Sinai is the richest region with 83 endemic species compared with other eight phytogeographic regions in Egypt, followed by the Isthmic Desert (the middle of Sinai Peninsula, 53 taxa). Sahara regional subzone (SS1) distributes all the 126 endemic species, Arabian regional subzone (SS2) owns 79 taxa, and Nubo-Sindian subzone (SS3) distributes only 14 endemics. Seven groups were recognized at the fourth level of classification as a result of the application of the two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) to the Saharo-Arabian endemic species in Egypt, i.e., I Asphodelus refractus group, II Agathophora alopecuroides var. papillosa group, III Anvillea garcinii group, IV Reseda muricata group, V Agathophora alopecuroides var. alopecuroides group, VI Scrophularia deserti group, and VII Astragalus schimperi group. It's crucial to clearly define the Saharo-Arabian endemics and illustrate an updated verified database of these taxa for a given territory for providing future management plans that support the conservation and sustainable use of these valuable species under current thought-provoking devastating impacts of rapid anthropogenic and climate change in this region.

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Comparison of isotope-based linear and Bayesian mixing models in determining moisture recycling ratio
XIAO Yanqiong, WANG Liwei, WANG Shengjie, Kei YOSHIMURA, SHI Yudong, LI Xiaofei, Athanassios A ARGIRIOU, ZHANG Mingjun
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (6): 739-751.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0016-0
Abstract86)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (3125KB)(291)       Save

Stable water isotopes are natural tracers quantifying the contribution of moisture recycling to local precipitation, i.e., the moisture recycling ratio, but various isotope-based models usually lead to different results, which affects the accuracy of local moisture recycling. In this study, a total of 18 stations from four typical areas in China were selected to compare the performance of isotope-based linear and Bayesian mixing models and to determine local moisture recycling ratio. Among the three vapor sources including advection, transpiration, and surface evaporation, the advection vapor usually played a dominant role, and the contribution of surface evaporation was less than that of transpiration. When the abnormal values were ignored, the arithmetic averages of differences between isotope-based linear and the Bayesian mixing models were 0.9% for transpiration, 0.2% for surface evaporation, and -1.1% for advection, respectively, and the medians were 0.5%, 0.2%, and -0.8%, respectively. The importance of transpiration was slightly less for most cases when the Bayesian mixing model was applied, and the contribution of advection was relatively larger. The Bayesian mixing model was found to perform better in determining an efficient solution since linear model sometimes resulted in negative contribution ratios. Sensitivity test with two isotope scenarios indicated that the Bayesian model had a relatively low sensitivity to the changes in isotope input, and it was important to accurately estimate the isotopes in precipitation vapor. Generally, the Bayesian mixing model should be recommended instead of a linear model. The findings are useful for understanding the performance of isotope-based linear and Bayesian mixing models under various climate backgrounds.

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Impact of climate and human activity on NDVI of various vegetation types in the Three-River Source Region, China
LU Qing, KANG Haili, ZHANG Fuqing, XIA Yuanping, YAN Bing
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (8): 1080-1097.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0104-1
Abstract78)   HTML13)    PDF(pc) (2306KB)(285)       Save

The Three-River Source Region (TRSR) in China holds a vital position and exhibits an irreplaceable strategic importance in ecological preservation at the national level. On the basis of an in-depth study of the vegetation evolution in the TRSR from 2000 to 2022, we conducted a detailed analysis of the feedback mechanism of vegetation growth to climate change and human activity for different vegetation types. During the growing season, the spatiotemporal variations of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for different vegetation types in the TRSR were analyzed using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-NDVI data and meteorological data from 2000 to 2022. In addition, the response characteristics of vegetation to temperature, precipitation, and human activity were assessed using trend analysis, partial correlation analysis, and residual analysis. Results indicated that, after in-depth research, from 2000 to 2022, the TRSR's average NDVI during the growing season was 0.3482. The preliminary ranking of the average NDVI for different vegetation types was as follows: shrubland (0.5762)>forest (0.5443)>meadow (0.4219)>highland vegetation (0.2223)>steppe (0.2159). The NDVI during the growing season exhibited a fluctuating growth trend, with an average growth rate of 0.0018/10a (P<0.01). Notably, forests displayed a significant development trend throughout the growing season, possessing the fastest rate of change in NDVI (0.0028/10a). Moreover, the upward trends in NDVI for forests and steppes exhibited extensive spatial distributions, with significant increases accounting for 95.23% and 93.80%, respectively. The sensitivity to precipitation was significantly enhanced in other vegetation types other than highland vegetation. By contrast, steppes, meadows, and highland vegetation demonstrated relatively high vulnerability to temperature fluctuations. A further detailed analysis revealed that climate change had a significant positive impact on the TRSR from 2000 to 2022, particularly in its northwestern areas, accounting for 85.05% of the total area. Meanwhile, human activity played a notable positive role in the southwestern and southeastern areas of the TRSR, covering 62.65% of the total area. Therefore, climate change had a significantly higher impact on NDVI during the growing season in the TRSR than human activity.

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Temporal and spatial variation and prediction of water yield and water conservation in the Bosten Lake Basin based on the PLUS-InVEST model
CHEN Jiazhen, KASIMU Alimujiang, REHEMAN Rukeya, WEI Bohao, HAN Fuqiang, ZHANG Yan
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (6): 852-875.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0101-4
Abstract88)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (5236KB)(279)       Save

To comprehensively evaluate the alterations in water ecosystem service functions within arid watersheds, this study focused on the Bosten Lake Basin, which is situated in the arid region of Northwest China. The research was based on land use/land cover (LULC), natural, socioeconomic, and accessibility data, utilizing the Patch-level Land Use Simulation (PLUS) and Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) models to dynamically assess LULC change and associated variations in water yield and water conservation. The analyses included the evaluation of contribution indices of various land use types and the investigation of driving factors that influence water yield and water conservation. The results showed that the change of LULC in the Bosten Lake Basin from 2000 to 2020 showed a trend of increasing in cultivated land and construction land, and decreasing in grassland, forest, and unused land. The unused land of all the three predicted scenarios of 2030 (S1, a natural development scenario; S2, an ecological protection scenario; and S3, a cultivated land protection scenario) showed a decreasing trend. The scenarios S1 and S3 showed a trend of decreasing in grassland and increasing in cultivated land; while the scenario S2 showed a trend of decreasing in cultivated land and increasing in grassland. The water yield of the Bosten Lake Basin exhibited an initial decline followed by a slight increase from 2000 to 2020. The areas with higher water yield values were primarily located in the northern section of the basin, which is characterized by higher altitude. Water conservation demonstrated a pattern of initial decrease followed by stabilization, with the northeastern region demonstrating higher water conservation values. In the projected LULC scenarios of 2030, the estimated water yield under scenarios S1 and S3 was marginally greater than that under scenario S2; while the level of water conservation across all three scenarios remained rather consistent. The results showed that Hejing County is an important water conservation function zone, and the eastern part of the Xiaoyouledusi Basin is particularly important and should be protected. The findings of this study offer a scientific foundation for advancing sustainable development in arid watersheds and facilitating efficient water resource management.

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Influence of varied drought types on soil conservation service within the framework of climate change: insights from the Jinghe River Basin, China
BAI Jizhou, LI Jing, RAN Hui, ZHOU Zixiang, DANG Hui, ZHANG Cheng, YU Yuyang
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (2): 220-245.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0070-7
Abstract54)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (3403KB)(279)       Save

Severe soil erosion and drought are the two main factors affecting the ecological security of the Loess Plateau, China. Investigating the influence of drought on soil conservation service is of great importance to regional environmental protection and sustainable development. However, there is little research on the coupling relationship between them. In this study, focusing on the Jinghe River Basin, China as a case study, we conducted a quantitative evaluation on meteorological, hydrological, and agricultural droughts (represented by the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Standardized Runoff Index (SRI), and Standardized Soil Moisture Index (SSMI), respectively) using the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model, and quantified the soil conservation service using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) in the historical period (2000-2019) and future period (2026-2060) under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). We further examined the influence of the three types of drought on soil conservation service at annual and seasonal scales. The NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP) dataset was used to predict and model the hydrometeorological elements in the future period under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. The results showed that in the historical period, annual-scale meteorological drought exhibited the highest intensity, while seasonal-scale drought was generally weakest in autumn and most severe in summer. Drought intensity of all three types of drought will increase over the next 40 years, with a greater increase under the RCP4.5 scenario than under the RCP8.5 scenario. Furthermore, the intra-annual variation in the drought intensity of the three types of drought becomes smaller under the two future scenarios relative to the historical period (2000-2019). Soil conservation service exhibits a distribution pattern characterized by high levels in the southwest and southeast and lower levels in the north, and this pattern has remained consistent both in the historical and future periods. Over the past 20 years, the intra-annual variation indicated peak soil conservation service in summer and lowest level in winter; the total soil conservation of the Jinghe River Basin displayed an upward trend, with the total soil conservation in 2019 being 1.14 times higher than that in 2000. The most substantial impact on soil conservation service arises from annual-scale meteorological drought, which remains consistent both in the historical and future periods. Additionally, at the seasonal scale, meteorological drought exerts the highest influence on soil conservation service in winter and autumn, particularly under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. Compared to the historical period, the soil conservation service in the Jinghe River Basin will be significantly more affected by drought in the future period in terms of both the affected area and the magnitude of impact. This study conducted beneficial attempts to evaluate and predict the dynamic characteristics of watershed drought and soil conservation service, as well as the response of soil conservation service to different types of drought. Clarifying the interrelationship between the two is the foundation for achieving sustainable development in a relatively arid and severely eroded area such as the Jinghe River Basin.

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Effects of land-use patterns on soil microbial diversity and composition in the Loess Plateau, China
ZHANG Jian, GUO Xiaoqun, SHAN Yujie, LU Xin, CAO Jianjun
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (3): 415-430.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0007-1
Abstract77)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (2564KB)(270)       Save

In the Loess Plateau of China, land-use pattern is a major factor in controlling underlying biological processes. Additionally, the process of land-use pattern was accompanied by abandoned lands, potentially impacting soil microbe. However, limited researches were conducted to study the impacts of land-use patterns on the diversity and community of soil microorganisms in this area. The study aimed to investigate soil microbial community diversity and composition using high-throughput deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequencing under different land-use patterns (apricot tree land, apple tree land, peach tree land, corn land, and abandoned land). The results showed a substantial difference (P<0.050) in bacterial alpha-diversity and beta-diversity between abandoned land and other land-use patterns, with the exception of Shannon index. While fungal beta-diversity was not considerably impacted by land-use patterns, fungal alpha-diversity indices varied significantly. The relative abundance of Actinobacteriota (34.90%), Proteobacteria (20.65%), and Ascomycota (77.42%) varied in soils with different land-use patterns. Soil pH exerted a dominant impact on the soil bacterial communities' composition, whereas soil available phosphorus was the main factor shaping the soil fungal communities' composition. These findings suggest that variations in land-use pattern had resulted in changes to soil properties, subsequently impacting diversity and structure of microbial community in the Loess Plateau. Given the strong interdependence between soil and its microbiota, it is imperative to reclaim abandoned lands to maintain soil fertility and sustain its function, which will have significant ecological service implications, particularly with regards to soil conservation in ecologically vulnerable areas.

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Grassland-type ecosystem stability in China differs under the influence of drought and wet events
CAO Wenyu, BAI Jianjun, YU Leshan
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (5): 615-631.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0098-8
Abstract95)   HTML2)    PDF(pc) (1811KB)(242)       Save

Ecological stability is a core issue in ecological research and holds significant implications for humanity. The increased frequency and intensity of drought and wet climate events resulting from climate change pose a major threat to global ecological stability. Variations in stability among different ecosystems have been confirmed, but it remains unclear whether there are differences in stability within the same terrestrial vegetation ecosystem under the influence of climate events in different directions and intensities. China's grassland ecosystem includes most grassland types and is a good choice for studying this issue. This study used the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index-12 (SPEI-12) to identify the directions and intensities of different types of climate events, and based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), calculated the resistance and resilience of different grassland types for 30 consecutive years from 1990 to 2019 (resistance and resilience are important indicators to measure stability). Based on a traditional regression model, standardized methods were integrated to analyze the impacts of the intensity and duration of drought and wet events on vegetation stability. The results showed that meadow steppe exhibited the highest stability, while alpine steppe and desert steppe had the lowest overall stability. The stability of typical steppe, alpine meadow, temperate meadow was at an intermediate level. Regarding the impact of the duration and intensity of climate events on vegetation ecosystem stability for the same grassland type, the resilience of desert steppe during drought was mainly affected by the duration. In contrast, the impact of intensity was not significant. However, alpine steppe was mainly affected by intensity in wet environments, and duration had no significant impact. Our conclusions can provide decision support for the future grassland ecosystem governance.

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Influence of vapor pressure deficit on vegetation growth in China
LI Chuanhua, ZHANG Liang, WANG Hongjie, PENG Lixiao, YIN Peng, MIAO Peidong
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (6): 779-797.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0077-0
Abstract72)   HTML19)    PDF(pc) (4401KB)(231)       Save

Vapor pressure deficit (VPD) plays a crucial role in determining plant physiological functions and exerts a substantial influence on vegetation, second only to carbon dioxide (CO2). As a robust indicator of atmospheric water demand, VPD has implications for global water resources, and its significance extends to the structure and functioning of ecosystems. However, the influence of VPD on vegetation growth under climate change remains unclear in China. This study employed empirical equations to estimate the VPD in China from 2000 to 2020 based on meteorological reanalysis data of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) Time-Series version 4.06 (TS4.06) and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis 5 (ERA-5). Vegetation growth status was characterized using three vegetation indices, namely gross primary productivity (GPP), leaf area index (LAI), and near-infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRv). The spatiotemporal dynamics of VPD and vegetation indices were analyzed using the Theil-Sen median trend analysis and Mann-Kendall test. Furthermore, the influence of VPD on vegetation growth and its relative contribution were assessed using a multiple linear regression model. The results indicated an overall negative correlation between VPD and vegetation indices. Three VPD intervals for the correlations between VPD and vegetation indices were identified: a significant positive correlation at VPD below 4.820 hPa, a significant negative correlation at VPD within 4.820-9.000 hPa, and a notable weakening of negative correlation at VPD above 9.000 hPa. VPD exhibited a pronounced negative impact on vegetation growth, surpassing those of temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation in absolute magnitude. CO2 contributed most positively to vegetation growth, with VPD offsetting approximately 30.00% of the positive effect of CO2. As the rise of VPD decelerated, its relative contribution to vegetation growth diminished. Additionally, the intensification of spatial variations in temperature and precipitation accentuated the spatial heterogeneity in the impact of VPD on vegetation growth in China. This research provides a theoretical foundation for addressing climate change in China, especially regarding the challenges posed by increasing VPD.

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Impact of climate change and human activities on the spatiotemporal dynamics of surface water area in Gansu Province, China
LU Haitian, ZHAO Ruifeng, ZHAO Liu, LIU Jiaxin, LYU Binyang, YANG Xinyue
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (6): 798-815.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0078-z
Abstract177)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (4664KB)(228)       Save

Understanding the dynamics of surface water area and their drivers is crucial for human survival and ecosystem stability in inland arid and semi-arid areas. This study took Gansu Province, China, a typical area with complex terrain and variable climate, as the research subject. Based on Google Earth Engine, we used Landsat data and the Open-surface Water Detection Method with Enhanced Impurity Control method to monitor the spatiotemporal dynamics of surface water area in Gansu Province from 1985 to 2022, and quantitatively analyzed the main causes of regional differences in surface water area. The findings revealed that surface water area in Gansu Province expanded by 406.88 km2 from 1985 to 2022. Seasonal surface water area exhibited significant fluctuations, while permanent surface water area showed a steady increase. Notably, terrestrial water storage exhibited a trend of first decreasing and then increasing, correlated with the dynamics of surface water area. Climate change and human activities jointly affected surface hydrological processes, with the impact of climate change being slightly higher than that of human activities. Spatially, climate change affected the 'source' of surface water to a greater extent, while human activities tended to affect the 'destination' of surface water. Challenges of surface water resources faced by inland arid and semi-arid areas like Gansu Province are multifaceted. Therefore, we summarized the surface hydrology patterns typical in inland arid and semi-arid areas and tailored surface water 'supply-demand' balance strategies. The study not only sheds light on the dynamics of surface water area in Gansu Province, but also offers valuable insights for ecological protection and surface water resource management in inland arid and semi-arid areas facing water scarcity.

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Grain size and surface micro-texture characteristics and their paleoenvironmental significance of Holocene sediment in southern margin of the Gurbantunggut Desert, China
MA Yunqiang, LI Zhizhong, TAN Dianjia, ZOU Xiaojun, TAO Tonglian
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (5): 632-653.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0015-1
Abstract58)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (3824KB)(223)       Save

The southern margin of the Gurbantunggut Desert, China, is characterized by alternating layers of aeolian and alluvial deposits. Investigating the characteristics of arenaceous sediment in this area is of significant importance for understanding the interactive processes of wind and water forces, as well as the provenance of sediment. However, there are relatively few investigations on the characteristics of such sediment at present. In this study, we researched three aeolian-alluvial interactive stratigraphic profiles and different types of surface sediment on the desert-oasis transitional zone of southern margin of the Gurbantunggut Desert. Based on the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of aeolian sand and analyses of quartz sand grain size and surface micro-texture, we explored the aeolian-alluvial environmental change at southern margin of the desert in Holocene, as well as the provenance of sediment. The results indicated that the grain size characteristics of different types of sediment in the stratigraphic profiles were similar to those of modern dune sand, interdune sand, muddy desert surface soil, and riverbed sand. Their frequency curves were unimodal or bimodal, and cumulative probability curves were two-segment or three-segment, mainly composed of suspension load and saltation load. The quartz sand in the sediment at southern margin of the desert had undergone alternating transformation of various exogenic forces, with short transportation distance and time, and sedimentary environment was relatively humid. In Holocene, southern margin of the desert primarily featured braided river deposits, and during intermittent period of river activity, there were also aeolian deposits such as sand sheet deposits, stabilized dune deposits, and mobile dune deposits. The provenance for Holocene alluvial deposits at southern margin of the desert remains relatively constant, with the debris of the Tianshan Mountains being the primary provenance. Aeolian sand is mainly near-source recharge, which is formed by in situ deposition of fluvial or lacustrine materials in southern margin of the desert transported by wind erosion, and its provenance was still the weathered debris of the Tianshan Mountains. In addition, the sand in interior of the desert may be transported by northwest wind in desert-scale, thus affecting the development of dunes in southern margin of the desert. The results of this study provide a reference for understanding the composition and provenance changes of desert sand in the context of global climate change.

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Near-surface wind field characteristics of the desert-oasis transition zone in Dunhuang, China
PAN Jiapeng, ZHANG Kecun, AN Zhishan, ZHANG Yu
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (5): 654-667.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0056-5
Abstract70)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (1104KB)(221)       Save

The desert-oasis transition zone (DOTZ) serves as a buffer area between the desert and oasis. Understanding its wind field characteristics is of great significance for the prevention and control of aeolian disasters in the oasis. In this study, we used meteorological data during 2013-2019 from the portable meteorological stations at five sites (site A on the edge of the oasis, sites B, C, and D in the DOTZ, and site O in the desert) in Dunhuang, China to analyze the near-surface wind field characteristics and their causes, as well as to reveal the key role of the DOTZ in oasis protection. The results showed that the mean wind speed, frequency of sand-driving wind, and directional variability of wind decreased from west to east within the DOTZ, and wind speed was significantly affected by air temperature. The terrain influenced the prevailing winds in the region, mainly from northeast and southwest. Only some areas adjacent to the oasis were controlled by southeasterly wind. This indicated that the near-surface wind field characteristics of the DOTZ were caused by the combined effects of local terrain and surface hydrothermal difference. At site D, the annual drift potential (DP) was 24.95 vector units (VU), indicating a low wind energy environment, and the resultant drift direction (RDD) showed obvious seasonal differences. Additionally, the DOTZ played an important buffering role between the desert and oasis. Compared with the desert, the mean wind speed in the oasis decreased by 64.98%, and the prevailing wind direction was more concentrated. The results of this study will be useful in interpreting the aeolian activity of the DOTZ in Dunhuang.

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Spatiotemporal characteristics of seed rain and soil seed bank of artificial Caragana korshinskii Kom. forest in the Tengger Desert, China
SHEN Jianxiang, WANG Xin, WANG Lei, WANG Jiahui, QU Wenjie, ZHANG Xue, CHANG Xuanxuan, YANG Xinguo, CHEN Lin, QIN Weichun, ZHANG Bo, NIU Jinshuai
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (4): 550-566.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0096-x
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Vegetation restoration and reconstruction are effective approaches to desertification control and achieving social and economic sustainability in desert areas. However, the self-succession ability of native plants during the later periods of vegetation restoration remains unclear. Therefore, this study was conducted to bridge the knowledge gap by investigating the regeneration dynamics of artificial forest under natural conditions. The information of seed rain and soil seed bank was collected and quantified from an artificial Caragana korshinskii Kom. forest in the Tengger Desert, China. The germination tests were conducted in a laboratory setting. The analysis of species quantity and diversity in seed rain and soil seed bank was conducted to assess the impact of different durations of sand fixation (60, 40, and 20 a) on the progress of vegetation restoration and ecological conditions in artificial C. korshinskii forest. The results showed that the top three dominant plant species in seed rain were Echinops gmelinii Turcz., Eragrostis minor Host., and Agropyron mongolicum Keng., and the top three dominant plant species in soil seed bank were E. minor, Chloris virgata Sw., and E. gmelinii. As restoration period increased, the density of seed rain and soil seed bank increased first and then decreased. While for species richness, as restoration period increased, it gradually increased in seed rain but decreased in soil seed bank. There was a positive correlation between seed rain density and soil seed bank density among all the three restoration periods. The species similarity between seed rain or soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation decreased with the extension of restoration period. The shape of the seeds, specifically those with external appendages such as spines and crown hair, clearly had an effect on their dispersal, then resulting in lower seed density in soil seed bank. In addition, precipitation was a crucial factor in promoting rapid germination, also resulting in lower seed density in soil seed bank. Our findings provide valuable insights for guiding future interventions during the later periods of artificial C. korshinskii forest, such as sowing and restoration efforts using unmanned aerial vehicles.

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A CMIP6-based assessment of regional climate change in the Chinese Tianshan Mountains
LIU Xinyu, LI Xuemei, ZHANG Zhengrong, ZHAO Kaixin, LI Lanhai
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (2): 195-219.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0053-8
Abstract51)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (4854KB)(201)       Save

Climate warming profoundly affects hydrological changes, agricultural production, and human society. Arid and semi-arid areas of China are currently displaying a marked trend of warming and wetting. The Chinese Tianshan Mountains (CTM) have a high climate sensitivity, rendering the region particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate warming. In this study, we used monthly average temperature and monthly precipitation data from the CN05.1 gridded dataset (1961-2014) and 24 global climate models (GCMs) of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) to assess the applicability of the CMIP6 GCMs in the CTM at the regional scale. Based on this, we conducted a systematic review of the interannual trends, dry-wet transitions (based on the standardized precipitation index (SPI)), and spatial distribution patterns of climate change in the CTM during 1961-2014. We further projected future temperature and precipitation changes over three terms (near-term (2021-2040), mid-term (2041-2060), and long-term (2081-2100)) relative to the historical period (1961-2014) under four shared socio-economic pathway (SSP) scenarios (i.e., SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5). It was found that the CTM had experienced significant warming and wetting from 1961 to 2014, and will also experience warming in the future (2021-2100). Substantial warming in 1997 was captured by both the CN05.1 derived from interpolating meteorological station data and the multi-model ensemble (MME) from the CMIP6 GCMs. The MME simulation results indicated an apparent wetting in 2008, which occurred later than the wetting observed from the CN05.1 in 1989. The GCMs generally underestimated spring temperature and overestimated both winter temperature and spring precipitation in the CTM. Warming and wetting are more rapid in the northern part of the CTM. By the end of the 21st century, all the four SSP scenarios project warmer and wetter conditions in the CTM with multiple dry-wet transitions. However, the rise in precipitation fails to counterbalance the drought induced by escalating temperature in the future, so the nature of the drought in the CTM will not change at all. Additionally, the projected summer precipitation shows negative correlation with the radiative forcing. This study holds practical implications for the awareness of climate change and subsequent research in the CTM.

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Assessment of rehabilitation strategies for lakes affected by anthropogenic and climatic changes: A case study of the Urmia Lake, Iran
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (6): 752-767.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0019-x
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Over the last three decades, more than half of the world's large lakes and wetlands have experienced significant shrinkage, primarily due to climate change and extensive water consumption for agriculture and other human needs. The desiccation of lakes leads to severe environmental, economic, and social repercussions. Urmia Lake, located in northwestern Iran and representing a vital natural ecosystem, has experienced a volume reduction of over 90.0%. Our research evaluated diverse water management strategies within the Urmia Lake basin and prospects of inter-basin water transfers. This study focused on strategies to safeguard the environmental water rights of the Urmia Lake by utilizing the modeling and simulating (MODSIM) model. The model simulated changes in the lake's water volume under various scenarios. These included diverting water from incoming rivers, cutting agricultural water use by 40.0%, releasing dam water in non-agricultural seasons, treated wastewater utilization, and inter-basin transfers. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was utilized to analyze the simulation results. Expert opinions with AHP analysis, acted as a multi-criteria decision-making tool to evaluate the simulation and determine the optimal water supply source priority for the Urmia Lake. Our findings underscore the critical importance of reducing agricultural water consumption as the foremost step in preserving the lake. Following this, inter-basin water transfers are suggested, with a detailed consideration of the inherent challenges and limitations faced by the source watersheds. It is imperative to conduct assessments on the impacts of these transfers on the downstream users and the potential environmental risks, advocating for a diplomatic and cooperative approach with adjacent country. This study also aims to forecast the volumes of water that can be transferred under different climatic conditions—drought, normal, and wet years—to inform strategic water management planning for the Urmia Lake. According to our projection, implementing the strategic scenarios outlined could significantly augment the lake's level and volume, potentially by 3.57×109-9.38×109 m3 over the coming 10 a and 3.57×109-10.70×109 m3 in the subsequent 15 a.

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Effect of coir geotextile and geocell on ephemeral gully erosion in the Mollisol region of Northeast China
QIN Xijin, SUN Yiqiu, ZHANG Yan, GUAN Yinghui, WU Hailong, WANG Xinyu, WANG Guangyu
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (4): 518-530.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0012-4
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The unique geomorphological features and farming methods in the Mollisol region of Northeast China increase water catchment flow and aggravate the erosion of ephemeral gully (EG). Vegetation suffers from rain erosion and damage during the growth stage, which brings serious problems to the restoration of grass in the early stage. Therefore, effects of coir geotextile and geocell on EG erosion under four confluence intensities were researched in this study. Results of the simulated water discharge erosion test showed that when the confluence strength was less than 30 L/min, geocell and coir geotextile had a good effect on controlling EG erosion, and sediment yield of geocell and coir geotextile was reduced by 25.95%-37.82% and 73.73%-88.96%, respectively. However, when confluence intensity increased to 40 L/min, protective effect of coir geotextile decreased, and sediment yield rate increased sharply by 189.03%. When confluence intensity increased to 50 L/min, the protective effect of coir geotextile was lost. On the other hand, geocell showed that the greater the flow rate, the better the protective effect. In addition, with the increase in confluence intensity, erosion pattern of coir geotextile developed from sheet erosion to intermittent fall and then to completion of main rill, and the protective effect was gradually weakened. In contrast, the protective effect of EG under geocell was gradually enhanced from the continuous rill to the intermittent rill and finally to the intermittent fall. This study shows that coir geotextile and geocell can prevent EG erosion, and the effect of geocell is better than that of coir geotextile on the surface of EG.

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Glacier area change and its impact on runoff in the Manas River Basin, Northwest China from 2000 to 2020
WANG Tongxia, CHEN Fulong, LONG Aihua, ZHANG Zhengyong, HE Chaofei, LYU Tingbo, LIU Bo, HUANG Yanhao
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (7): 877-894.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0080-5
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Understanding the distribution and dynamics of glaciers is of great significance to the management and allocation of regional water resources and socio-economic development in arid regions of Northwest China. In this study, based on 36 Landsat images, we extracted the glacier boundaries in the Manas River Basin, Northwest China from 2000 to 2020 using eCognition combined with band operation, GIS (geographic information system) spatial overlay techniques, and manual visual interpretation. We further analyzed the distribution and variation characteristics of glacier area, and simulated glacial runoff using a distributed degree-day model to explore the regulation of runoff recharge. The results showed that glacier area in the Manas River Basin as a whole showed a downward trend over the past 21 a, with a decrease of 10.86% and an average change rate of -0.54%/a. With the increase in glacier scale, the number of smaller glaciers decreased exponentially, and the number and area of larger glaciers were relatively stable. Glacier area showed a normal distribution trend of increasing first and then decreasing with elevation. About 97.92% of glaciers were distributed at 3700-4800 m, and 48.11% of glaciers were observed on the northern and northeastern slopes. The retreat rate of glaciers was the fastest (68.82%) at elevations below 3800 m. There was a clear rise in elevation at the end of glaciers. Glaciers at different slope directions showed a rapid melting trend from the western slope to the southern slope then to the northern slope. Glacial runoff in the basin showed a fluctuating upward trend in the past 21 a, with an increase rate of 0.03×108 m3/a. The average annual glacial runoff was 4.80×108 m3, of which 33.31% was distributed in the ablation season (June-September). The average annual contribution rate of glacial meltwater to river runoff was 35.40%, and glacial runoff accounted for 45.37% of the total runoff during the ablation season. In addition, precipitation and glacial runoff had complementary regulation patterns for river runoff. The findings can provide a scientific basis for water resource management in the Manas River Basin and other similar arid inland river basins.

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Spatiotemporal variations of ecosystem services and driving factors in the Tianchi Bogda Peak Natural Reserve of Xinjiang, China
ZHU Haiqiang, WANG Jinlong, TANG Junhu, DING Zhaolong, GONG Lu
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (6): 816-833.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0058-3
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Nature reserves play a significant role in providing ecosystem services and are key sites for biodiversity conservation. The Tianchi Bogda Peak Natural Reserve (TBPNR), located in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, is an important ecological barrier area in the temperate arid zone. The evaluation of its important ecosystem services is of great significance to improve the management level and ecological protection efficiency of the reserve. In the present study, we assessed the spatiotemporal variations of four ecosystem services (including net primary productivity (NPP), water yield, soil conservation, and habitat quality) in the TBPNR from 2000 to 2020 based on the environmental and social data using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs (InVEST) model. In addition, the coldspot and hotspot areas of ecosystem services were identified by hotspot analysis, and the trade-off and synergistic relationships between ecosystem services were analyzed using factor analysis in a geographic detector. During the study period, NPP and soil conservation values in the reserve increased by 48.20% and 25.56%, respectively; conversely, water yield decreased by 16.56%, and there was no significant change in habitat quality. Spatially, both NPP and habitat quality values were higher in the northern part and lower in the southern part, whereas water yield showed an opposite trend. Correlation analysis revealed that NPP showed a synergistic relationship with habitat quality and soil conservation, and exhibited a trade-off relationship with water yield. Water yield and habitat quality also had a trade-off relationship. NPP and habitat quality were affected by annual average temperature and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), respectively, while water yield and soil conservation were more affected by digital elevation model (DEM). Therefore, attention should be paid to the spatial distribution and dynamics of trade-off and synergistic relationships between ecosystem services in future ecological management. The findings of the present study provide a reference that could facilitate the sustainable utilization of ecosystem services in the typical fragile areas of Northwest China.

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Three-dimensional (3D) parametric measurements of individual gravels in the Gobi region using point cloud technique
JING Xiangyu, HUANG Weiyi, KAN Jiangming
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (4): 500-517.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0073-4
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Gobi spans a large area of China, surpassing the combined expanse of mobile dunes and semi-fixed dunes. Its presence significantly influences the movement of sand and dust. However, the complex origins and diverse materials constituting the Gobi result in notable differences in saltation processes across various Gobi surfaces. It is challenging to describe these processes according to a uniform morphology. Therefore, it becomes imperative to articulate surface characteristics through parameters such as the three-dimensional (3D) size and shape of gravel. Collecting morphology information for Gobi gravels is essential for studying its genesis and sand saltation. To enhance the efficiency and information yield of gravel parameter measurements, this study conducted field experiments in the Gobi region across Dunhuang City, Guazhou County, and Yumen City (administrated by Jiuquan City), Gansu Province, China in March 2023. A research framework and methodology for measuring 3D parameters of gravel using point cloud were developed, alongside improved calculation formulas for 3D parameters including gravel grain size, volume, flatness, roundness, sphericity, and equivalent grain size. Leveraging multi-view geometry technology for 3D reconstruction allowed for establishing an optimal data acquisition scheme characterized by high point cloud reconstruction efficiency and clear quality. Additionally, the proposed methodology incorporated point cloud clustering, segmentation, and filtering techniques to isolate individual gravel point clouds. Advanced point cloud algorithms, including the Oriented Bounding Box (OBB), point cloud slicing method, and point cloud triangulation, were then deployed to calculate the 3D parameters of individual gravels. These systematic processes allow precise and detailed characterization of individual gravels. For gravel grain size and volume, the correlation coefficients between point cloud and manual measurements all exceeded 0.9000, confirming the feasibility of the proposed methodology for measuring 3D parameters of individual gravels. The proposed workflow yields accurate calculations of relevant parameters for Gobi gravels, providing essential data support for subsequent studies on Gobi environments.

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Predicting potential invasion risks of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit in the arid area of Saudi Arabia
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (7): 983-999.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0020-4
Abstract44)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (2153KB)(151)       Save

The presence of invasive plant species poses a substantial ecological impact, thus comprehensive evaluation of their potential range and risk under the influence of climate change is necessary. This study uses maximum entropy (MaxEnt) modeling to forecast the likelihood of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit invasion in Saudi Arabia under present and future climate change scenarios. Utilizing the MaxEnt modeling, we integrated climatic and soil data to predict habitat suitability for the invasive species. We conducted a detailed analysis of the distribution patterns of the species, using climate variables and ecological factors. We focused on the important influence of temperature seasonality, temperature annual range, and precipitation seasonality. The distribution modeling used robust measures of area under the curve (AUC) and receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curves, to map the invasion extent, which has a high level of accuracy in identifying appropriate habitats. The complex interaction that influenced the invasion of L. leucocephala was highlighted by the environmental parameters using Jackknife test. Presently, the actual geographic area where L. leucocephala was found in Saudi Arabia was considerably smaller than the theoretical maximum range, suggesting that it had the capacity to expand further. The MaxEnt model exhibited excellent prediction accuracy and produced reliable results based on the data from the ROC curve. Precipitation and temperature were the primary factors influencing the potential distribution of L. leucocephala. Currently, an estimated area of 216,342 km2 in Saudi Arabia was at a high probability of invasion by L. leucocephala. We investigated the potential for increased invasion hazards in the future due to climate change scenarios (Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) 245 and 585). The analysis of key climatic variables, including temperature seasonality and annual range, along with soil properties such as clay composition and nitrogen content, unveiled their substantial influence on the distribution dynamic of L. leucocephala. Our findings indicated a significant expansion of high risk zones. High-risk zones for L. leucocephala invasion in the current climate conditions had notable expansions projected under future climate scenarios, particularly evident in southern Makkah, Al Bahah, Madina, and Asir areas. The results, backed by thorough spatial studies, emphasize the need to reduce the possible ecological impacts of climate change on the spread of L. leucocephala. Moreover, the study provides valuable strategic insights for the management of invasion, highlighting the intricate relationship between climate change, habitat appropriateness, and the risks associated with invasive species. Proactive techniques are suggested to avoid and manage the spread of L. leucocephala, considering its high potential for future spread. This study enhances the overall comprehension of the dynamics of invasive species by combining modeling techniques with ecological knowledge. It also provides valuable information for decision-making to implement efficient conservation and management strategies in response to changing environmental conditions.

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Effects of wind speed, underlying surface, and seed morphological traits on the secondary seed dispersal in the Tengger Desert, China
QU Wenjie, ZHAO Wenzhi, YANG Xinguo, WANG Lei, ZHANG Xue, QU Jianjun
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (4): 531-549.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0057-4
Abstract76)   HTML2)    PDF(pc) (1574KB)(147)       Save

The maintenance of sand-fixing vegetation is important for the stability of artificial sand-fixing systems in which seed dispersal plays a key role. Based on field wind tunnel experiments using 11 common plant species on the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert, China, we studied the secondary seed dispersal in the fixed and semi-fixed sand dunes as well as in the mobile dunes in order to understand the limitations of vegetation regeneration and the maintenance of its stability. Our results indicated that there were significant variations among the selected 11 plant species in the threshold of wind speed (TWS). The TWS of Caragana korshinskii was the highest among the 11 plant species, whereas that of Echinops gmelinii was the lowest. Seed morphological traits and underlying surface could generally explain the TWS. During the secondary seed dispersal processes, the proportions of seeds that did not disperse (no dispersal) and only dispersed over short distance (short-distance dispersal within the wind tunnel test section) were significantly higher than those of seeds that were buried (including lost seeds) and dispersed over long distance (long-distance dispersal beyond the wind tunnel test section). Compared with other habitats, the mobile dunes were the most difficult places for secondary seed dispersal. Buried seeds were the easiest to be found in the semi-fixed sand dunes, whereas fixed sand dunes were the best sites for seeds that dispersed over long distance. The results of linear mixed models showed that after controlling the dispersal distance, smaller and rounder seeds dispersed farther. Shape index and wind speed were the two significant influencing factors on the burial of seeds. The explanatory power of wind speed, underlying surface, and seed morphological traits on the seeds that did not disperse and dispersed over short distance was far greater than that on the seeds that were buried and dispersed over long distance, implying that the processes and mechanisms of burial and long-distance dispersal are more complex. In summary, most seeds in the study area either did not move, were buried, or dispersed over short distance, promoting local vegetation regeneration.

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Urban growth scenario projection using heuristic cellular automata in arid areas considering the drought impact
TANG Xiaoyan, FENG Yongjiu, LEI Zhenkun, CHEN Shurui, WANG Jiafeng, WANG Rong, TANG Panli, WANG Mian, JIN Yanmin, TONG Xiaohua
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (4): 580-601.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0097-9
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Arid areas with low precipitation and sparse vegetation typically yield compact urban pattern, and drought directly impacts urban site selection, growth processes, and future scenarios. Spatial simulation and projection based on cellular automata (CA) models is important to achieve sustainable urban development in arid areas. We developed a new CA model using bat algorithm (BA) named bat algorithm-probability-of-occurrence-cellular automata (BA-POO-CA) model by considering drought constraint to accurately delineate urban growth patterns and project future scenarios of Urumqi City and its surrounding areas, located in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. We calibrated the BA-POO-CA model for the drought-prone study area with 2000 and 2010 data and validated the model with 2010 and 2020 data, and finally projected its urban scenarios in 2030. The results showed that BA-POO-CA model yielded overall accuracy of 97.70% and figure-of-merits (FOMs) of 35.50% in 2010, and 97.70% and 26.70% in 2020, respectively. The inclusion of drought intensity factor improved the performance of BA-POO-CA model in terms of FOMs, with increases of 5.50% in 2010 and 7.90% in 2020 than the model excluding drought intensity factor. This suggested that the urban growth of Urumqi City was affected by drought, and therefore taking drought intensity factor into account would contribute to simulation accuracy. The BA-POO-CA model including drought intensity factor was used to project two possible scenarios (i.e., business-as-usual (BAU) scenario and ecological scenario) in 2030. In the BAU scenario, the urban growth dominated mainly in urban fringe areas, especially in the northern part of Toutunhe District, Xinshi District, and Midong District. Using exceptional and extreme drought areas as a spatial constraint, the urban growth was mainly concentrated in the "main urban areas-Changji-Hutubi" corridor urban pattern in the ecological scenario. The results of this research can help to adjust urban planning and development policies. Our model is readily applicable to simulating urban growth and future scenarios in global arid areas such as Northwest China and Africa.

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Extreme drought with seasonal timing consistently promotes CH4 uptake through inconsistent pathways in a temperate grassland, China
ZHANG Wenwen, PAN Yue, WEN Fuqi, FU Juanjuan, HAO Yanbin, HU Tianming, YANG Peizhi
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (6): 768-778.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0017-z
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Methane (CH4) is a potent greenhouse gas that has a substantial impact on global warming due to its substantial influence on the greenhouse effect. Increasing extreme precipitation events, such as drought, attributable to global warming that caused by greenhouse gases, exert a profound impact on the intricate biological processes associated with CH4 uptake. Notably, the timing of extreme drought occurrence emerges as a pivotal factor influencing CH4 uptake, even when the degree of drought remains constant. However, it is still unclear how the growing season regulates the response of CH4 uptake to extreme drought. In an effort to bridge this knowledge gap, we conducted a field manipulative experiment to evaluate the impact of extreme drought on CH4 uptake during early, middle, and late growing stages in a temperate steppe of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. The result showed that all extreme drought consistently exerted positive effects on CH4 uptake regardless of seasonal timing. However, the magnitude of this effect varied depending on the timing of season, as evidenced by a stronger effect in early growing stage than in middle and late growing stages. Besides, the pathways of CH4 uptake were different from seasonal timing. Extreme drought affected soil physical-chemical properties and aboveground biomass (AGB), consequently leading to changes in CH4 uptake. The structural equation model showed that drought both in the early and middle growing stages enhanced CH4 uptake due to reduced soil water content (SWC), leading to a decrease in NO3--N and an increase in pmoA abundance. However, drought in late growing stage primarily enhanced CH4 uptake only by decreasing SWC. Our results suggested that seasonal timing significantly contributed to regulate the impacts of extreme drought pathways and magnitudes on CH4 uptake. The findings can provide substantial implications for understanding how extreme droughts affect CH4 uptake and improve the prediction of potential ecological consequence under future climate change.

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Host plant traits play a crucial role in shaping the composition of epiphytic microbiota in the arid desert, Northwest China
Journal of Arid Land    2024, 16 (5): 699-724.   DOI: 10.1007/s40333-024-0014-2
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Phyllosphere microorganisms are a crucial component of environmental microorganisms, highly influenced by host characteristics, and play a significant role in plant health and productivity. Nonetheless, the impact of host characteristics on shaping phyllosphere microbial communities of plants with different life forms remains ambiguous. Utilizing high-throughput sequencing technology, this study analyzed the diversity and community composition of phyllosphere epiphytic microorganisms (e.g., bacteria and fungi) of various plant life forms in the hinterland of the Gurbantunggut Desert, Northwest China. Functional annotation of prokaryotic taxa (FAPROTAX) and fungi function guild (FUNGuild) were employed to assess the ecological functions of microorganisms and to investigate the role of stochastic and deterministic processes in shaping phyllosphere microbial communities. Result showed a diverse array of phyllosphere epiphytic microorganisms in the desert plants, with Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and Actinobacteriota dominating bacterial community, while Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were prevalent in fungal community. Comparison across different plant life forms highlighted distinct microbial communities, indicating strong filtering effects by plant characteristics. FAPROTAX prediction identified intracellular parasites (accounting for 27.44% of bacterial community abundance), chemoheterotrophy (10.12%), and phototrophy (17.41%) as the main functions of epiphytic bacteria on leaves of different life form plants. FUNGuild prediction indicated that phyllosphere epiphytic fungi primarily served as Saprotrophs (81.77%), Pathotrophs (17.41%), and Symbiotrophs (0.82%). Co-occurrence network analysis demonstrated a predominance of positive correlations among different microbial taxa. Raup-Crick dissimilarity index analysis revealed that deterministic processes predominantly influenced phyllosphere bacterial and fungal community assembly. Variance partitioning analysis and random forest modeling suggested that plant leaf functional traits significantly impacted both bacterial and fungal community composition, with fungal community composition showing a closer association with leaf nutrients and physiology compared with bacterial community composition. The distinct responses of bacterial and fungal communities to plant traits were attributed to the differing properties of bacteria and fungi, such as bacteria having higher potential dispersal rates and broader ecological niches than fungi. Overall, the results indicate that phyllosphere bacterial and fungal communities undergo similar community assembly processes, with fungi being more influenced by plant characteristics than bacteria. These findings offer novel insights into the ecology of phyllosphere microbial communities of desert plants.

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